
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Practice Balancing For Better Health

     Benefits of Good Balance

Unless you practice balance exercises you may lose it sooner than you need to.  Loss of balance may start as you get a bit wobbly getting in and out of the bathtub, or need to walk down the stairs more slowly. It happens as we age, but your balance may be “off” for other reasons — injury, illness, poor posture, poor vision, obesity, weak core muscles, or a brain that is not properly trained to stay balanced.
Balance is your body and your brain’s equilibrium, or stability.  It’s at the core of nearly every physical and mental action you perform.  In fact, building your “core” muscles — those that surround your trunk — is the key to staying strong and upright as you age. Without a strong core, you’re more likely to suffer back pain, lose your balance and fall, or be more prone to injury during exercise.  In the same way, maintaining and building balance in your brain is just as important for your overall health.
Test your balance: Stand on one foot with your eyes closed. If you can’t hold still for at least 10 seconds without becoming wobbly, it’s time for some easy balance training. Don’t forget to wear supportive shoes and keep a chair nearby to rest your hand if need be.

Eyes-Closed Balance Routine
  1. On one leg, arms out to each side, eyes closed, balance for 30 to 60 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.
  2. On one leg, arms hugging your chest, eyes closed, balance for 30 to 60 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.
Eyes-Closed Balance Hop
  1. On one leg, hop-forward and back 10 times; stabilize between hops. Switch legs and repeat.
  2. On one leg, hop-side to side 10 times; stabilize between hops. Switch legs and repeat.

 Also, when possible, make sure that you always opt for stairs instead of using the elevator.  This too will help keep your body and your mind sharper and more balanced! and Donna Schuller, C.N.C.

Need help with nutrition, or safe exercises for better balance? Contact me:  

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Healthy Dietary Supplementation

There are so many companies promoting nutritional products and many of them are good.   For every good company, there's probably 100 not so good!

 I use and I trust the Metagenics neutraceutical company because of the certifications and quality assurance I receive from this 30-year old company.  

Here's all the information you need to know that what you're ordering is the very best quality:

Metagenics Quality Assurance Statement

Here's the link to my online store for all of your supplement needs:

Donna Schuller's, Healthy Family online store

If you need coaching or help with selecting the correct supplements, please contact me and I will guide you.   You can also go into my online store and research each individual product there.  If you want extended nutritional and health advice my first 30-minute phone session is free!

I am here to help.


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Success and Goal-Setting

What would you do if you knew you could not fail? If you are like most people you have dreams, goals, and aspirations that have not yet been met. Maybe fear of failure is holding you back or maybe it’s a little thing called money? Sometimes it’s even the fear of success and you don’t really want to change things up in your life. Or perhaps you’re thinking, “I’m too old.” 
Whatever it is that is holding you back from accomplishing your goals and moving into a more successful future, you can take that first step. Set a goal, make a list of all the reasons you should go for it, and then start. Just do one thing today that will move you closer to your feelings of success in reaching your goal. Then, as soon as you accomplish step one, go to step two, then three, and so on. If you miss a day don’t dwell on your failure, keep focusing on what you do want and keep moving forward. Soon you will see that the goal becomes clearer and more possible. Make sure you ask trusted people to help you along the way. At first, it might seem a tough thing to do but most people like sharing worthwhile goals. Once you get the positive feedback you will create momentum for a positive cycle of success. I ask again, “what would you do if you knew you could not fail?” Make a list and start today!

Maybe your goals include health and balancing work, family and taking care of yourself.  I am passionate about providing helpful, practical information while I help guide you to finding a new path and becoming the best version of you ever!  
Contact me for your first free 30 minute phone appointment;

Saturday, August 3, 2019

The One Word That CAN Change Your Life!

How many times have you been told, “don’t forget lunch,” or “don’t forget the birthday,” or how about, “don’t forget where you parked your car?”
The world is full of negative messages and even well-meaning parents, grandparents, co-workers, or friends can innocently speak words of doom and failure into us. 

Here’s the truth:  our brains cannot properly decipher a negative.  If you tell yourself what not to do, your brain really hears the action word and it will more than likely do that!  When you or someone else says, “don’t forget_____(fill in the blank), your brain hears…forget!And there’s a good chance you will forget whatever it is.

Recently, when parking at my local airport, as I got on the elevator, I saw a sign that made my day (and helped my brain!). The signs mounted on each floor of this parking structure read, “Remember Level Three,” “Remember Level Four,” etc.  Whoever thought-up and had those directives prominently posted understood brain health and comprehension much better than others who are responsible for the typical signs I read in most public places.  Most people and places always tell you not to forget!

It’s really simple once you get it.  The well-known motivational speaker Denis Waitley calls it the “R2-D2.” In his best-selling book, “Seeds of Greatness,” he uses the example of a professional baseball player who typically tells them self where to hit the ball when they’re up at-bat.  Not where not to hit it!  They have a much better chance of the ball going wherever their mind tells it to go. Guess what?  Your life is the same way.  Tell yourself what to do and start seeing positive results.   Tell yourself to “remember” (this, that and all things in life).  Always remember that your thoughts are way more powerful than you know. 

Need help telling yourself what to do!  I can help you.