
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Global Peace Convention 2010

Photos from Global Peace Convention 2009, Manila, Philippines
A marching band to welcome us!  It was all little kids!
In Mindanao with the locals

Hi All,
Robert and I are getting packed to leave for our yearly participation in The Global Peace Convention.  You may remember my blog from last year regarding Robert's leaving his suit bag due to our rushing to make the flight to Manila, Philippines (the sight of last years convention!)   All turned out well and we are looking forward to speaking at this peace-promoting event again this year.  We have also printed out our itineraries and are sure of the departure time!  We will remember ALL of our luggage this year too!
World peace is an interesting and a very popular subject but I always remember that peace begins at home.  This is what I will address to the many different people from many diverse cultures and religions as I lead a break-out session at the convention.    One thing we all have in common is the desire to have our loved-ones live in a peaceful environment.  I will address practical ways to create and teach peace within the four walls of the home.  Of course as a Christian I will share with them that I try to follow the ways of the Prince of Peace.  
  "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."  John 16:33
I will make sure I get a video to share with you all!

God is blessing you.     Donna


  1. Peace starts in our hearts! - God is blessing you and your mission there. - Swiss Rose

  2. God be with you both. I pray that God will
    meet your every need whle you are away.
    God bless Barbie M

  3. God's words be with you and Robert as you open hearts with your own kind hearts.

    I am following the Alpha program at my local church and it is our Holy Spirit Weekend coming up. "Alpha" programs seem a really wonderful way for communities to come together, learning, asking, sharing, discussing and praying together.

    It is phenomenal how many Alpha programs are going right now across the world.

    169 Countries
    running Alpha

    15 Million people
    worldwide have taken
    the Alpha course

    Canada right now has 3000 Alpha courses running the 10 week courses in Churches, colleges, community centres mostly with an average attendance of about 50 persons per session.

    I look forward to seing your video or reading of The 2010 Global Peace Conference.

    He is Blessing all, always

  4. Your comments remind me of an article I read by Ronald Reagan way back when he was running for President. He wrote how that we could never had peace in the world, until we had peace WITHIN each nation, and that could not happen until we had peaceful families.

    For that to happen, Reagan went on to way, we each had to be at peace within ourselves and with our God.

  5. For AL: You wanted the visiting pastor Robert Maasbach's site from The Gathering/St Patrick Project sermon of a couple of weeks back. Being from UK myself near Kent I tracked it down so enjoy!

    Merry Christmas


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D