
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Keep A Good Thought" Kay Glavas

 "Never think gloom and never talk gloom.  If you look for good, you will find it"   Karl  Bach      

"...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things"   Philipians 4:8

In less than a week we will usher in a new season.  Here in my hemisphere we will begin our fall.   As I reflect upon the quickly passing summer months, I  remember that there are also seasons in my life:  ones of sadness and joy;   success and failure.  All of them present opportunities for growth. 
As you approach your new season try to focus on what you have gained, not what you have lost...what you have accomplished and not what you have failed to do.  Nothing is wasted.  Everything has a purpose under heaven.   Read Ecclesiastes 3 in the Old Testament

New video blog series on Body, Mind and Spirit health and connection, with regular special guest, coming soon!

God is blessing you always.  Donna
The alter at The Gathering.   Join Bobby Schuller 11am on Sundays.  143 S.  Lemon St.  Orange, CA  (Robert A. speaking this Sunday)


  1. Your right Donna, dark seasons can happen to everybody. But never dwell in them. Think positive a bettter future is ahead. Go in prayer with God, it helps to understand why you are putted in a not comfortable situation. Everything happens not just on purpose. - I look forward to your blog series!- Blessings, Rose

  2. Hi Donna,
    I was so pleased to see you are "blogging" and sending your positive messages again.
    In addition, I was pleased to see you have incorporated the "body, Mind, and Spirit" into your messages again. I still miss the seminars at Rancho Capistrano that was so good at putting these three factors together for best of health.
    I also like the looks of your new home page. It is great that you are offering your "bloggers" the Shakeology product. I have tried the product and finds a breakfast of one of the shakes provides the energy I need for three hours of tennis in the morning. I am sure this will help bring my cholesterol down ~~ reading the ingredients and all the paper work that has been proven about this product.
    Yes, we all do have the seasons of our soul the Summers, Autumns, Winters, and Springs ~~ yet, if we believe, keep and the faith ~~ the Springs always return ~~ with a chance for new growth.
    Keep the positive messages coming ~~ you are a lift and light for the soul.

  3. Thank you Rose and thank you M. It feels so good to be back and to have a new, God-given vision on where to go from here! Videos coming soon!!
    God is blessing you. Donna

  4. To Cyrasdill, I wonder if the following wonderful link will be helpful for you and your son as there can be so many calls when someone, as your husband is hospitalized. This lets you post to all your friends and other family and is at no cost. Your contacts can also write their thoughts back to you.

    Donna, good luck in the house sale and I look fwd to seeing Robert preach at St Patrick Project/The Gathering when the video comes to my email in-box from the site.

    Your plannned posts on "God's health plan", I look fwd to watching or reading, when you post.

    He is Blessing all, always

    Jan-Michael (Canada)

  5. Hi Jan-Michael!
    So very good to hear from you again! I totally agree that Caring Bridge is a wonderful site. We presently have a very good friend in the hospital in Seattle, WA and not only do they update and post her daily progress but we too can write in her "guest book" daily and send her our love. She and her family get to share in reading all of the messages at their leisure. Cysradil--if you signed up for this website then all of us can post to your husband and it might give him some much needed hope.
    Have a good weekend. Robert speaks tomorrow. God is blessing you, Donna

  6. My prayers are with you and your friend in hospital Donna and Robert. - Blessings, Swiss Rose

  7. Thank-you Jan Michael and Donna. I will try to connect with that sight
    God Bless Cysradill

  8. Shakeology website I went, Donna. It's very easy to drink all vitamines a body needs. But eating some portions of fruits and vegetables per day and drinking a lot of water or tea and sometimes combined with potatoes, pasta and a piece of meat is certainly not wrong.- We have to many products promising us to be the best. I "do not see the wood for the trees." I personally do not believe in this products.- Blessings, Rose


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D