
Tuesday, November 24, 2009



  1. Hi Donna, thanks for another great subject! With faith in our heart we are less angry. God knew why he destroyed your tomatos. He had another thing in mind for you, something better. - Jesus is right by our side and protecting us. I feel much better because I can lean in him and God. As well I lose less my temper or not at all. - I saw a small part of Robert's new TV show on Angie's site. Hop they show it online too!!! - All my best for him. I will continue to read his book. But the last week I felt a bit tiered with my cold and aches in my ear,still not heald. A kind of cold I never head before.- Rosemarie

  2. Hi Rosemarie,
    Yes, you will be able to see the entire show once it airs on the television. I am told you can watch it beginning Monday morning on ALN website.
    I am sorry you are feeling a little under the weather. Feel good soon! God is blessing you, Donna

  3. I just switched to Angie's site and read your comment. Would be great when they keep it on their www. for a certain time. Blessings Roemarie

  4. Donna, seams our messages crossed. Thanks, you made my evening and night. Rosemarie

  5. Thanks Donna for the Blog video, especially as you are away for a few days I believe!

    Your 1st chapter comments and the story of staying attached to the vine were well chosen and spoken by you.

    And, while I certainly am sorry about your tomato plant, it does so well give a vivid, clear, albeit sad analogy to what happens if we let ourselves get cut-off from the Vine.

    I love the prayer of The Gathering/St Patrick Project, as it mentions the Vine:

    God our Father, we pray, in the name of Christ Jesus our savior that our community would be built on lifelong friendships, as we journey toward you.

    Jesus is the vine, God is the vinedresser, the Holy Spirit is the sap, and we are the branches. Help us to abide in you, bearing in immeasurable harvest, the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

    We pray that your kingdom would come to our world, that you would remove the curse of evil, and that we could be a part of your rescue mission to a lost and dying world.

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we pray...


    Wonderful, and I have had it printed and up on the wall of my den where I often read.

    I think that Robert's book and your Blog plus Everyday Life with Robert Schuller will keep all of us firmly attached to the Vine!

    To Mary Alvarez particularly, who asked me on a prior blog (Updates and Pumpkins) ...

    "Jan-Michael I find your research very interesting, especially about Marcus Welby M.D. as I used to watch that show. Let us know if you find any other interesting tidbits".

    Well Mary, next time you see The Wizard of Oz with Dorothy and the wind that blows her and Toto the dog and the house to Munchkin Land, watch the credits for Dorothy's full character name...It was "Dorothy Gale" befitting the tale of her and the ferocious wind or gale that befalls Dorothy in the story!

    He is Blessing us through this Blog, I believe.


  6. Hello Donna. Thank you so much
    for that most interesting story.
    I am sorry that you lost your
    tomatoes. Just a thought is there any way can you cam put some wire mesh or something like
    that around the next lot of tomatoes that you grow. Just a
    thought. God bless you both
    Barbie M

  7. A hint for Barbie, this tomato story is old or amost old. I think I can remember me, RA told it in in the pulpit a few years ago. I guess you Donna used it just as an example?! - Let us focus on God's miracles. We all having the chance to see Robert online again. YEY! - God's blessings. - Rosemarie

  8. Yes Barbie, for all who have had rodent problems: in the past, this year or in the future, chicken wire is the recommended solution, at the base of the stalks, according to google forums!

    Regardless the time we lose a tomato plant, or our own atttachment to the Vine, through an attack of circumstance or situation, it is wise to be "AWARE and PREPARE" I like to say!

    Your post, Barbie, reminds me of growing corn in our decent-sized garden, so our kids could be amazed at how a little plant could grow so tall and bear so much, with proper care. Our kids were amazed and delighted that the day after I had said "The corn will be ready this week-end" the raccoons got up earlier than I! Ha, we got enough for a good family meal but the raccoons had a feast and took a few dozen "ears" back to their den for later!

    Thanks for the good reminder of those days long past, as our kids now have their own gardens ...but they never forget those Raccoon stories!

    With His Blessings and my best thoughts

  9. Yes! Donna thank-you for your story. It is so true how we can become detached from the vine. And sometimes it very hard to find ways for this not to happen. It shows no matter how carefull and faithfull we are things can still happen. We must work hard at staying attached to God. When we have something special and we are proud of what we have and then all of a sudden it is gone. We must pick ourselves up do the best with what is left and learn from it. And God is always there to help.
    And green tomato relish is good also.
    God Bless You All.

  10. Hi All,
    I will address some of the comments when I am back home as the internet is off and on here! I do think it is important to say that my tomato "story" is a new one which just happened to me a couple of weeks ago. (Maybe you remember one of my earlier blogs when I showed you the seedlings in small containers and I shared about the "volunteer" tomatoes from a few years back? )I was very upset with the rodent who ate my vines off at the roots/base! I did put a chicken wire fence up to protect them from the bunny who I knew lived under my porch! This rodent dug under and up through the fence!
    Sometimes try as we may to protect..."stuff happens". Donna

  11. O, I certainly got mixed up this tomato story with something else, Donna! I see how you must have felt when you detected the disaster. Bad rodent, making Donna sad and very upset. Please keep away. Rodent I'll bring you next time much more tasty food...!!! God is blessing you dear Donna. Rosemarie

  12. cysradill said... a couple of weeks back

    "My son did very well. But to-day I feel like I am in space and I am definitly Leaning in to God".

    Cysradill, you were so thoughtful of "Sparky" in her recovery time and then, your brother suddenly did not recover from his operation.

    I have been praying for you and your son and other family. I did not know how else to reach you except through this site of Donna's which you mentioned you check daily.

    I hope you and your son and others have had help to get matters sorted out. It is so much when you need to be quiet and recall good memories and there is a lot to do between legal papers and property, etc, I know.

    You seem to always have things well in hand and putting HIM first but I believe as a Christian like you and a former Insurance Executive that all things but you and your family's feeling can wait unless you find it a burdon to not have them done immediately.

    Insurance and doctors all have their agendas but the most important is HIS agenda and He will let you know if you ask what is best for HIM and you.

    I hope you can find some solace knowing that you are in the prayers of many. Take care of yourself and HE will see you and your family through any and all difficult days.

    HE is blessing you and we are praying for you friend.

    A reply is not necessary or you can find me on as Jan-Michael Wildeman

    J-M (Toronto, Ontario)

  13. God Bless You J.m. This site is so good I feel comfort here. We all have problems and Donna,s site has made it possible for us to come to gether and help each other. And also we are with Robert and Donna and each time she writes or records a message we seem to reach out to each other. So Bless You all and God has put us to-gether for a reason.
    Yes there is alot to do after you lose someone. Right now it is good to be busy. But I know I will have to face it . It comes in waves. And I do fine comfort knowing someone I have never met cares enough to pray for us. It feels good to Lean Into God And Friends.

  14. I am so excited. I just went on AmericanLife TV and found Robert's new show, "Everyday Life." I thought I was watching a preview, but it was the entire episode. I knew it would be good, but it is fabulous! What a story and what a lesson it teaches. We all have waited so long for this, but the wait was well worth it. Now I can hardly wait for the next episode. In the meantime, I will slow down and smell the roses!

  15. Wow Robert, true message! I just watched it on ALN online. Nice to have you back. I think, billiant idea to do a serie like this. Congratulation! Happy Holiday, Rosemarie

  16. Very powerfull Robert. Now if I can just remember the leason next time the day wants to take me in every direction . And I do not stop and say I love you or I am sorry or Thank-you. Even saying I was wrong can be hard. So Thank-you Robert and I look forward to next time. God Bless

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Corrections of earlier post here. I guess I was too excited so here is a properly typed post

    I just watched and at this time, I am "truly moved" as I have been waiting for a "rainbw" for so long as have many and ....I am so proud of Robert A!

    The program leaves me feeling I have just watched a sermon of Rev Dr RAS but it was more; the acting, the narator, the tear glistening in that shot of the wife writing her letter. The Truth to slow down or watch that we do not slowly slip from HIM is so well done.

    A terrific opening and thank you for making it easy to watch world-wide!

    HE has and is Blessing us all!


  19. Hi Everyone: Please pray for Marcianne her surgury is Dec 2nd. Also pray her Mom is doing better.
    God bless You Marcianne & Mom I pray things will work out for you both.
    God Bless. Cysradill

  20. A couple of things of interest I hope:

    1) I noticed that next Episode of Everyday Life with Robert Sculler airs Dec 4/09 at 4:30 PM, I believe in USA. I hope the next episode will also be on internet ???

    2) I have re-watched the first episode ( I love doing that as there is a lot one's eye and ear and mind miss on the first viewing)! This is not just me, as neurologists have proven we see what we ( our persona) wants to see or can best relate to ). How important is that, so true scientific fact, in our everyday lives? I guess as 1st episode showed, the male character thought he was doing everything his wife, boss and his own spirit needed. But...
    I guess I need to audit "MY LIFE" too.

    Did anyone notice the office parking guy did not get his stuff done either, not just the lawyer who failed to follow promises, and the parking guy after failing to get the car cleaned etc, slips away from the troubled lawyer who needs help? Also, the 2 characters in the almost car accident both mis-interpret the other's life, though the guy in pick-up recalls, "if the incident had happened a few years back, (he) would have had a physical encounter"! He has his life, his wife and daughter and a nice house too.

    Anyway, the on-line news seems possitive for the program.

    Blessings and for Marcianne family, prayers


  21. Hi All,
    I got home yesterday but I am a bit overwhelmed with emails and the deadline for deposits for the Holy Land is today! I continue to pray for all of you even when you do not hear from me. Peace and continued strength to Marcianne and "mom", Jan-Michael and "son", Cysradill and family, Barbie and Len, and Rosemarie. You are all so special. Oh, and to Gary (our new commentor!) too!
    About "Everyday Life": There is only pilot thus far so when you see that it is showing again and again on ALN you need to know it is the same one you have already seen. There will be a series consisting of 12 more episodes once we have sponsorship of the program. Although there is no charge for the airtime since we own the network, there are significant production costs(which are very reasonable compared to other shows of such great quality) These dollars do not come out of operating capital for the network but need to be paid for by sponsors. We sponsors for the pilot.

    I will continue on with my series discussing Robert's book "Leaning Into God When Life Is Pushing You Away" in a day or so when this rush from Holy Land is over!!
    God is blessing you, Donna

  22. Thanks for your nice words Donna. - I hope I will hear soon from the travel agency, I filled in the online form two days ago to attend the trip. I really hope I'm not to late!!! God's never ending blessings. Rosemarie

  23. I can watch the episode several times!!!

    I see something new each time I watch Episode one and I will certainly post my viewpoint in any newspapers, whether it is OC Register or The Wrap, as I did yesterday.

    My wife Betty-Ann had been waiting 2 years for a double surgery and suddenly, with a cancellation, she got in 3 weeks ago. It will be 6 weeks more bed rest as she has over 200 internal stitches for re-built abdominal muscles that atrophied and then a pro-lapsed bladder.

    I look fwd to the continuation of Leaning into God and certainly that's where I am Leaning now especially. Regretably, 5% of those with the surgery have continued loss of blood until the stitches dissolve in next 10 days hopefully.

    So, it will be a quiet (I am thankful of that) Christmas. I also found a new local Church based quite close to The Gathering community approach. It is just a short "Scooter" ride for me so, yeh HE is Blessing to have a new group come to near our home, buy a church property that was for sale as the existing church was wanting to merge with a similar denomination!

    So now I have your blog, Everyday Life, Angie's Blog, The Gathering, Dr Bill's site and my local "Gathering" style congregation with bible study. That makes six places and all I need now is to tune up my pipes and join a choir?...;)

    The sponsors will come to you, I can feel it.

    He is so Blessing us all


  24. J.M. Thank-you for believing in this blog and sharing your concerns with us. So we as your friends can pray for you and your wife Betty-Ann and family. I know that it helps and My son and I will ask that Betty-Ann will come through this and soon be up and around. Christmas is to celebrate Jesus birthday. So sometimes quiet is good. Stay strong and look to-wards the heavens for blessings that she is home with you and your family and that you are thinking of tuning up your pipes for Christmas.
    We will also pray for sponsors so Robert can keep blessing us with his show. God Bless You All.

  25. Oh, I am so sorry! I did mean prayers for Cysradill's son and now for Betty-Ann the obviously wonderful wife of our dear J-M! God is blessing all of us through all of our struggles and our adversity. I have had a rough week too. Please pray for my peace. Love to all and remember....God is blessing you, Donna

  26. Dear Donna: We will pray for your peace. As you go through struggles and adversitys. We are here for each other. I pray you will get some rest and things will get better. God bless You with peace love and joy.

  27. I'm with you in my thoughts and prayers, Donna! - I have to go to a sort of rough time too. - My mum, 83 had this fall an accident. She putted her vacuum cleaner at the wrong place and felt over it and hurted her bone under the abdominal over the pubis and her femoral is blessed badly too. She has tomarrow to go for 2 weeks stationary for theraphy to a hot springs. She has difficulty to walk and driving her car.

    I pray as well for the people here who needs to be healed. - God is blessing you all, Rosemarie

  28. Cyradill and your son, your kind words and prayers meant so much; you are both examples of what He most wants of us!

    Donna, we knew you meant Cyradill's son in an earlier post/ You are dealing with so much, please know we all know your kindness just in reading your name on a post and the slight slip He fixes in our reading!

    Thanks to all who are praying for my wife Betty-Ann and Lord, please comfort and resolve well all issues of Donna, Rosemarie, Barbie who must deal daily with Epilepsy, her recent surgeries and her husband Len's recent serious illness. These and others are Your words, Your hands, lightening the load for so many.

    He is blessing all

  29. Donna,
    You're in my prayers. Everyone else on this blog I'll pray for you daily also. Mary

  30. Donna, I am thinking of you and
    your family. I pray that God will be with you all, I know that HE IS. God bless Barbie M

  31. Donna,
    Recently I got the "swineflueshot" and because of this I ended up with an allergic reaction. But I survided and feel fine again.
    The second shot I get Dec 8th.
    Thank you Donna for your food for thought video. Sorry you lost your tomatoes you must have been so disappointed.
    I watched Robert's show on line, several times now, and everytime I watch, I learn from it. This show really makes a difference. Thank you Robert and may God bless you as you continue making new episodes.
    To everyone on our church blog who are going through difficult times, and many of you are,
    Betty-Ann and Jan Michael, Marcianna and your mom, Rosemarie and your mom, Cysradill's son, I pray that God will keep you in His care.
    Please keep looking Up.
    Dear Donna,you and your loved ones are always in my prayer.A special prayer for you today that you may have peace. Take care!

    God bless you all

    Ria (The Netherlands)

  32. Hi All again...
    I have been remiss about posting because I am still feeling a bit overwhelmed! I am so sorry to hear about your mom, Rosemarie. I learned that a high school friend of mine died of cancer yesterday. It was a long and drawn-out ordeal so I am so sad for her wonderful family who I have known for almost 40 years. One of my closest friends who is in my weekly women's small group told me and it doesn't make it any easier that she has been fighting (and surviving with God's help) a very serious type of melanoma, liver cancer. leukemia, brain cancer, and now breast cancer. There are some really tough and painful situations in life. We have to keep on "Leaning Into God..." and trust that he knows what is best even when we can't figure the whole thing out.
    Blog on Chapter 2, etc. "shame" coming up soon. Probably Saturday morning early. Love you all and remember that God is blessing you, donna

  33. PS...So glad that you, Rosemarie are coming to the Holy Land with us in May!! Yay!

  34. Donna, up to now no answer from the travel agency. Hope everything will be okay?! - I pray for the family of your high school friend and for you. - God is blessing you. - Rosemarie

  35. Hi Donna. I'll be praying for you and for your high school friend's family also. My thoughts are with you right now.
    In one of your earlier blogs I mentioned that a very dear friend of mine was diagnosed with brain cancer. You know, she is still fighting but the doctors say that there is no more hope. More metastases found in her brains and no further treatment is possible. Leaning Into God that's, the best we can do.

    Much love, Ria

  36. Ria, I pray for your friend. Blessings Rosemarie

  37. Thank you Rosemarie for your prayer!

    Love you, Ria

  38. Rosemarie, It will be fine for the trip. Probably a little more complicated because you are not flying with us (how can you?!!) It will work out for sure. Donna

  39. Dear friends,

    Have a wonderful Christmas and a New Year filled with His wonders. I will be off-line for the next while (sort of a needed rest and time to devote myself to reflection and prayer. (I need perhaps to visualise one of those vases that Robert spoke of with The Prayer of Jabez)..but needed not to go off-line without a hearty Christmas wish and prayer-filled heart to all here.

    So, again a Merry Christmas and He is blessing all...Jan-Michael

  40. Merry Christmas Jan-Michael and Family. We will miss you. Looking forward to your return when you are ready. May you all have Peace Love and Joy this season.
    God Bless Cysradill

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. Hello Donna, and Hello everyone....HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
    I started to read that book and I love it so far.
    Speaking about disconnected.
    I had a time when I was disconnected from God....when I put God between everything else....he was NOT my number 1.
    Today I really believe HE sent me situations, people and friends to bring me back to get connected again. And all these brought me to this place where I am now and impacted me to become the person I am now. I am greatful for all of that....for the good and bad times.
    HE never gives up....HE loves us so much.
    Now I am closer to Him the before and I feel him deep inside of me.

  43. Hi Schajen,
    I am so glad you joined us here! You are right..God never gives up on us. Sometimes we forget about him but never the other way around.
    I have grown closer to God through hardship. I too was disconnected from Him in the past.
    God is blessing you for a great 2010. Donna


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D