
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Blog, Updates, and Pumpkins


  1. I hope you all can watch the video okay. I have had a few interuptions. - Roberts book is shipped and on the way to me.- Good to see you, Donna. Pumpkins story sounds great to me. To do something for others I do in another way throughout the year. Bearing a hand if necessary, smiling at others, being kind and compassionate, having an open ear for friends and strangers too and praying for others. - Donna, you and Robert are in my heart. - The CC situation was/is terrible for me too! I can't watch it anymore to much negative happend to my mind. Donna, love to have your blog! - All my very best. God is blessing you. Rosemarie

  2. Hi Rosemarie,
    Sorry you had trouble viewing the video. Maybe it wasnt all the way loaded yet? I have a slow computer and I had no problem when I saw it just an hour ago.
    Thank you for your comments. Donna

  3. Don't worry Donna! Technics can have their disorders now and then, like my keyboard right now. BLESSINGS, Rosemarie

  4. I had no problem with the video! The sound and picture was terrific. Sometimes if the computer has been on too long or there are too many links open you can get a pausing video broadcast. Try closing all links or better yet re-start your computer as that will usually reset the system.

    I got my copy of Robert's book a few days ago and the pre-order price was discounted and shipped early obviously.

    I am reading it slowly, one chapter per day so I can really sincerely think on the questions at the end of each chapter. I really liked Robert's Author's Note and the Introduction he wrote!

    Everyone will find much wisdom, prayer references of value and, I know I wish I had this book about 10 years ago when I was struggling with issues in my life. But I have it now and it will be kept close I think permenantly for future reference! It is that valuable from the 4 chapters I have read so far.

    So, when does Donna's new book of great blogs come off the internet and into as well bound an edition as Robert's "Leaning into God" ? ;)


  5. Jan-Michael, I'm happy you could watch it properly! I know exately what to do when I can't watch a video. Of course I closed my computer and restarted it. Just had this wonderful blog open. I'm just a user, but clever enough to find out what can't be right. - Enjoy Robert's book. - Many blessings Rosemarie

  6. Thanks Jan-Michael for the advice about the video. I didn't know that and it happens to me regularly. Usually I have many windows open too!! So glad you are getting a lot out of Robert's book. So am I! Donna

  7. Dear Donna and Everyone: I really enjoyed your video and your blog . A book suggestion is a good one in time. And this is like a church with many friends. I do not mean to upset you , but because your prayed and knew about my dear brother and his heart problems and surgury. I wanted you to know and thank-you all. But they sent him last Tues to my home and he died of heart failure in my arms Weds morning. He was with his family and it was peacefull. So now he is with the Lord. I do worry about Sparky the girl we prayed for on Bobby,s blog. I pray she is doing alright.
    God Bless You All Dear Friends.

  8. Dear Cysradill,
    I am so very sorry to hear of your brother's passing. You are in my prayers right now and I know that God is carrying you through this very difficult time of grief. I know that your fellow blog church members are here for you too.
    I have not heard a report on Sparky but I will find out. Even in your time of mourning, God is blessing you, Donna

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Crysradill, God sends you comfort and peace that you keep the good memories of your brother in your heart. - My prayers are with you. - Blessings, Rosemarie

  11. Crysradill,
    I am so sorry to hear of your brother's passing. It has to be very painful for you. I'll keep you in my prayers and hope that you find peace and comfort knowing that he is in God's arms now.

  12. Dear Cysradill, my deepest condolences on the loss of your brother. I wish you comfort and strength. My heart and prayers are with you.

    Donna, I had a few interuptions too but I got your message. My mother in law lives in a nursing home, when I go visit her I always like to talk with other residents too. They just love it when you touch them. My reward? A sparkle in their eyes!

    Allow me to share this with you:-
    Being a good person is like being a pumpkin.
    God lifts you up, takes you in and washes all the dirt off of you. He opens you up, touches you deep inside and scoops out all of the yucky stuff... including the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc.
    Then He carves you a bright new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine nfor all the world to see.

    This was passed on to me from another pumpkin.
    You all may pass it on to a pumpkin of your choice!

    God is blessing you all.

    Ria (The Netherlands)

  13. Dear Cysradill

    I am thinking of you and your son, as well as all your family. I recall your mentioning the closeness to your brother, particularly your son's worries about the operation.

    Your brother would have felt the love surrounding him from the family I am sure.

    May God be even closer to you all at this time.

    Thank you for letting us know and your continuing thoughts of Sparky. How kind you are to have others in your thoughts at this time!


  14. Donna,
    That was a really nice blog filled with great ideas and suggestions. I imagine there are alot of lonely people that need tending to at this time of year. On a lighter and more joyous note, my baby sister just had twins yesterday (6lbs. 7 oz. and 6lbs.2 oz.) I'm going to Chicago to help her out for the next 3 weeks. She also has a 20 mo. old. I can't wait to get my baby fix as my "baby" is 21 yrs. old and I miss the times when she was little. I ordered Roberts book to be delivered to Chicago. Can't wait to read it. It would be so cool if we could have discussions about it on this blog, our blog church. Much Love. Mary Alvarez

  15. Mary Alvarez...We should definitely lend some conversation to discussing Robert's new book in some forum! I will not spoil anything but last night I got to The Ebenezer Stone which perhaps led to Dicken's name for Scrooge of The Christmas Carol, in my opinion.

    I research words and meanings and titles of shows and characters for a hobby, like Dr Marcus Welby TV character named perhaps from his efforts in the show to make us to be well/ *mark us well be* so Dr Marcus Welby)?

    Anyways, read the book and you will learn like I that Ebenezer means the opposite of a scrooge and now I see (my perspective), after Scrooge's transformation to do good and protect and help his fellow mankind Ebenezer is the perfect name taken from The Ebenezer Stone as named by the Isrealites and the details as Robert explains in the book!

    He is blessing you

    PS Congrats on those new babies in your family

  16. Dear Cysradill,
    I am a little late in listening to Donna's blog and just found out about your brother. I am sorry for your loss your heart must be broken, but how wonderful for your brother to be home with his family and in your arms, he must have felt the love that was surrounding him and now he can send you his love from God.

  17. A few years ago Len and I used to do something interesting when
    visiting a hostel and nursing home for elderly people.

    We got our dog, a Golden
    Retriever, tested to see if her
    behaviour was good enough for us
    to take her to visit elderly
    people. Rose, our dog, passed the tests. The elderly people loved her. At a Christmas breakup for thie groups volunteers we were given a packet of dog biscuits for Rosie
    When one of the other volunteers
    who hadn't seen Rosie was very
    interested that we were given this. So we explained to her why
    Unfortunately this group that
    we belonged was shut down I don't know who missed visiting
    these elderly people more Rosie
    who the people who took her

  18. Dear Ria,
    I know what you mean about being able to bring joy to people in nursing homes. My grandma was in a care facility for the last few years of her life and I would go to visit her when ever I could. She loved going out for a walk (me pushing her in the wheelchair) and she liked it even more when I brought my dog to see her. (Barbie mentioned she did this too) She loved hold him and pet him. I would take him around to as many people as wanted to pet him and it is amazing how much they loved to shower him with affection and how their faces lit up! Dear Mary,
    Congratulations on the birth of your sister's twins! How fun that will be to fly out and take care of them. I do know what you mean when you say your "baby" is 21! So is mine and I can't wait for Hannah to have her baby so I can hold it, etc.!! Dear Jan-Michael, Yes, that is very interesting about the Ebenizer Stone. I made the same connection regarding Scrooge and "A Christmas Carol" movie! I also like what you had to say about Marcus Welby M.D. I know there are a lot of hidden meanings in movies and t.v. shows so I bet you are right about that one. Dear Cysradill, we are all praying for you.
    Discussion on "Leaning Into God When Life is Pushing You Away" beginning in a couple of days!!
    God is blessing you, Donna

  19. I see it myself, when I feel blue I caress a dog or a cat and it brings me comfort. - Blessings Rosemarie

  20. Dear Mary, congratulations on the birth of the new born twins. Have fun while helping out your baby-sister!! Have a safe trip.
    Blessings, Ria

  21. Thanks Barbie and Donna for telling (tales) about the nursing home visits with your dogs. Yes, certainly taking animals to those who are seldom able to see dogs and cats is wonderful!

    What lessons we learn from Robert, too!

    I learned from Robert's honest recognition (in his new book) of the help organizating notes etc he had from his sister Sheila and also I liked the old wise saying of his dad.

    So, I too need to always remember the best times with my family, not the hard times. I am not a poet but need to share a poem I just wrote if you can all indulge me.

    He will Guide

    My hands and thoughts I release to You

    Though ere I doubt my words and deeds,

    Through His Grace and guidance lays the path,

    That I need only follow.

    Blessing to all... His Love is with us always

  22. A very beautiful poem J-M! Thank you, Donna

  23. Thank-you JM The poem is just what I needed.
    When my mother was in the nursing home and the night nurse would bring her dog MAC with her and he would go room to room come up to the bed MoM would give him a little pat on the head and off he would go. And she would say it was like he came and tucked everyone in for the night.
    God Bless You All

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Very nice poem J M.

    God's richest blessing


  26. I finally got a chance to sit down and listen to your blog and to read everybody's comments. Thank you so very much for reminding us that even when we are going through a hard time we can reach out and help others. I have not always been good about reaching out and helping others due to insecurities. This is something that I am turning over to God and asking for his help.

    I want to send my my deepest condolences to Cysradill. Please know that you are in my prayers.

    I also want to say congrats to Mary Alvarez on her sister's new babies. What fun and such a blessing times two.

    I hope this is a wonderful week for all.
    God is blessing you!

  27. For all the animal lovers, here is a wonderful 3 minute video link I got from my nephew in England, hence the use of word vicar, the Harrod's store, etc but it is very inspirational story now on YouTube so enjoy. Copy and paste the link or type it to wherever you search. Then read the story while you listen to the song and see the video.

    Enjoy with Love...J-M

  28. Thanks All! Robert and I are celebrating 25 years of marriage tomorrow! He is taking me away for two days so I am going to try to get to my blog before we go! IF I do not, please forgive me and know that I will do it Thursday. We are going to start a blog series on "Leaning Into God When Life Is Pushing You Away" Maybe I can convince my husband to write something too! God is blessing you, Donna

  29. Congradlations on celebrating 25years to-gether. Have a wonderful time to-gether. Look forward to your next blog. And starting another one. I pray Robert will say something too.
    God Bless You Two. You deserve many blessing.

  30. Donna, we have nothing to forgive you. You know you and your blog are great and you are in your blog church more often than we can expect. - As soon as I have my book-copy I'll join in the discussion. - Enjoy your anniversary!!! God is blessing vou and your marriage. - Rosemarie

  31. Hi Donna, congratulations to 25 years!!
    Relax and have a lovely time together.

    God bless you both!!!


  32. Hi Jan Michael, I watched this video. Nice story and music. Beautiful these animals, but I found it scary!!! It seems possible though, friendship between humans and wild animals, while on you tube I've seen another video. "Friendship between man and 38 lions in South Africa"!! Can you imagine? I think he is playing with his life. I say, keep wildlife wild!!!

    Blessings, Ria

  33. Congratulations on your Silver Anniversary!!!

    I am so happy you are getting away for a couple of days.

    Many people will be saying a "toast" to you in their minds, keeping you in their thoughts. We are so blessed to have you both in our lives through your ministries.

    HE is blessing you and yours.

    J-M (Toronto, Canada)

  34.'s 11:50 a.m. and my Bible study gals just left. I was planning on doing my blog before Robert and I left at 12:45 but now I must pack. I will be with you all discussing "Leaning Into God When Life Is Pushing You Away" after I return on Thursday. Thank you for all of your well wishes and support for us. God is blessing you, Donna

  35. My book copy arrived today. Like to share my opinon. I read already a few pages. I have a lot to think about. Blessings Rosemarie

  36. Donna and Robert....many, many congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary!!!! What a wonderful time in your life together.

    Blessings on both of you.
    Dana :)

  37. Hi Everyone. Thanks for your nice comments about the twins. They are absolutely adorable!! Needless to say we have been getting very little sleep and the days are very long, but so worth it. There is something about brand new life that makes one well up with faith in God all over again. It's such a miracle! Jan-Michael I find your research very interesting, especially about Marcus Welby M.D. as I used to watch that show. Let us know if you find any other interesting tidbits. I haven't had time to open Robert's book yet, maybe in a day or two when things settle down a bit. Donna, I hope you "Forever Newlyweds" have a wonderful time together during your getaway. Congratulations on 25 magical years together!!! My husband and I will celebrate our 26th, on November 26th. We are celebrating by taking a 10 day cruise and I can't wait. It's the only way I can get him to truly relax and it's only the second time he has taken a 10 day vacation. Blessing to all! Mary

  38. Just got home from a great two day trip! Blogging tomorrow! Donna

  39. Hi there to you all. First of all for those of you who are
    interested in Christian the lion
    There is actually a book written
    about this lion and how he returns to the wild with help
    from the man who also returned Elsa to the wild. Sorry I can't remember his name. Donna I hope that you and Robert had a nice couple
    of days away to-gether. If one
    couple deserved that you too did
    (Naturally I am not biased at all. NOT ONE LITTLE BIT)
    God bless you all Barbie M

  40. Barbie,
    I agree with your comment. Not one of us is biased about Robert and Donna, not at all.....;)


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D