
Friday, April 2, 2010

Amazing Love

Today is Good Friday and I awoke early to the words of this beautiful song by Chris Tomlin.   I wanted to share these lyrics with you so that you might also embrace them along with the significance of this day. 

"I'm forgiven because you were foresaken,
I'm accepted,  You were condemmed.
I am alive and well, Your spirit is within me,
Because you died and rose again.

Amazing love,
how can it be
That You, my King, should die for me?
Amazing love,
I know it's true.
It's my joy to honor You,
In all I do.  I honor you.

I'm forgiven because You were foresaken,
I'm accepted, You were condemmed.
I am alive and well, Your spirit is within me,
Because you died and rose again.

Amazing love.
How can it be
That You, my King, should die for me?
Amazing love,
I know it's true.
It's my joy to honor You,
In all I do, I honor You.

You are my King,
Jesus You are my King."

"Christ did not have to offer himself many times.  He wasn't like a high priest who goes into the most holy place each year to offer the blood of an animal.  If he had offered himself every year,  he would have suffered many times since the creation of the world.  But instead, near the end of time he offered himself once and for all,  so that he could be a sacrifice that does away with sin.
We die only once, and then we are judged.  So Christ died only once to take away the sins of many people."   Hebrews 9-25-27

I pray that anything that has a strong-hold over your life would die today,  Good Friday.   I further pray that these issues that are holding you back be completely dead and buried.  In three days from now, on Easter morning I pray that you recognize the significance of God's greatest gift to you;  Jesus.  Through Him you have the ability to re-invent yourself and become an even better, more healthily integrated person than you are today.  I recognize that God is powerful enough to take away all bitterness, hatred, unforgiveness, jealousy, hurt, anger, or unhealthy habits.   I am convinced that God can take all of our shortcomings and difficult or painful situations and use them for His good.   Remember that God is blessing you always and in all things.  Donna


  1. Thanks for the wonderul lyrics, Donna. Christ died for our sins, we can bring ours to the cross and we are forgiven and are free. He loves us unconditionally. - To the cross subject I have heard a detailed semon in church today and your subject here is a nice addition to it. Sunday they continue with the rest of the Easter story. - Yes Jesus is our king. - Let us all bring the joy of the Easter time in our hearts. As awful it is that Jesus had to die at his young age at the cross as liberating it is for the humans. Easter Blessings, Rose

  2. Hi Donna and everyone,
    Happy Resurrection day on sunday! I just saw a beautiful good friday telecast of the 700 club on the passion and cross of Christ. Donna, it just supports everything you have written. This year, I am especially grateful for His eternal grace and love.
    blessings to you all,

  3. Thank-you Donna: In the small town I live in . To-day we honor Christ the best way we know how. We have Outdoor Community Service. A service of readings and meditations on Christ journey to the cross. wE CALL IT Stations Of the Cross. We start at the community Hall and then someone carries the cross to each station. We stop at all the different churches and the cemetery Then the last stop is at our biggest church where we sing to lyrics dispayed on the screen. Afterwards we have Fellowship Time we have coffee and Hotcross buns. Each year we have more people of all ages and families with their children attending.
    Bless You All .

  4. Beautifully said Donna, Thank you. Have a blessed Easter, you and your family.

  5. He is risen...He is risen indeed!
    Happy Easter everyone.
    God is blessing you, Donna

  6. Amen, to your last post Donna!!! - Easter Blessings Rose

  7. This is a very special Easter. In light of all the troubles our Country and the World are facing, Christ is making his Risen presence known to us in so many ways. I feel the support of Christ so profoundly today. He is giving us Hope of a new beginning for all who face unbearable problems, apathy, and doubted faith. We are so loved by Him and are saved eternally by his sacrifice for us.

  8. I also Mary feel a great sense of peace to-day. And I feel so much love for Christ and everyone. He has resin and we can feel it.
    blessing for a Happy Easter.

  9. I'm glad I found your blog. I've prayed for your whole family for over a year and have been so concerned for you. At holidays I think of your family and the emotional struggles you may be having.

    I'm a Presbyterian pastor's wife. I used to watch the Hour of P. getting ready for church each Sunday, to help me prepare myself for worship in our own church. I was watching the Sunday morning that Evil Kineivel shared, watching through tears. I went to church and told my husband and as many people who would listen to me, that I had just witnessed revival. The Holy Spirit was so powerfully present and it was obvious that Robert was sensitive to that movement of the Spirt and did the unthinkable - he altered the worship service that was being televised. I was amazed and humbled and grateful. I then found the article in Christianity Today about how that whole experience put the church into a time of discernment.

    I loved your husband's preaching, his realness, his sense of calling people to Christ and discipleship. There were fresh new winds blowing through the H of P and I for one was loving it.

    It's rare that I order anything from TV, but I immediately ordered the DVD of that Evil Kineivel morning and have shared it with many.

    I just finished reading "Walking in Your Own Shoes" and so enjoyed reading it, and was surprised it was written long before the separation. The scripture on Robert's medallion also moved me...

    I just wanted to write to let you know how much I appreciated your ministry - together - your example - your love for God and others. Having been in the ministry for over 40 years,
    and having experienced those ministry heartaches and struggles, i just wanted to say I love you and admire you. God's hand is on your lives. and I pray that the gift and calling of God that has been so powerfully evident, will continue to sustain you, give you joy, give you strength, give you life.

    Recently I bought a book about "Typhoon Lil" who was a Presbyterian missionary along with her husband in Taiwan and founder of Mustard Seed Mission. I found the book looking for something in print with her famous quote...a quote that had guided my life since my days as a student in Bible School - "your life is like a coin, you can spend it anyway you want but you can only spend it once."

    You and Robert are spending that coin in a way that reflects your vision of eternity. Bless you both. Bless you family. And may God bring His healing grace to each of you.

    There, I've been able to share what's been on my heart for you.

    "Well done good and faithful servant..."

  10. I just posted a comment, but the last person, a friend used my computer and it left his name - kehSupaman! Here is my name! Sorry!

  11. Just so you know, here is what i accidentally wrote logged in as "keysupaman!" I'm glad I found your blog. I've prayed for your whole family for over a year and have been so concerned for you. At holidays I think of your family and the emotional struggles you may be having.

    I'm a Presbyterian pastor's wife. I used to watch the Hour of P. getting ready for church each Sunday, to help me prepare myself for worship in our own church. I was watching the Sunday morning that Evil Kineivel shared, watching through tears. I went to church and told my husband and as many people who would listen to me, that I had just witnessed revival. The Holy Spirit was so powerfully present and it was obvious that Robert was sensitive to that movement of the Spirt and did the unthinkable - he altered the worship service that was being televised. I was amazed and humbled and grateful. I then found the article in Christianity Today about how that whole experience put the church into a time of discernment.

    I loved your husband's preaching, his realness, his sense of calling people to Christ and discipleship. There were fresh new winds blowing through the H of P and I for one was loving it.

    It's rare that I order anything from TV, but I immediately ordered the DVD of that Evil Kineivel morning and have shared it with many.

    I just finished reading "Walking in Your Own Shoes" and so enjoyed reading it, and was surprised it was written long before the separation. The scripture on Robert's medallion also moved me...

    I just wanted to write to let you know how much I appreciated your ministry - together - your example - your love for God and others. Having been in the ministry for over 40 years,
    and having experienced those ministry heartaches and struggles, i just wanted to say I love you and admire you. God's hand is on your lives. and I pray that the gift and calling of God that has been so powerfully evident, will continue to sustain you, give you joy, give you strength, give you life.

    Recently I bought a book about "Typhoon Lil" who was a Presbyterian missionary along with her husband in Taiwan and founder of Mustard Seed Mission. I found the book looking for something in print with her famous quote...a quote that had guided my life since my days as a student in Bible School - "your life is like a coin, you can spend it anyway you want but you can only spend it once."

    You and Robert are spending that coin in a way that reflects your vision of eternity. Bless you both. Bless you family. And may God bring His healing grace to each of you.

    There, I've been able to share what's been on my heart for you.

    "Well done good and faithful servant..."
    April 4, 2010 6:53 PM

  12. How was the earthquake?

  13. Thank you everyone for the great and heart-felt responses to my message. BTW-the earthquake was felt but that is all. No damage anywhere even close to where we live. Thank you for your concerns. Donna

  14. I have joined your blog as a follower first time I have done that. I miss you and Robert but God is faithful when a door closes he opens a window into a new venture. I have proved in my own life that God will never leave us or forsake us. I enjoy your writings keep it up.

  15. Donna-
    love that song <3! Thanks for the post :)
    miss you guys

  16. Hi Donna,
    That song - Amazing Love - has been a blessing to me on a special occasion. During a long-distance cycling tour I had much time to think and sing. One day I was singing, Amazing Love ... all day, but I could not think of how the first part went.
    All day and that night it had me thinking (old age - perhaps?)
    The next morning I woke and tuned to the local Christian Radio. There it came: I'm forgiven, because you were forsaken ... Out of the many songs they could have broadcast, they played the one I had been thinking about for hours and hours ...
    If we only would see God in everything!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D