
Friday, May 15, 2009

Poet's Peace


  1. Fear keeps us from doing all kind of things. I have fear to say someting wrong to a person I really love. A word could be misinterpreted and then I could be rejected! I tray to work at this fear step by step with the help of God.

    Donna, blessings to you and Robert, Rosemarie

  2. Donna. Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself with us. You really give us
    so much encouragement to face the various problems etc that we have to face in life.

    God bless you and Robert and the
    rest of your family.
    Barbara M from Brisbane, Australia

  3. Barbie, in a book or somewhere else I remember, dera Donna shared aleady this personal story with us.- Thanks Donna, -Blessings, Rosemarie

  4. Yes, you are correct! It is from "Woman to Woman Wisdom" (short version)!! Donna

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you again, Donna! Your blogs Are so helpful in bringing mr closer to GOD.

    Like Rosemarie I also have a fear of saying the wrong thing or what I have to say is so stupid or unimportant. I now have a voice disorder, for 5 or 6 months out of the year I have little or no voice at all. Now I fear what I say will sound silly! Who can have a serious conversation with someone who sounds like Minnie Mouse!!
    I will pray to the Holy Spirit to help me through this and how to overcome my fears. Thank you again, Donna
    God bless you and take care, Debi

  7. Donna,
    Thanks so very much for another wonderful message. After listening I realized I am dealing with a fear issue that has been holding me back for years. I am turning it over to God now the trick will be to not take it back but to leave it in God's hands and know that he will guide me.
    Blessings to you and yours,

  8. Your message, in part reminding us as the Poet said, "You have something good that these people need to hear" or words to that effect, is so important, Donna, for all of us!

    I remember many years ago, as a young business person having to meet with a millionaire, who was much older than I, about his insurance portfolio and I was nervous! My boss told me, "He is a self-made millionaire but he has no knowledge of how to assess and handle his insurance needs of today and that is why he is here to see someone at our office, so go in there and after hearing his situation, give him your advice as you know more than he does about insurance". I suddenly felt calm and all went well.

    So often, I think we all take for granted our own abilities or expect everyone has those abilities. In fact, God made us all with special abilities and we are all unique with gifts to offer and needing to avail ourselves of the gifts others clearly are willing to share! You, Donna, have a wonderful ministry here and I think we can all borrow a page from your book of learning and recognize we all have something to offer!

    I also would like to add that I too had a public speaking problem until I learned to put myself in the audiences shoes and I knew that if I heard someone who made a mistake or forgot a word I would not laugh so why not expect that the audience would have the same good manners? I never was afraid to make a fool of myself again and was sorry I had ever thought others would laugh at my mistakes.

    To the writer with a Paralysed Vocal Cord perhaps, please do not think of yourself as one who sounds as silly as Minnie Mouse, your friends need to know the source of the vocal problem and I am sure they will want to have your input in whatever voice you have left! My wife lost her voice for 6 months due to one paralysed vocal cord but it came back normal one day when the muscle just relaxed, so do not lose faith that your normal voice will return!

    Blessings to all 105 and growing followers!


  9. So GLAD I found this blog, Donna and Robert A!! Bless you and your family and my husband and I only wish the best for your future "adventure". That is how we see life: as an wonderful adventure. For the last 20 years, we have run a rescue farm for horses in Michigan and despite horrendous odds, we are still blessed DAILY. We have learned to listen and watch closely for the small and big blessings all around us. They are everywhere! THAT is truly the adventure. If you want the spirit of CHRISTmas in your heart everyday, seek and look forward to the blessings around all around you. I say this because your specific journey and adventure, Donna and Robert A, is filled with God and you have so much ahead! Seek the wonder of it all! And while you are seeking your wonderful adventure, let us be a part of it! We want Robert A. back on a pulpit somewhere, anywhere! We can't wait!

  10. Hurray Steve.
    Can not wait also.
    What takes long is worth waiting for.

  11. Of course we all are waiting for Robert to see him in public again one day. But please dear people give this dear man the time he needs. Long or short , dosen't mattter! God is blessing you, Robert ! Swiss Rosemarie

  12. Jeroen (Info) I echo your Hurrah and Steve S you wrote a beautiful tale.

    We are blessed to have such kind spirited contributors to this site, supplementing the wonderful stories Donna puts on regularly.

    Especially to Steve S who wrote "So GLAD I found this blog"....I am so glad you found this too. Please share more of your positive views whenever, and after 20 years running a Rescue farm for horses (Wow), I expect you and your husband have many inspirational tales of your "adventures".

    Thanks again for sharing some good thoughts and I join Jeroen in his thought "What takes long is worth waiting for". It is great now and will be even greater as the story unfolds over the future weeks!

    God is surely blessing us


  13. Hi Donna,

    I love this blog! I can sure relate. When I started singing in public, I would feel like jello up there. I would remember no words much less how the song goes. :) ( I am a talker by nature so that doesn't intimidate me as much. )
    I think it all goes back to messages we internalize from well-meaning friends, family, teachers, pastors, and church folk too.
    I would just close my eyes and remember Phil 4:13 that says through Jesus I can do anything. God esteems us so highly. we are His beloved. He believes in us and thats enough! :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D