
Saturday, March 24, 2012

A quick note...

Hi All,
If you are local I want to encourage you to attend the Crystal Cathedral tomorrow.  Even if you are committed to another church (as am I!)  I think it is critical that we all do whatever we can to support  CEO John Charles and the current leadership.   They are going through a huge yet positive transition and they need our support.   After last Sunday I am convinced that the congregation has a very bright future.  I go to the 9:30 service so I can get to my son, Bobby's 10:30 service.   He is preaching on "Happiness" and it's been a great series!
   God is blessing you.  Donna


  1. I would like to see Robert A. go back to the C.C. Good luck.

  2. I will be there in spirit and I pray that the new President and CEO John Charles succeeds. I know in his recent message he speaks from his heart. This is a new chapter and though I will stay with Bobby's Ministry, I am happy that some new effort to resurrect the wonderful positive words and voices will come through the new Choir and director and new interim Ministry, as I understood it. What a week to have new life being Palm Sunday tomorrow and as Robert's new wonderful book reminds us: God is always at work behind the scenes. Let's pray HE wants to show us how HE can answer all our prayers and RHS and Mrs Schuller can see the torch relit and adds to our Christian faith, even though many of us have found new Christian homes. We can all use another place to add to our weekly Christian wordhip times!

  3. Donna, I didn't realize at first that I was watching a classic re-run this past Sunday. I thought Robert was back and was so excited!! Hopefully someday soon he will be leading the HOP again. This certainly is a sign that " God Is Up To Something" !!!!

    Ken W.

  4. Donna, I have heard reacently what happend. Sad and really a tragedy! – What I think they have to find a new building where they can have church services, when the catholics take over. Will they find one, is the rest of the congregation going with them to another place. It is still written in the stars whether they find a new place or not!!!

    Now I encourrag the people to read RAS book and then they can read and get their eys open, why everything came to this end. I always had the feeling like RAS openharted tells us it happened. I’m a person who walkes through the world with open eyes, even the truth can hurt.– People be blessed!

  5. Ken, I always thought that people think RAS will come back. I faced the truth. As I aleady told similar, I live not in a dream land. Anyway enjoying reruns is good! Blessings

  6. I sure liked the services the last two weeks even though they were reruns. It brought back very good memories as to why I liked the Old Hour of Power and why I watched it for over 25 years. I really believe it can be rebuilt, even at a new location, but RAS should be the lead Pastor. I do like the guest Speakers/Ministers too, but RAS is the right person to rebuild the the new Hour of Power. I hope the Church Leadership can find a role and a way to bring back Robert A Schuller to the Hour of Power. As a Catholic, I am pleased the Catholic Church is the heir to the Cathedral versus any other Denomination, but I want the Hour of Power to be rebuilt and to continue on.

    The more we learn about the family power struggles that went on, I am not surprised the church imploded. The doors have been closed but the window is wide open for Robert A. to be brought back. If that happens, Robert A. will be embraced like we have never seen before. I do hope Robert H. Schuller and Arvella can be taken care of for their remaining years, for that would be the rightious thing to do.

  7. "Anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only God can count the apples in one seed."! Only He knows the future of the CC and the HOP. God is blessing you. Donna

    1. WOW! Hopefully Robert A. will be part of the new plans.

  8. Thank you for your prayers and support. They are sincerely appreciated.

  9. If I lived closer than accross the country, I would. We did get to see the Cathedral 3 years ago when we went to Anaheim on vacation. We are so glad we go there before all of the current things started to take place. We have fond memories of our visit there.

  10. Posted on Robert A Blog and below for those only on Donna's Blog

    The number 13 is, by some, thought not a lucky number but is sometimes the needed most positive number, as I found last evening in Robert's new book! Let me explain:

    Yesterday, my wife and I were given the disappointing news that the biopsy of my wife's Thyroid Gland, removed 2 weeks ago along with multiple suspicious nodes, were all found to be cancerous and the cancer was considered "widely invasive".

    Last evening, I opened my copy of Robert's book, to continue reading and I found I was at Chapter 13, dealing with disappointment! In reading the stages of 'positive progression after disappointment', I felt well nourished emotionally and spiritually, so if I may, I copy here the stages Robert lists, in part, with my heartfelt gratitude to him and to God who is always with us, especially when we need to feel HIS comfort through times of concern. HE finds ways to remind us we are never down to nothing, as HE is always with us in Spirit or at times perhaps, speaking to us through wisely and well written books!

    From Chapter 13 of "When You are Down to Nothing,GOD Is Up To Something":

    -disappointments produce perseverance,
    -perseverance produces character,
    -and character produces hope,
    -And hope does not disappoint.

    "So, if we follow the positive progression, we begin with a disappointment but we end with no disappointment because we have 'worked the system'. We have developed perseverance, which is a godly character trait, which gives us renewed hope
    -and hope does not disappoint".

    God is Blessing all, always

  11. Hi J.M.
    I am sorry to hear about your lovely wife. She will be at the top of my prayer list whilst I await progress reports (please)
    You are so positively encouraging and you continue to be a role model for so many people. Thank you for this.
    God is blessing you through this too. Donna

  12. Thank you Donna for your kind words, prayers and encouragement. My wife is very brave and faithful of HIS continuous Love. 'We will get through what we are going through' and YES, I will keep you posted as my wife progresses.

    God is Blessing you and yours

  13. Hey Donna and those who are CC supporters! I just turned on the telecast on TBN and John Charles seems like a wonderful man! These are indeed positive changes at the Crystal Cathedral!! It's so nice to hear the organ again and a choir!!! People seem happier too so this is indeed God blessing CC right now. I share the hope and prayer of a previous poster of Robert A. being a part of CC's future plans with these positive changes that are occurring!! :)

  14. After watching the service on TV this morning, you can see the real revival of the Hour Of Power is in motion. There were many more people sitting in the pews this morning which means the loyal followers will come back as the church is brought back the Hour Of Power we were all drawn to from its beginning. The Choir sounded like the old days and that was nice to hear.

    Higher forces appear to be at work and hopefully we will see Robert A. Schuller be brought back to the Church. It is crucial that Robert A. puts all of his pride aside, if the opportunity to lead the Hour of Power presents itself to him, for he will be stronger than ever before and accepted like he has never experienced before. Let's see if Robert is one of those seeds in God's Apple of the Hour of Power.

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about your wife, Jan-Michael. I will pray for her. God bless you both. Your faith will make you strong.

  16. Thank you Elizabeth for your prayers and words. I have not been on-line for a few days until just now....seemingly right after your kind message. That was amazing timing? Or as RAS says "HE is always working in the background", up to something in our lives. So maybe HE used your message today to lift my spirits and those of my wife!

    He is Blessing all always

  17. Another great comeback fot the Hour of Power today and an excellent sermon from young Rev Bobby Schuller. The church is filling back up, the music is great, and the Hour of Power that we all cherished, is showing signs of bright future again. I would enjoy watching Robert A and Bobby share the pulpit and even have an occational visit from Robert H in the future. Robert A would be the appropriate lead Pastor of the new Hour of Power.

  18. It was wonderful to see Robert A. Schuller on the Hour Of Power today.
    Also, Bobby gave a powerful sermon that inspired me. I think the service was a repeat of an earlier service.

  19. Reading the following from Robert's new book and it was as though my head was suddenly aglow from within! {Posted on Robert's blog but here also, as not sure if his blog is active and this is maybe where he follows so here goes):

    When You Are Down to Nothing, God Is Up To Something by Robert A Schuller Ch 19 page 194

    "God sees the past present and future as one. HE knows every event that has or will take place and ordains it for His loving and good purposes. HE is not the author of contrary, negative or evil events, but HE allows them for His own purposes. Indeed, HE uses them to accomplish His sovereign plans and purposes".

    I am a Christian and not passive in my Faith but I know, at some horrific times in my life, I was so consumed with the events, I was mostly trying to deal with how to hold myself and others together. I was, however, calm throughout those times and often I was asked if I was not really aware of how terrible the situations were! I knew and I guess HE knew that within me HE was calming me, even if i did not acknowledge His presence in the events or my Faith in His wisdom and that He was the one in control!

    I loved this Chapter as I read and realized my calmness was His doing and that the events were turned to good eventually even though it was a long journey for me and my family. We have all come through and have peace with whatever happened.

    So, just had to post my thanks for your words Robert and for His putting those words there for me at the right time and I knew how HE had worked all for good through those troubled times!

    Yes, I work like it is all up to me but at the end of the day I give thanks and pray, as I know it is all up to GOD!

    HE is Blessing all, always

  20. Great Service today. Robert A. was dressed with church gown and medal doing a nice interview with the tennis player Chang. Glad to see the Hour of Pour slowly coming back as we knew it before. Robert A. belongs in this church and is the rightful heir to lead the church. Music was great and the congregation is coming back.

  21. I dont know if it was a rerun today but it was so good to see Robert A on HOP today!!! I stopped watching HOP when he left but as I was scanning through the channels today and I saw him doing an interview I had to keep it on. I hope and pray he returns to HOP the services were so spirit-filled when he was there and if the church has any hope its people need to be drawn together by the power of the holy spirit. Come back Robert A!!

  22. Another great sermon by Pastor Wilkes. My wife & I are enjoying The Hour of Power again. Also enjoying how they splice in old footage of RAS reading the scripture & conducting interviews. We hope that in the future he will be back live and preach the sermon. We would like to see Donna back too.

  23. watching the hop on television is very lifting and refreshing.
    i wish all the christian churches learn their lessons from this and get back to the tradition of singing those hymns, even though they dont appeal to the young people. thank goodness for the changeits this world that we are living in we need this kind of service on the tv, but also when it comesto the bottom line, it is the older generation that keeps the hop on the tv by their donations and when you start changing it, those kind hearted donors that have done it all these years will be afraid to donate.

  24. Excellent sermon given by Rev Bobby Schuller on TV this morning. He has the real ability to tell a story and to make his point well understood. I am glad he is following the path of positive Christianity teaching for that has been the appeal all along for the Hour of Power viewers.

    I am sure his parents and grandparents are very proud of him and they should be. Maybe the Crystal Cathedral is considering Bobby to be future pastor of the church.

  25. Robert A. should be a contributor to Glenn Beck's new media network of of good quality programming that Glenn is creating. It is worthwhile checking it out at Have Robert review the Creating Section of Day 4. No subscription needed to hear the last 4 days of Glenn's program.

    As a follower of Glenn Beck, and generally knowing what Rober A pursued after he left the C.C., I see a potential fit since both are putting out good family friendly products.

    Good luck if pursued. If not, I am enjoying the Sunday morning Hour of Power services again with Robert A. and Bobby taking a more active role in the church where they belong.

  26. I always looked forward to Robert A.'s sermons. Bob Schuller made a mistake 'firing' his son. Bobby Schuller is not inspiring. I taught my children not to spend money they didn't have. Those in charge of accounting failed their responsibilities. The Hour of Power should have cut back on televised programming when revenues did not support expenditures. All of those on the board, including the Schullers and families, are at fault for the collapse of this ministery.
    Fortunately, the Catholic Church will use the building to continue the word of GOD! Sorry Bobby you don`t cut it and you haven`t learned the principles of economics either. The Hour of Power is history. Amen.

  27. Hi Anonymous,
    Thank you for the nice comments re: my husband Robert A. I'm sorry that you do not feel inspired by Bobby's messages but no preacher is right for everyone. One thing I do not get is the comment about Bobby's "principles of economics" that you mentioned in your comment above. Bobby is a volunteer who is giving many hours of his time for no financial benefits. He has no responsibility for the financial situation, bankruptcy, current leadership, decisions being made, etc. He is only an invited guest who has been asked to preach. His goal is to try to save as much of his grandpa's ministry as possible. He is helping the church transition to whatever God has in store next and I think he has done a great job of it. God is blessing you. Donna

  28. From another perspective, I don't see Bobby tied to the failure of the CC at all, and I now see him as the likely or probable future of the new CC. It is clear Robert A. was pushed out by power hungery family members, but even with that being said, the CC might still be better served to continue to transition Bobby into the primary minister role of the new CC. I have been a fan of Robert A for a long time but he had a real difficult time in trying to follow in the footsteps of his father because the church was built by his father and on his father's appeal. It was easy for the family to paint Rober A as the "fall" guy, but I don't believe that was ever fair to Robert A. Skipping down a generation to Bobby changes the dynamics of the situation. I am sure Robert A would be pleased to step aside to allow his son to move up and grow in his future. That is what good parents do and that is how they feel. I continue to enjoy watching the Hour of Power every Sunday morning.

  29. Hi Annonymous,
    Thanks for the feedback. Fortunately Robert A. was not seen as the "fall guy" since he left when the ministry was still strong, over four years ago now. After his sisters and their husbands, the Colemans and Penners were let go, (can't recall when that was), he "allowed" the CC to use whatever material of his they wanted to if they so desired. The current CC leadership did use some of his interviews and one or two of his (Robert A.s) sermons from before he left in 2008. Again, for no financial gain on our part. I do believe that the current leadership did decide to "skip down a generation" to be seperate itself a bit from what happened to my husband and the hands of his family members (think Joseph in the old testament) There is no "stepping aside" for Robert A. because he has had nothing to do with the CC since 2008! I hope this clarifies some for you. I appreciate your honest comments. God is blessing you. Donna
    PS if you ever want to contact us via email the address is:
    Our website addresses are: or thank you

  30. Thanks Donna for your response. I agree that Robert A didn't have to step aside because he was long gone by the fall of the CC. I did always see Robert A as the appropriate and rightful person to take over after Robert H retired and the best suited to keep the continuity and familiarity of the CC alive. My reference was made with that point in my mind. I have religiously followed the Ministry now for about 30 years, have toured the Cathedral once, and have seen Robert H speak on the Speaker's tour he was part of on two occasions. I was saddened to see all the turmoil that hit the church, the family split, and the changes within the church. I never liked the direction the church took under Rev Sheila Coleman and Rev Jim Penner, nor did I like the music. The musicians and singers are very talented people, just not suited for the CC. As a life long Catholic, I like the traditional service in the Catholic Church and I liked the traditional CC service that I became used to watching for all those years.

    Bobby is very talented and his messages are well spoken, for such a young person. I believe he has what it takes to carry on the tradition of the CC Ministry, yet attract a much younger audience to keep the church alive. I am hoping to see Robert A as a guest speaker on occasion as well. Keep the faith and everything will continue to work out.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D