
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Homeland Security

"What is my only comfort (security) in life and in death?   That I am not my own, but belong body and soul, in life and in death-to my faithful savior Jesus Christ."  The Heidelberg Catechism

As we ponder the great tragedy that struck the USA ten years ago today, let us all remember that throughout history there have been both natural and the unthinkable humanly caused disasters.    We must further remember that we are all going to die some day.   It's not so important how or when we will die:  what is important is how we choose to live.  
There is a rainbow at the end of every storm, only sometimes we can't see it.
May God continue to strengthen and heal all the 9/11 families and friends.  I pray that each of us would hold on to the memory by appreciating each and every day we have.  There is still a lot of good in this world so concentrate on that.  Get involved with something great!  Go out and make a difference. 

"Finally, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is praiseworthy--think about such things....put all of this to practice, and the God of peace will be with you always."    Philipians 4:8,9

God is blessing you.   Donna


  1. Hello there Donna and Robert and anybody who
    reads this message. I am from Brisbane
    Australia. I want you all to know tht here in
    Australia people are thinking of what happened
    in your country 10 years ago. A prayer was
    said in the church service thaboth my husband
    and I went to so people here in Australia are
    thinking of you all God bless Barbie M

  2. It's wonderful how American and Canadian families came together after the tragedy of 9/11. I've heard many touching stories. May God continue to bless and comfort the families who lost loved ones.

  3. I have been told by that today they are delivering me my copy of Robert's new book

    When You Are Down to Nothing, God Is Up to Something: Discovering Divine Purpose and Provision When Life Hurts by Robert Anthony Schuller and William Kruidenier

    As this was ready but the site said it would be mailed only in March 2012, I am really pleased they have now decided to release it NOW.

    So pleased and this is a balm to my soul as my Mum goes into a nursing home today(Alzheimer's) and my wife has been found to have a growth on her thyroid that must be seen this month.

    A prayer for my Mum Barbara and my wife Betty would be appreciated from any who read this.


  4. Dear Jan Michael,

    I'll pray for your mom and your wife.

    May God bless you all.


  5. Thank you Liz...I am off to the nursing home here in Toronto with my mom shortly, but seeing your loving message of prayer makes me feel calmer. Thank you and to any others I know we will 'feel' the prayers. God Bless you Liz and all here


  6. Hi J.M.
    I was out of town so I just read this. Of course I am praying for your wife, Betty and your mum Barbara. I trust that they (and you)feel God's guiding and comforting hand upon them.
    As far as Robert's book goes...I don't know why Amazon told you that it would be shipped! He has the galleys to look over for final proofing right now!! They are due to the publisher by Oct 5th so that they can start the printing process! It's a good thing that they once again returned it to Robert for a final look over because so much time has past that what said "two years ago" now has to read "3 and 1/2 years ago" by the time the book is out in March!! (funny these publishers-it has to be a tougher than ever business these days!)
    Okay...I have to run. I am giving a health workshop this morning and evening on the subject of detoxifying the body.
    God is blessing you, Donna
    PS I will blog by the end of this week including Robert's great intro to his new book!!

  7. Yes Donna, sent only another part of my order made months ago and no, Robert's book was not in the delivery as you surmised correctly. I guess Amazon just wanted to send the other half of my order. Disappointed but hey, Robert and your story has evolved and is not done yet!

    On my Mum, she is okay as am I and rest of family. Mum became surprisingly calm at the residence. There is a chapel at the entrance and that was where Mum and I sat for awhile, the sun shining through the stain glass windows. I said "God is here and in charge of all, so all will be well". "Yes" she managed to verbalize and smiled serenely. We then looked at the gardens and her room that she also seemed to like, all her paintings and photos arranged beside her own familiar furniture.

    My wife, Betty will see the specialist at the end of October but was worrying about her life insurance and I said "Hey, Life Insurance is not something I am concerned about and so can we leave it and let's work on wellness not Life Insurance!"

    The great news of today was that my Mum's cat needed a home and a Personal Care Worker of my Mum called and asked if she could adopt the cat. So good as this was a cat my Mum had adopted when it had been neglected so has trust issues. PC knows the PSW who had fed him for sometime so he too is looked after.

    All is well!


  8. Post-script to earlier post
    ( sent only another part of my order made months ago and no, Robert's book was not in the delivery as you surmised correctly).

    PS The 1/2 order I did receive was the film Cast Away with Tom Hanks and I watched it last evening. So though Robert's book When You're Down To Nothing God Is Up To Something was delayed, the film is amazingly about a man "down to nothing" and not to spoil ending if anyone has not seen it, the end is how the beginning, almost forgotten by me by the end, was how one seemingly insignificant parcel is the saving grace for his future! When I ordered Robert's book and filled the order with the DVD film I had no idea the connection but very inspiring for me to see the link to Robert's book theme!

    He is Blessing all, always

  9. detoxifying the body: Pls. tell us Donna, how it was going and if you like, tell us more about how you see this subject. - God is blessing you, yesterday, today and tomorrow ! - Swiss Rose

  10. Roger Williams' passing recalls for me his deep Faith and gentle calming voice. Yes, his Autumn Leaves rendition will be a "standard" in most pianists' repertoire but above all, a heart that God perhaps could see and allowed his magic fingers to fly across the keys well into his late years was a Gift to all.

    He so loved the CCM but sadly left as did many since 2008. Hopefully he found comfort in how he devoted his musical talent so much to God.



    We are so Blessed! To all in Canada celebrating our Thanksgiving Day with family, friends or enjoying the fall colours, have a wonderful day.


  12. Donna,

    Its a great blog and truly inspired by your rainbow picture.

    Just wanted to say keep up the great work and saying a special prayer for you and Robert sorry to hear of the problems...

    But, on a very bright note a sincere congratulations to your husband, Chris Wyatt, and Mark Brunett in their ventures.

    Wishing all the best and keeping you and your family in my prayers.


  13. Hi All!
    I am "up for air" although only temporarily.
    I hope it was a great Thanksgiving Day in Canada. JM- I hope that both your mum and your wife are doing good. Hi to Barbie in Australia. Al-so good to hear from you after all this time and Elizabeth, as always thanks for being a loyal supporter!
    I will be flying out to join Robert in Brazil tomorrow. He has been preaching for the Bishop of the AG church in Brazil. It is a huge church! More than 7700 churches in each state and they open at least one or two new ones each and every day!! The spirit is alive and well in Brazil so you can thank God. Robert tells me that he has been invited back to speak to a delegation of 500,000 in mid-November! I am so glad that Robert is doing what he was called by God to "inspire people". I will join him for the Global Peace Festival in Brasilia and then to speak to one more church next Sunday before flying home on Monday. I plan on posting tomorrow before I leave. God is blessing you. Donna

  14. PS By the way, all of our expenses are paid for by either the GPFF or the AG Brazil! I don't usually explain that but in being sensitive to what has been recently reported regarding my husband and the CC (which is mostly not true!!) I thought I would let you all know that this is a working trip and it is not paid for by us. This is what we and spread the peace of God! :-))

  15. Donna,tell us later more about this Brazil Church. Example, what/how they preach. Are they wearing a rob, what are their main goals? Or if it exists a homepage. - God is blessing you both yesterday, today and tomorrow! Rose

  16. Rose-It is the Assemblies of God (AG) denomination. I'm pretty sure you have this denomination in Switzerland as well. It is worldwide and it is pentecostal. Their outreach in Brazil is huge!! They are doing a great job in missions as they have built schools, hospitals, etc. I will be joining Robert tomorrow as I leave LAX tonight. I hope this helps.
    God is blessing you, Donna

  17. Donna, thanks, I go to a Pentacostal Church here in Zurich almost every Sundray. Switch over to english language and you will find out more. I will search in google to find out more about your church. - God is blessing you, Rose

  18. Donna,

    Thanks for updating and both of you are in my prayers in your ministry missions and to your safe travels...

    Look forward in hearing more...


  19. Robert and I are leaving Brazil tonight. I have not had a chance to post but I do finally have my video from GPFF in Mongolia so I will post and tell you about that incredible country this coming week. Thank you all for your continued prayers.
    God is blessing you! Donna


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D