
Monday, October 17, 2016

11 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight

1)  Get more sleep.  Most people need 8 hours a night.  Studies show that people who are sleep-deprived tend to eat more because they mess up their metabolisms.  People who get more sleep have less unhealthy cravings during their waking hours.

2)  Forgive (don't forget) and move-on.  Holding on to anger and resentments will cause you to eat more and drink more.

3)  Exercise.   Find something you like to do and commit.  Put exercise in your calendar and treat it with just as much importance as your hair appointment, your nail appointment, etc.  Longer isn't better-intensity and consistency are.

4) Eat more.  A lot of people skip meals or drastically reduce their calories in hopes of dropping pounds.  There's scientific proof that just eating the right kind of calories will help you lose weight and help with your unhealthy cravings.  Fasting for longer than a couple of days, or depriving yourself of calories you need will only put your body into survival mode.  You will get fatter.

5)  Work, or get involved and participate in a worthwhile project every single day.  You will find more satisfaction and happiness in your everyday life and you won't think so much about eating.

6) Have a small pantry and a large refrigerator and fruit bowl.  You should be shopping every few days because you should consume mostly fresh food.  Stay away from packaged fake food! Do some food preparation ahead of time.   Clean and chop your veggies and put in a place where they are easily accessible.  

7)  Drink plenty of water and have a full glass of water when you feel low-energy or hungry shortly after eating.  Dehydration can cause feelings of tiredness and also increase unhealthy cravings.  A simple rule of thumb: Divide your body weight in half.  Drink that many ounces of water every day.  Use a BPA free container to travel with.  If you must drink bottled water out of plastic, keep it out of the heat and the sun.  

8)  Eat protein at every meal.  It's brain food.  Free-range eggs, wild caught fish, and lean, natural grass-fed meats are obvious choices but protein is also found in plants like avocado, broccoli, spinach, kale, and peas.   Nuts, seeds, and legumes are also excellent food choices.   You can prepare a lot of these in advance too.

9) Say "no to drugs."   The medical model in our society is quick to prescribe that pill for sleep, depression, weight loss... you name it.   Everyone wants a quick fix. Medicine is for emergencies but every drug you put in your body has a side effect.  If you artificially alter your metabolism you will pay in many ways, including healthy weight management.   If you need help or think you are addicted go to

10) Love others unconditionally.  You don't have to hang-out with them but try to look at others as God sees them.  Remember, "There but by the grace of God go I." If you can't say something nice about or to someone then don't say anything at all.  Hang-up the phone.  Walk away.

11) Pray often for others.  There is nothing more shallow than telling someone, "I'll pray for you" if you don't mean it!  I hear those words being thrown around in Christian circles as much as the "Let's do lunch" and never hearing back from the person.   Next time someone asks you to pray for them you can ask, "do you want to pray now?" or just email them or text them a prayer.  When you do this  you will see miraculous things take place in your life. 

Sometimes the burdens we carry allow us to hold-on to toxic thoughts and toxic waste which affects our waist.   Embrace God's desire to have a relationship with you by asking Him into your life.  Then communicate with him daily through prayer (talking to God) and meditation (listening to God)

Contact me if you need any help or advice with health issues or family dynamics.  It's what I love to do!

"For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."  
Philippians 2:13
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