
Friday, January 21, 2011

What Are You Afraid Of?

"Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.  The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.  The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."          Exodus 14: 13 &14

These are the encouraging words of Moses as he led the Israelites out of Egypt.  This population of very brave people were exiting Egypt, on the run,  and experiencing uncharted territory and uncertain times ahead.  They must have been terrified as they saw the masses of the Egyptian armies bearing down on them.   None the less they persevered and followed the call of God to cross the Red Sea and   God was faithful as he helped them cross.
Many of us might feel as though we have "Egyptians" chasing after us today.  Of course I am not talking about this fine race or culture which exists today.  I am speaking of the fear and anxiety causing situations right now that bring up the same emotions that were experienced by the Israelites as a result of their fear of the Egyptians of their day. 
Power, fear,  uncertainty. anxious thoughts and lack of hope for the future are things that everyone faces at some time in their life.  
To help overcome these feelings that are not from God, try repeating to yourself and meditating on the above scripture.  
What are your "Egyptians" today?  Where do you need to "be still" and courageous?  Are you standing firm on the promises of God or are you wavering in uncertainty and fear?       Trust Him, be still, and know that what you are afraid of today may not be important tomorrow.  "God will fight for you"!
God is blessing you. 


  1. Dear Donna,
    Thanks for your words of encouragement. I do experience fear and anxiety often and I pray to
    God for help. We experienced a tragic death in
    our community recently. God has been blessing the family of the loved one who died through the prayers and support of many people.
    God bless you.

  2. Yes Donna, whatever seems irreconcilable, unworkable and destined to plague our day(s) forever is our tendency, as humans, to try to fix things ourselves. Thanks for the reminder, Donna to "Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you"! I have in times past been a worrier but I am less so dramatically now!

    Reality, I believe, is that HE has all things under HIS wing and will adjust any and all circumstances to reflect all that HE made and that ALL, is always GOOD!

    I try to keep faith that only HIS LOVE is permanent and everything else, if I let HIS Laws and Goodness work as HE planned, will work out well. If I try to "fix" without God leading the plan and leading me, I will interrupt and prevent HIS natural and Loving solution.

    I love this YouTube quick video:

    Shhhh "Be still and know that I AM"

    He is Blessing all always

  3. I have two things I am very afraid of.
    Up until a month ago I thought My plan to solve one of them was well underway. I talked to God every day about it and I still do. But it was stopped very sudenly a month ago and at this moment . I see no chance of it happening soon. I know that God has a plan for me . I do not question that. But I wondered why he let my dream for a better future start falling into place and then it was stopped. I know there is a reason. And it is not for me to question why. But sometimes that is hard. I trust in him completly and my faith is very strong. Maybe I was doing to much on my own and did not hear all he was saying. So I will just wait and listen.
    God Bless Everyone.

  4. It's good to be able to share our feelings with each other. We find out that we're not alone.
    My father used to tell me to pray to God for help during the difficult times. I will pray for you Cysradill.
    Thank you for your inspiring words, Jan-Michael.

  5. I love all of you and your honest sharing. Life is full of questions, concerns, and hurts. It is easy to say "stand firm" but another to do it when we can't even feel our feet. I'm like most of you in that I have been tempted to try and take control of my situations myself instead of waiting for God. Each time I do this I am reminded that it is never in my timing but always in His!
    Thank you for being my friends and for sharing your life on this blog.
    God is blessing you all. Donna

  6. Thanks Donna for posting this blog. I have been going through some stuff and I needed somebody to remind me of God's promises. I have been in such a frenzy that I forgot to listen to God and I have been trying to do it all on my own. No wonder I feel so tired, weepy and defeated.

    Thank you!
    Dana :)

  7. Hi Dana: That's what this blog does for you and all of us. It helps to tell someone when things get to be to much. And when you do it helps us also . It is so great to be
    able to pray for you and everyone that needs help. Because we end up help ourselves at the same time. We are Gods helpers .
    God Bless Everyone

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Nothing to do with this blog entry. - Way is your Robert not continuing his bog? Seems he is not inerested. I understand him very well!!! Donna, maybe you forced him to much to do one, even he is not in the mood or interested to commnicate through a blog. - Much heart, Swiss Rose

  10. Hi Rose,
    Robert and I both are working very hard and he is not accustomed to writing a blog. It just isn't his priority right now and there are only so many hours in one day. I am the one who asked him if he wanted to do it in the first place. He did a few times but he did not realize how much time it took to keep it up. Maybe he will write more and maybe he will not!? God is blessing you. Donna

  11. Thank you for a very timely post. I recently found a old prayer list tucked in the pages of a Bible I no longer use because the print is too small. The list dated back to my daughter's senior year in high school. How faithful God was to us during that stressful time, when she was determined to marry her high school boyfriend as soon as they graduated! None of the things I worried about and lost sleep over happened. In fact, I had forgotten most of them. I showed my daughter (now 26) the list and asked if she still wanted to marry J_____. Her response? "Yuck!"

  12. Love to all!

    We need to pray for much; our Barbie in Brisbane (Queensland) after floods,cyclone; the people in Egypt and middle east who walk now 5 miles for bread; and patience as whatever is a challenge gets adjusted rightly through God's Love!

    I am pleased Robert is working with you in your combined Ministry as I see it, writing his latest book, you Donna with your nutritionist/dietician business and of course there are now 22 young people going to The Oaks thro' St Patrick Project (I see Pastor Bobby is now President of St Patrick Project-Congrats to him and all for the growth and good things happening as it plans a larger location).

    Thank you Donna, Robert, Bobby and Angie. You inspire me and many world-wide!

    I am blessed that my next grandchild is due Feb 14 (St Valentine's Day)

    We are snowed in but all the neighbours are helping eachother and that is great to see. The young and healthy helping those needing assistance. LOVE is all around and especially through your kind heart, Donna!

    He is Blessing all always

    Father, we know you are in us and we can be of you. Lead us in good thoughts we pray, knowing we can do anything without failure when we follow you as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all in the Love which you breathed into all.


  13. You are right JM we need to pray for others. Who are so far away around the world. And their troubles are so much bigger then some of us. When I think of what I have and count my blessing. I feel my troubles are real BUT very small compared to others. I pray that Barbie and her loved ones are safe. and in time we will hear from Barbie. And JM I pray that soon you be able to go out again. I also have good loving neighbours that see to it. That their is a wheelchair path when it snows for my son.
    God Bless everone. Just know God is holding you in his gentle loving hand

  14. RE Barbie is safe in Brisbane and Queensland!

    I have heard back from Barbie in Brisbane and she is safe! She will not mind I post part of her news for all who have shared concerns:

    [We are lucky as the cyclone is further closer to the equator than we are. We had the radio on at 4 a.m. this morning to listen what was happening.The cyclone is a very bad one.Two of the towns that need praying for are Townsville and Cairns. People have had to take their clothes and precious items out of their houses and just leave the houses.

    When the cyclone is finished they have no idea at all if they will have a house when they go back to them

    Thanks for praying for us... God bless Barbie]

    Let us be thankful for Barbie and all who were spared. Australia seemed well prepared. I cannot imagine 300km winds!


  15. Bless You J-M for sharng that news about Barbie and her family. I will pray for the ones who were not so luckey. And pray sometime and somewhere they will find blessings in all of this.
    God Bless Everyone Cysradill

  16. Jean-Michael are you corresponding with Barbie? Are you a friend of here? -Blessings Rose

  17. This blog has a way of connecting people in a special way and so it has done for me, with connecting to Barbie. She in Brisbane, I in Toronto, she having helped me in kind words and so grows a friendship. And now, my cousin has recently moved from UK to Melbourne. This world is really so small on the surface but can be so inspiring and enriching through His Love and blogs like Donna has here!



Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D