
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Holy Land and Petra trip scheduled for May 26-June 5, 2011!

I will be posting a video very soon!  I was getting ready to do one and the rain started and hasn't stopped here in Southern Cal!!  

I also want to announce our next Holy Land trip coming up in May 2011.  If you would like more information please email me at


  1. Donna is it maybe possible that you put a short program on your site that everybody immediately can see to which places this wonderful trip would lead us? I think a decision to participate is easier made. - Blessings Rose

  2. EXTRA EXTRA you have to watch this!

    Robert A Schuller has just recently been interviewed, to be aired in full Nov 1 on the highly acclaimed program 100 Huntley Street and they have put a sneak 4 minute preview on YouTube at the following link:

    After the full interview is aired November 1 here in Toronto, across Canada and parts of USA, it will be available at the on-line site of 100 Huntley Street which I will post after Nov 1st when I see the full interview link.

    100 Huntley Street in Toronto has grown to be on TV throughout the day and evening with positive Christian news, music, interviews and prayer time. And it airs on several stations daily.

    The 4 minute preview is excellant and I came across it as I was searching Huntley Street for some other reasons but wow, what a terrific preview and great words by Robert A!

    He is blesing all, always
    Jan-Michael (Toronto)

  3. I would love to maybe visit with you regarding your Holy land trip. In the past, I went with the Catholic groups.

    How many guest positions do you have available? Or how many are going?

    Rose M.

  4. The complete interview of Robert A. Schuller, aired Nov 1, 2010 as promised.

    Here are Parts 1 & 2 of the interview Robert A recently gave, as aired across Canada and USA. Each link continues the interview at 10 minutes each part. It is a most open dialogue of the leaving of CCM and the positive plan unfolding for Robert A. Copy and paste each link line into your web-browser line and hit "enter" to watch. The lower right corner will also have an asterisk to go full screen, if you wish.

    HE is Blessing all, always
    J-M (Toronto)

  5. Soon it will be Nov. the 11th and we should all remember to honour our war veterns and those who have and still are fighting for our freendoom.
    God Bless Everyone

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I have an USA friend she was as a prominent person a part of a "procession" for the veterans a few years ago and certainly was proud of it. - Blessings, Rose


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