
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Everyday Life with Robert A. Schuller

Many of you have emailed me or written to me and asked "how can I see "Everyday Life"?   For those of you that do not get ALN  or Family Net I have posted the award winning pilot for this new dramatic television show for your viewing.    This pilot was shown for the first time last November.   
Everyday Life from Alin Bijan on Vimeo.


  1. Dear Donna,
    I really enjoyed Robert's program on Everyday Life.
    It has a great message.

  2. Ditto,
    Waiting patiently for the next episode. Robert is a natural for this as I said when I watched the the premier episode months ago. You're the greatest Robert!! My Hubby liked it also. Hugs. Mary

  3. I just re read Feb.25th 2010. Fear or Faith. It was so nice Donna then when we could comment and try to help each other. Now that your Blog has change and there is usually nothing new I feel real lost and miss the friends I had made on your Blog.
    God Bless.

  4. Okay cysradill! I hear you and thank you. I will start up in September. God is blessing you. Donna


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