
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our Newest Family Member!

Hi All!  I did a video yesterday which continues our discussion on "Leaning Into God When Life Is Pushing You Away."  Bobby will put it up soon, I'm sure.  In the meantime I thought you'd like to see a photo that was taken on Christmas Eve.   I am joyfully holding Haven Claire Schuller, born December 14 and my youngest, Anthony, is "holding" our dog Royce.  
Just yesterday we got to spend several hours with Haven while her mommy and daddy went out on a date.  It was a lot of fun!   God is blessing you, Donna


  1. Dear Donna & Family : What a lovely picture of you all. And what a great Christmas gift for you family. There is always blessing around each corner.
    God Bless Cysradill

  2. Wonderful photo and it does my heart good to see you and Anthony along with beautiful bundled up Haven Claire your new Grandchild and Royce (can't forget Royce); so lovely a dog!

    Talk about a picture perfect Christmas memory photo! The glow about you all is Christmas and Love and His blessings!

    Very good to hear Bobby and Hannah got to go out "on a date". So important to have their times together and for the Grandparents and rest of the family to get to know Haven.

    Congratulations again and thanks for the photo.

    He is blessing you and yours, including Royce

  3. I really loved that picture of
    you new Grand-daughter and of your dog. Our new dog is exactly the oppposite in colour as what your dog is. Our is part Welsh Pembrooke Corgi so it is a redish brown and white. Just about 2 minutes ago Scamp one of cats and Goldie, the new
    dog, touched noses for the first time

    God bless Barbie

  4. Donna, thanks for sharing this happy picture! - I remember my parents telling me taking care of their neighbor's very friedly black poodle, I was born and the dog was banished because of me. A pity! My parents have been afraid that he coudn't be good to me or for me. Similar this continued throughout my life . - It's so good to see how human of all ages go together with a pet. A pet can be good for our soul. Blessings, Swiss Rose

  5. Donna, I find it wonderful to see you so happy again. You must have been so proud to babysit this little sweetheart, lucky you! And good that the brand new parents went out on a date too, they need to spent some time together.
    I love pets too but because of my allergy I can't come close to cats or dogs. I always use to have budgies (parakeet) it was much fun taming them which is not very difficult but it takes up lots of time, budgies are very friendly and they just love your company and attention. I taught him to talk as well, that sounds so cute.
    Well pets don't have everlasting life so after 12 years, which is pretty old for a budgie, he died. But in a while I want to get another young one, it is so much fun and even though it is a bird they give you love, (and a bite sometimes)

    Thanks for sharing the picture Donna.

    God is blessing you and your loved ones.


  6. Donna, thanks so very much for sharing such a happy picture. A new bundle of joy is a wonderful gift anytime but this gift seems just a little more special at Christmas time!

    I am looking forward to the next discussion on Leaning into God. I have been working my way through the book and never expected this book to touch me in such a dramatic way. At times I have to just put it down because I find myself crying as I read and study. It feels like my soul is healing.

    Once again thanks for sharing!

    God is blessing you!
    Dana :)

  7. Donna,
    A new baby at Christmas. It doesn't get any better than that! I'm so happy for Bobby and Hannah. How nice to have them close by so that you can see your new granddaughter often. I wish we lived closer to my sister so that we could visit the new twins more frequently. Thanks for sharing the photo with us. Fondly, Mary


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