
Friday, December 26, 2014

12 Days of Christmas...So Enjoy!

On Christmas night as I was walking my dog I was shocked to see someone's Christmas tree already out for trash collection!  Really?  I mean, the Christmas sweet potatoes weren't even cold yet at my place!
Does someone have to "get through" Christmas that fast?
Personally I have always tried to get my tree down on New Year's Day.  We observed that tradition in my childhood home so that's what I'm comfortable with.  Last year it was up until we returned from Mexico on January 9th.
 I actually like reminiscing about Christmas Day; this year's and also ones from years past.  Leaving the decorations up for a while longer helps me in this process of holding-on just a bit longer.
Technically Christmas lasts through Epiphany which is January 6th. I'm sure you've heard of "The Twelve Days of Christmas."  The 12th day is Epiphany which is celebrated as a holiday in many nations around the world.   To read more about Epiphany click here.
Have a wonderful next few days and don't stress if the house isn't back to looking like it normally does just yet.  Consider leaving your tree and decorations up a bit longer this year and if anyone asks just tell them that you are holding on to the tradition of "The Twelve Days of Christmas."  You will be healthier in body, mind, and soul if you just slow down a bit, reminisce and enjoy!

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Saturday, December 20, 2014

How To Avoid The Flu

Merry Christmas (in just 5 days!)

I have been on the phone with several people who aren't feeling so hot this week.  Stress, last minute shopping, family arguments, aging parents, wayward children, unemployed spouses.  Also, let's face it, this time of the year brings up every joyful emotion but it can also remind us of lost opportunities or of sad memories from Christmases gone-by.  And of course the new year is just around the corner so most of us are sizing-up what we've accomplished this past year and what we look forward to in the next. 
With all of this "stuff" going on it's no wonder a lot of people experience less than optimal health.
Here are my top five things you can do to help you avoid getting the flu (or any other ailment).

1) Avoid sugar.  That includes bread and anything white.  Have you ever noticed how "flu season" comes right on the heals of Halloween (candy) and Thanksgiving (pies, potatoes, rolls).  For Christmas there's plenty of cookies and treats being made, bought, and gifted so just take it easy!

2) Eat your greens.  I have always eaten plenty of fresh, raw, dark leafy green veggies and about four years ago I started juicing every morning.  I am now addicted to my healthy green protein drink.  Most mornings my drink includes an handful of organic kale and spinach or dandelion greens, a slice of raw ginger, apple, turmeric, and two scoops of protein powder (I have my favorites), ice and water.  Besides all the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes I'm consuming, eating this many greens every day keeps my body alkalized which helps keep inflammation and thus health problems away!  Experiment and find out what dark green veggies taste the best to you.  I put all of mine in my Vitamix and push the "juice" button.  Less than a minute later it's ready to drink.

3) Drink plenty of filtered water.  If you notice yourself getting run-down it might just be a sign that you are dehydrated.  Carry a glass container full of filtered water and make sure you drink it all day long.  It's easy to forget to do this while you are out running around Christmas shopping or planning for the holiday meal.   Rule of thumb:  drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day.  Example:  a 150 lb. person would aim to drink 75 oz. of water in a day.  (you will need more if it's hot outside, if you're exercising, or if you spend a lot of time in air conditioning)

4) Wash your hands.  I have a nail brush by my bathroom sink and I use it several times a day.  I soap it up and scrub for a minimum of 30 seconds to one minute.  Keeping a good immune system is #1 but some days we may come in contact with really tough germs that we just don't want to stay under our nails.  Also, remember to keep your hands away from your face (eyes, mouths, nose)

5) Exercise.  I know you don't have time but make time.  Schedule your workouts before you accept that Christmas luncheon or run out to buy that last-minute gift.  Exercise will keep you healthier in body, mind, and soul.  Even if you only have 30 minutes to "spare." won't have to go through another January complaining about how much weight you put on over the holidays, or worse yet, how sick you were. 

Okay.  There's lots more to staying healthy but there's my top five physical tips for the Christmas season!  They are easy to incorporate into your life so start today.  Have a joyful, healthy Christmas!

"... I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul."        3 John 1:2

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas Nativity

Rancho Capistrano Lakeside w/ Giant Nativity in the backround

As my daughter Christina and I were driving North, returning from my mother's house in San Clemente two nights ago we let out a sigh of amazement as the beautiful sight above came into view.

 This larger than life nativity scene was first conceived and erected back in the early 1980s, under the vision of my husband, Pastor Robert A. Schuller .   In 2010 Saddleback Church took possession of the gift of Rancho Capistrano and they have done an outstanding job of maintaining and restoring this beautiful "spiritual oasis" (as we always referred to it) Included in their restoration efforts was this giant-sized depiction of the birth of Jesus. 

Pastoring at Rancho Capistrano Community Church created some of the happiest memories of our lives.  To this day the mere sight of "The Ranch" evokes so many warm and comforting thoughts of joy and satisfaction.  I believe that my children will be forever impacted by their life's experiences while attending church and school, and many other events on this beautiful piece of property.  They will be telling their children and their children's children about the wonderful place they enjoyed  seven days a week,  from birth up until their young teenage years.

What we create for the continuing proclamation of the love of Jesus is eternal.  I am not referring to the buildings or the physical place, but rather to the experiences which create the memories that touched so many while they enjoyed these blessed grounds.  The families who worshiped, married, were baptized or eulogized in the church;  the body, mind, spirit health seminars; the Bible studies and support groups; the children's lives who were positively affected by the schools; the endless picnics and "hoe-downs" we hosted;  all of these activities and life's experiences are something that will live-on in the hearts, minds, and spirits of many generations to come.

And that beautiful legacy of faith that my husband envisioned, commissioned, and pastored through the church, the retreat center, and the school on Rancho Capistrano,  still lives on today.  The love of God is still being proclaimed there!

This Christmas season think about the memories that you are creating as part of your family traditions and how they will impact your family for generations to come.  Included in those events or traditions make sure you give the gift of faith, hope, and love.  Pass along the "reason for the season."
And if you live anywhere close to San Juan Capistrano, California make sure you take an evening and drive down Interstate 5.  You will want to share the huge and beautiful nativity scene with your friends and loved ones.

For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.   Psalm 100:5

*Join me for The Call on December 15th at 6pm Pacific time.   Dial 530-881-1300 and key-in 642848#

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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Christmas Trees and Driving Safely

I love this old Christmas painting.  Such great memories from when my children were young.
 "It's the most wonderful time of the year."  (so let's try to keep it that way)

My blog and my website is all about helping people find better health in body, mind, and soul so once I read the sobering statistics about driving and texting I knew I had to share them with you.  This time of the year we can become especially vulnerable to mis-haps as we are more distracted, filled with more anxiety, and much, much busier than normal.  We all want to have a safe and a joy-filled Christmas, filled with good things which include great physical, mental, and spiritual health.  Driving safely is one way we can protect ourselves and protect others.  Pay attention to people while you are behind the wheel:  to the people in your vehicle but also to others on the road.  (Not everyone is paying attention to what they should be so drive defensively)  When you tell the kids, "get in the car, we are going to pick-out the Christmas tree" please be present for that short yet significant time that you are together.  Talk to one another. When enjoying an outing to the tree lot put the phone down for a couple of hours.  Looking back, picking out our Christmas tree when my children were young are some of my favorite memories.  I want you to have those memories too.

 If you drive and text you are threatening your health and the health of those around you.  
 Do you remember how fun driving used to be while singing along to the radio?  I bet that is fast becoming a past-time for most people so maybe we should start a "sing and drive" campaign?  Perhaps this could draw attention to the epidemic that has infected our roadways.
  I realize that most of us use our driving time to return business or personal phone calls;  after all, we're just too busy at home to be bothered by talking on the telephone (I am guilty of this too).  When on the road instead of filling up the moments in between stops try using some of your time listening to an educational recording once in a while.  I am trying to improve on my Spanish so often I will listen to a Spanish CD when I am in my car alone.  Better yet, turn off all noise once in a while and try just relaxing and pondering over the thoughts that are only entertained through relative silence.    We live in such a stress-filled society, it would do some good for all of us to do nothing other than sit behind the wheel and drive.  And just think of how much more alert you will be when someone else runs a red light or blows through a stop-sign because they are texting!  Be vigilant and alert.   And please NO texting-ever!
* As a side note:  most of those traffic/map apps. are just as bad because they aske you to drive and post about what you see on the side of the road.  Find apps. that start and end while you are stopped.
Start singing again...Christmas carols are the best!

I just read the following from an online article relating to an electronic product that would prevent a driver from driving and texting.  I hope the person gets their invention finished and available soon.  After reading the article I guess the only thing worse than driving and texting would be driving drunk and texting.

 "According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, cellphones are involved in 1.6 million auto crashes each year that cause a half million injuries and take 6,000 lives. Texting while driving has replaced drinking and driving as the leading cause of teen vehicular death, responsible for 20 percent of all teen highway fatalities in the U.S."

 Those are tragic statistics and totally avoidable. Share the information about texting and driving.   Have a safe Christmas season and pass along good habits to your children, your grandchildren, and those around you.  And please put leave the cell phone at home when you go to pick out your Christmas tree!

"For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  Plans to give you a future and a hope."
Jeremiah  29:11

*Join me for The Call on December 15th at 6pm Pacific Time.  Dial 530-881-1300 and key-in 642848#
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