
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Opening Thoughts


  1. What time is the service and how do you get there from Irvine? Lee

  2. The service starts at 11am. From Irvine take the 5 or 405 N. to 55 N. to 22 W. Off at Glassell/Grand turn Rt. turn left on Almond and Rt on Lemon. American Legion Hall is on your right between Almond and Chapman. Since tomorrow is Father's Day stay for a barbecue after service if you would like. See you there! Donna

  3. Donna great video! I heard all and saw the actual first service as I get the Podcasts on iTunes automatically and the video I got from The Gathering. (I signed up a few months ago).

    But to see you and Robert just beaming after the service and hear the positive comments of the congregation! Well that made it all the more real so thanks for putting this part on your Blog for us.

    The St Patrick Project, apart from local efforts, getting Alexis and Anthony off to train for 3 months and then onto a posting for youth Missionary work is fabulous!

    I don't know how you are keeping this all rolling as I just read, listen, watch and send a post and my head is spinning. But it is "spinning" a beautiful blanket of lovely warm thoughts and I feel inspired, so inspired.

    And I am up in Canada but now you and all that is happening positively is as close as my computer! WOW! Just great!

    God is blessing you and all who follow this site!


  4. Great to see the video with all the comments. - Yes Donna, you are right to look forward and not behind. God always has something better and greater in store for us. Love and blessings, Rosemarie

  5. Oh I am so happy at watching this video. It was so good to see Robert A again after not seeing him for so long. I liked the whole video. It was fantastic.
    God be with you all. I KNOW THAT HE IS AND HE WILL BE.
    God bless you all,
    Barbie M Brisbane Australia

  6. Donna,

    I have to say Wow...everybody looks so very happy. Looking forward and not behind is something that I think we all need to learn to do.

    I'm so happy for the blessings that God has bestowed on all of you.


  7. HAPPY FATHERS DAY ROBERT!!!!!!! Fondly, Mary Alvarez

  8. I listened to Bobby's sermon while I was running on the treadmill. I watched it on video later. Gosh I wish I could have been at the service. There was such a happy vibe there.He is a natural born preacher. I look forward to more services and feel blessed to have a venue to be able to be a part of it all. Blessings to Bobby and an exciting future for his church and all who are part of it. Mary Alvarez p.s. Donna, it was nice seeing you and Robert at the end of the video.

  9. - An article worse to read. Interview RA. - Blessings Rosemarie

  10. Sorry, I should have written WORTH TO READ. - Rosemarie

  11. While I live in PA and cannot attend The Gathering, I have added my voice to what I hope is hundreds of thousands of others by contacting Direct TV and asking them to add American Life Network. My life has been very empty without Robert H.'s weekly teachings and message. I think Robby's success in the new location is the beginning of new and better things for your family. I think of and pray for your family often as Robert A. has prayed for me over the years.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D