
Sunday, August 2, 2009


  1. This is the transformed American Legion Hall!

  2. Wow, that's beautiful! I can't wait to visit you guys. Until then...

  3. Thanks for putting up the awesome photo! It makes me want to make another pilgrimage to my new "church" in California.

    Last October to CCM but if I make a return it would be to The Gathering/St Patrick Project!

    Jan-Nichael (Toronto,Canada)

  4. Hi Donna I really like that picture It looks really good to me I just hope that one day I may
    be able to see that in person
    only trouble is finance
    God bless

  5. Donna, the picture makes me wish I could be there and celebrate with the congregation. I did it already several times at their old place. I liked it. God is blessing you all - Rosemarie

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. So True! For me one of the hardest things to do is relax and wait on the Lord. I want everything in my time. I am learning to wait on the Lord. The idea of meditation in the morning among the elements of nature seems like such a good way to connect with God. I loved what you said about a trusted friend or to seek professional counsel. So many Christians are afraid of psychologist and I think they are so valuable. You have wonderful insights I enjoy your blogs my friend...

  8. Thank-you for the great picture. I can understand now why it takes so many to put it all to-gether. That would make the service that much more special and meaningfull. God will be very pleased . Many Blessing to all.

  9. I like to recommend you a book, Your Best Life Now, 7 Steps to Living at Your full Potential, Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church/TX. It's a good life assistance. - Blessings, Rosemarie


    Apart from the wonderful picture of the transformed Legion into a place for The Gathering, your main blog this week talked about staying focused and renewed.

    I hope you agree this following link to a wonderful story of success , even in the hardest of circumstances fits and will be inspirational to others, as it was to me.

    It is from GodTube/Tangle of Chris Wyatt. your's and Robert's son-in-law (and now CEO of ALT of RAS and Chris ... Enjoy and blessings to all...Jan-Michael

  11. Hi Jan-Michael,
    I cannot go directly to the site you listed so I typed it in my browser and a business website came up. Can you please check and try it again?!
    Thank you for your continued support and your wonderful, insightful comments. Sincerely with God's continued blessings, Donna


    Here is the original link Donna.

    I hope this works for you. I did try the other link and got the inspiring music and video but definitely the new one should work for you. It is strraight from the GodTube and YouTube site.

    Good luck, enjoy and keep smiling.

    God IS blessing you always

  13. Donna I realize you said you typed the link?
    May I suggest if your mouse has a right and left button(clicker) you try the following and you never have to retype an address.

    I find it best to always left click, hold and drag the mouse to highlight the line.

    Then right click and copy.

    Next when you go to your search line or space left click and paste.

    Maybe you prefer to type and knew this already but hope it helps. I had to learn all the shortcuts so I never make a typo and so I pass it along.

  14. Donna, now I have to restate:

    left click hold and drag to highlight
    right click and copy
    then right click to paste and enter!

    This has been funny and I am laughing at myself so hard. Computer geeks we are not.

    Maybe you want to just type it afterall!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D