
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Robert's New Book


  1. thanks. you gave me a reason to hang on for another day

  2. I started watching the HOP in 1981. I adored your father and his sermons. Since Your sister Sheila took over our church has changed. When you were in charge so many positive things were happening such as prayer cards etc. I attended the CC from 2004 until 2008. I wish you were still in charge. The choir and Don Nueun is no longer there due to vetting of the choir. I realize I have to forgive and move one...but I wanted you to know thaat I know that you would never have let that to happen under your watch

  3. Sorry for the comments was a bad day yesterday

  4. Surely Robert, I immediately 'saw' Jesus shining through your eyes and I am excited to receive my copy of the book. (pre-ordered from

    The four sections have whetted my appetite. The setting and music in the background further added to my sense that the book will be calming and insightful.

    It may stir my heart and emotions and certainly my memories of times I experienced myself but as always, I know I will better understand loss and renewal ; mostly I know I will have a greater Peace at the end.

    As I await the next installment on this blog site I know He is Blessing all, always

  5. Hi Everyone,
    Thank you for your meaningful comments. Mary-I am glad your day is at least better than yesterday.
    Keep taking it one day at a time and remember that God IS blessing you, even in what seems like the darkest of times. Donna

  6. Mary A...I read you are in the midst of a bad/hard time. Whatever that is, know that along with others, I am and have prayed that you will safely see the way through and your testimony at the end, when all has been resolved as well as possible, will be a "beacon of hope to others"! We all need your kind comments when we are facing seemingly the worst times imaginable.

    If needed email me at

    He is Blessing and at your side always
    Jan-Michael with Love

  7. Donna, why did you put this video on your blog too? I guess it belongs to your beloved husband Robert and belong to him and we all hope to get answers from him. God is blessing you my dear, Rose

  8. So many people are described to this lovely blog, but I never, never see a comment of you all, it's a great pity!!!! Don't be shy and answert in public. - Blessings, Swiss Rose

  9. I think Rose makes a very good point...

    And, perhaps would also suggest as a donor/participant to maybe incorporate the community of Bobby's Ministry of his St.Patrick community and or with his Tree of Life community. To perhaps invite fellowship in the blogs and to become more active with Robert A. blog's.

  10. I do not think this video is anywhere but here, done by Donna and processed by Bobby for and with Robert and his family and us! And that is what is important to me. That it is done. And all had a part to play as a family. The message is all I need. And I think Donna and Bobby and Robert are going to make this series of videos or posts a wonderful intro to the book.

    We are Blessed as a Fraternity and to elaborate please watch how Daniel Radcliffe put it on The TV recently in song and dance...if you did not know he is more than Harry Potter.


  11. Hi!
    Robert will be reading and commenting on his blog comments as soon as I teach him how to do this! Please forgive us as we are doing this alone and I know that he want to get back to you as soon as possible so I will show him how to get in here and do this!! Rose, I just read that your poor mom has had a bad fall and was in the hospital. I am so very sorry Rose. I know that you are a good and faithful daughter, always taking care of both your mom and dad. This must be very hard on your father and yourself. Robert has not seen this yet but when he does he will get back to you. I am praying for you and your family.
    God is blessing you and he will get you through this too. Donna

  12. Donna,
    May I privatey email you and share our difficulties? I'm finally willing to open up more.

  13. Donna, THANK YOU SOOO.. MUCH! I'm confident that my mum will progress!!! God can heal her through my nice but "tough" words. Unfortnatey she is a complaining person, about every peanuts too, unfortunately. I helping with cooking or chorous nothing I do right. My parents do not walk with God,even my dad knows more about Jesus as a pastor.. he he...!! Really he knows a lot about him!- People have you seen that Robert has his video on his blog? I mean you can comment their too. - Blessings Rose

  14. Mary Alv. be outspoken too on the blog. More people can help you in your case. I like to pray for others, but wihout knwoing a reason, I have difficulty. Blessings Rose

  15. I want to thank each and every one of you for the support you are offering me here on this wonderful blog. Hasn't Donna been a blessing to us all? Sometimes I have a hard time sharing, but I husband lost his job and CEO jobs are very difficult to come by in this economy. He was a casualty of our bad economy, not a lack of skills. I'm angry and I'm panicked. We're in a difficult economy and I'm scared. I'm usually a positive, lighthearted person and someone who would give you the shirt off of my back if you needed it, even now....I gave a homeless woman sitting outside our local post office 40 dollars the other day. If my husband was still employed I would have given her much more and felt guilty that I didn' she had a young child in a stroller with her and she seemed genuinely at in distress. An older woman was speaking with her after me and I hope she helped her too. We have a daughter in college, we help my mother and homes in our area aren't selling due to a the huge inventory of homes on the market. My husband collapsed in my arms today sobbing and he never cries. I have to be strong for him and our daughter, but this is more than I can bear. God promised us he would never give us more than we can bear, so why is he not intervening? There is more than I am posting, but I don't know if people outside of our family church could google my name and read what I'm saying. I also have had blood pressure readings of 200/100, had a disruption in my vision (could be retina issues) went to the hospital and am going to a doctor next week. Also a friend was diagnosed with leukemia last week and I have to be there for her. Wish I was stronger right now for her. So there you have it. I hate to burden you all. My email address is for those who asked. Sorry I didn't respond earlier but my emotions have been all over the map lately and I wanted to be in a rational state of mind when I posted. Love all of you dearly.... Mary

  16. Dear Lord give Mary and her husband patience. Loosing a job is terrible but not the end of the word. (Lost several jobs in my life already!) – More important is Mary’s eye. Anonint her and give her courage that doctors test turn out well. Let her pray together with her husband and getting comfort from you Jesus. – In your name Amen.

    I do not google you, to difficult! Pls. give the hompage where I can find you, thanks!

    Blessings, Rose

  17. Dear Friends,
    This is what our community here should be about. Mary-I did write you privately on gmail but I will also say part of what I wrote here: Robert and I do know what you and your husband are feeling. Losing his position with the company hurts on so many levels. Allow yourself to grieve and feel the pain. You will get through it and you will become more compassionate and strong as a result. Make sure to take some alone time each morning. Even when you feel low energy. The Holy Spirit will minister to you in your time of need if you quiet yourself, sit and listen. He will be there for you even if you don't know how to pray. Through the hardships of the past three years I have grown so much closer to God and I am convinced more than ever that he always has a better plan. But first, allow yourself to feel angry, sad, bitter, revengeful, or any other emotion that comes up. Feelings are real and should never be ignored. It's what we do with those feelings, the actions we take as a result, that is important.
    I pray for your overall health and well-being during this very difficult time.
    Rose-it must be very difficult to tend to the needs of your parents. If they are critical of you it is because you are a safe person for them to take their frustration out on. Remember that you are a good and faithful daughter and you can be proud of that. You have always been there to serve them. Make sure you take some time out for yourself. I know that you like to hike in the beautiful Swiss countryside so take advantage of the outdoors and spending time alone in solitude and prayer. It will help you stay centered and energetic so you can help your mom heal.
    God is blessing you. Donna

  18. Thanks Donna for your nice words. - It's really not easy to tend to the needs of my parents. I take enough time for myself and go to church to refresh me; praying, reading God's words. Nature means a lot to me. - Blessings, Rose

  19. I have never known a job loss that did not cause a melt-down emotionally by myself, my wife in her job loss or my friends who lost work; BUT I also always saw after a time that there was a better job for myself or others....not necessarily more money but rather an even better fit once the person had been released from a seemingly safe job and looked now for something they more had wanted to do with their life.

    Love and prayers and maybe when God promises to never give us too much HE means we will sometimes be okay ourselves or be helped like through Donna's Blog or prayer or time away.


  20. Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement. This group will help me get though, I know it. I've been in sad mode for the past few days and slow to respond so forgive me. I know I'm depressed and that it is normal I feel the way I do. Hang in there with me. I also don't want to be the center of attention since my calling in life is to be a giver and help others, thus I'm having a difficult time asking the same in return. I don't know why I am the way I am. So how can I help you all?

  21. please pray for us tomorrow....special intention.

  22. I really don't belong to this specific church blog, but would ask Mary if she would be interested in following up on the homeless person that was helped in her act of kindness. What happened to her?

    And, now that maybe Robert A. is doing joint blogs with Donna, we all could be further blessed by a special healing prayer for all families that are here in the blog...maybe a special prayer?

    Praying for you Mary, stay strong, positive and work through your problems and there is always a Brand New Day!

  23. I'm not sure people, are you really aware that Robert has his own blog and his video is there too??? - - I dare to ask you Al, why you really don't belong to this specific church blog. You are making comments often. - Blessings Rose

  24. well...


    But, I probably will just stop in at Robert A. Blogs and listen...And, that there are some special bonds in here from past church ties...

    But, maybe, I will stop the mean-time here is an uplifting video to shine through to all in some special Love, Joy, and Hope...

  25. Al, thank you!

    Brought tears to my eyes as she sang "Rainbow" so tenderly and her last line "if someday you can't find me... I will be with God" specially touched me as this is the 18th anniversary of when family tragedy struck and my first Grandchild Westley, a tender-hearted 3 years old, who I had hugged goodbye hours earlier was killed.

    Blessings to all..J-M

  26. Such a nice post Al. And in case you are wondering, like it or not, you are a "member" of this blog. I have had 46,893 views since I started this just over two years ago and out of all of those there has only been a handful of people who have commented here. You Al are one of the few!!
    Welcome!! God is blessing you, Donna

  27. J.M. So sorry that you have to somehow re-live that family tragedy from years ago. Although my dad was killed in 1969 I still remember March 28th with somber reflection. I think about all that he and I missed out on. I know that he is with God but I still miss him. Thank you for sharing.
    God is blessing you. Donna

  28. Dear Donna,
    In July, I remember the passing of my dad from an accident. He died in 2002. I understand how hard
    it is to lose a loved one suddenly. It's wonderful
    that we can share our experiences with others on this blog.

  29. Wanted to check in with you. I've been busy helping my husband get things together to begin his job search. In response to Al.. no I don't know what happened to her. Didn't get her name or address and I wish I would have. It really bothered me so much to see her sitting there with her baby and stroller. I hoped that the man after me who stopped to talk to her and others would also help. That to me is the chain of giving in action. I did my part to help and I hope others followed suite......

  30. Hi to All...

    And, Thank you Donna for your invitation, I might stop back in more...I have always felt its good for the heart to bond in fellowship, and get to know people more...

    Jan-Michael & Elizabeth, I too am sad for your loss and pray for all your families. I know Its hard and I am sorry to hear...

    Mary, its great to hear that you're doing better and thank you for your answer. I remember when I was making special deliveries on a regular basis to my church, and as I was driving to the church weekly I kept seeing a women that was homeless. I stopped one help her, I gave her my name and business card, and our church association card and a meal. She reached out, and I gave her a a ride to the Salvation Army and had my church look in on her on a regular basis. It really started a healing journey for her...

    So, I always try to do my part, but, it can get crazy with homeless people too, of such ill things of drugs, alcohol and etc...I also knew one homeless person in Vegas too, but, ran into her drug lords/pimps. But, I always try to follow up with them through the Salvation army and or my church...

    In any event, just sharing some personal related info...

    Hope everything is well for All...

  31. Dear Liz,
    You too have a fatal family accident to recall. Sorry about your dad's accident, and not so long ago really. Sudden accidents are a reminder to us all that life is so very fragile. One day you are here the next you are not. Each day is a gift. There are no guarantees.
    Al-we welcome your comments always! Thank you!
    God is blessing you, Donna

  32. Donna, life is in heaven's hands. Never ask why happens this or that tragedy or why me. It is like it is. Without questioning everything we can live much more satisfied.- Blessings, Rose

  33. Donna, can't Robert creat a blog with his own email address and a password? Remember how did you creat your own blog. - Rose

  34. Rose,
    I just wrote a response to this because of Al's great advice. Please look at Robert's blog comments (and note that I changed my photo!)
    Thank you for your help too.
    How is your mom doing?
    God is blessing you (and me), donna

  35. Donna, my mum is getting better, after three weeks in hospital, she can go together with my dad to rehabilitation for three or four weeks. I had bad news from a female USA friend. Her mother felt twice, broke her shoulders and got concussions. She shuttered her wriste too. Pls. dear people pray for this ladies, even you do not know her (my friend) personally. I love my friend deary! - - - God is blessing you (and me), sweet, Donna!!! -- Rose

  36. Of course Rose. So very sorry about your good friend's mom. I will pray for all of you.
    I am glad that your own mom is getting better although recovery will probably take some time.
    A safe and speedy recovery for all.
    God is blessing you. Donna

  37. Donna,

    I am very happy you chose to upload the husband and wife team pic...)

    Look forward in listening to you both!

  38. Happy Father's Day to all. We have been Blessed. And it is a great time to recall our need to always share with our children "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control"

    Enjoy every day as a father!

    J-M x

  39. Dear Donna,
    Thank you for your kind words and blessing concerning the passing of my father. I know you
    understand how hard it is. Also, thanks Al for your
    support and prayers.

  40. Emilie in MInneapolisJuly 4, 2011 at 11:32 AM

    I read the news in the online LATimes just now, and while it's sad that RHS received the same treatment as RAS, I hope this can be a start for a wholehearted reconciliation between RA and RH. I was a member of the Eagles Club for 20 years, and wrote my opinion on the rift back when it happened, and then left CC/HOP. I am so proud that RAS took a thoughtful high road in his comment to the Times--not that I'd expect anything less. I hope RHS will accept his son's outreach, there. Poor Arvilla, though. It was as much her church as RHS's.

  41. Donna,
    I sent you an e-mail tonight. Much Love and support from my Husband and me to you and your family. Fondly, in Christ's Love. Mary A.

  42. Way to hang tough Robert, best of luck with your book and making your life count for God. I always enjoyed hearing you preach at the CC - and I sincerely think God is calling you to even greater accomplishments than would have been possible there. You were meant for more. I respect how you have stepped up, taken this like a man, and moved on. I am sure it has been incredibly difficult, but thank you for not dragging all of us through it and being stoic. And for that alone, I say thank you and God bless your family. Keep being strong in the Lord and stoic - and thanks for taking the high road always in all these things. Fight on Robert, many of us are cheering for you out here, wanting for you to excel!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D