
Friday, April 27, 2012


Hi Friends,
I have not been as active blogging as usual because I am busy designing my website.  It will of course include my blog.  It is a lot of work because I am not a techy!  Stay tuned....Oh. We ARE going to the Holy Land in October 2012!  I will have the exact dates soon.    
God is blessing you.  Donna


  1. I shall use the wait for your new website as an exercise in patience, something I often struggle with ;)! As far as not being a techie type,as a nutritionist/dietitian rather than primarily a "writer or minister" you have led us well in blogs and prayer! Once your heart is in to whatever, it always seems to be wonderful. It will surprise you perhaps but I and many here will not be surprised how good the new website will be! (And good the Holyland trip seems back om your original timing)

    HE is Blessing all, always

  2. It's good to hear from you Donna. I can't wait to see your new website. Keep working away on it. I don't know how to set up a website. My husband helps me with my computer problems. Yesterday, I watched the Hour of Power and again I felt the presence of God in the service. I still miss Robert's preaching. May God bless you and your family.

  3. Hooray! Can't wait to hear more about the trip to the Holy Land in October...

  4. We just watched the May 5 broadcast of the Hour of Power and really were inspired by Bobby (aka Robby) He certainly is a dynamic preacher. We hope they will invite him back as a guest more often. Also hope to hear RAS in the future. We really miss his messages. God bless both of you.

  5. How wonderful that Bobby (RVS) was willing to accept the Teaching Pastor role and 9:30 service that airs on HoP! And Bobby still does Tree of Life at 11:00! Wow, I feel fortunate to get 2 services a week along with my local Sunday service & along with Tree of Life daily emails from Michael we are so Blessed.

    The return of a 60 member robed choir, the Hazelwright organ so beautifully played makes for a sense that "HE has been Up to Something".

    I received a letter from HoP today noting the dementia illness of RHS and I pray he does well and Arvella & the whole family in that illness. I know as my mother and mother-in-Law have dementia illnesses. But both have come to find a sense of acceptance and happiness within the illness and all my family have different ways of coping.

    Prayer and patience and Love carries all a long way on these hard roads and I know all RHS family and friends will be thinking of him and the family.

    God is blessing all, always


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D