
Friday, July 6, 2012

Have Some Fun Every Day!

Are you a serious sort of person?  I have a tendency to be that way.  When I am involved in a project or task for which I am responsible, I tend to get really intense.  Yet I don't want to lose sight of the need to enjoy every moment or to "stop and smell the roses" along the way.  Can you relate?  It can be easy to get so wrapped up in our roles as mother, wife, employee, employer, and citizen of the human race that we forget how important it is to have fun (a lot of fun!) along the way. 
Mary and I on a recent trip to San Francisco (another hilarious adventure!)
Luckily, I have a good friend who models what I need to heed--to incorporate laughter and fun into daily life.  My friend's name is Mary.  She is truly a fun person to be around. Thoughtful, intelligent, caring, truly loving, and with such a quick wit--Mary has perfected the art of seeing life through the eyes of fun. She's a great example of someone who can role with the punches.

Thanks to Mary, I've relocated the fun and carefree girl within myself.  She gives me the courage to ring out the joy and spontaneity that most of us so closely guard once we become adults.  Never is this more true that when the two of us used to go get our nails done.  Nothing was more fun than going for a manicure with Mary.  As you may have experienced, the mood in most nail salons is rather solemn or stale.  I recall one day when she and I were getting our nails done together and upon hearing the Beatles's tune "Imagine" we started singing.  At the top of our lungs we sang--not necessarily on key!  Now, you can imagine how singing out loud in a salon is going to get some strange looks--and most people will think you're either crazy or you've forgotten to take your medication!  But that's not what happened this time.  The lady to my left, genuinely entertained, broke out in a belly laugh and thanked us for lightening up on her stressful day.   And the salon operators  were so amused that they started laughing and chattering merrily among themselves in their native language.  We couldn't understand what they were saying and that made us laugh even more.

Yes, I know this all sounds a little goofy and not the best example of fun--it certainly doesn't compare to a ski trip or a tropical vacation.  Still, a dose of lighthearted fun can remind us that fun is also within our repertoire of emotions.  We are meant to have fun.  And our lives are meant to be fun:  were to smile and laugh and act as though we're genuinely happy. to be alive and truly blessed to have been given the time we're each allowed.

I encourage you to find your own "Mary"--or better yet, become one--and build fun and laughter into your life.  Find a way to lighten up your life on a daily basis.  In fact, the Bible tells us that we should conduct ourselves with happy hearts.  "...the cheerful heart has a continual feast."  Proverbs 15:15b
I believe that God wants us to be fun to be around because "a cheerful look brings joy to the heart." Proverbs 15:30."

*The above recollection is part of a story I wrote which was included in my co-authored book,
 "Woman To Woman Wisdom."  Since it was published seven years ago a lot in my life has changed.  I can honestly say that I have really learned not to "sweat the small stuff" and prayerfully, but with a fun attitude, face each day as it presents itself.  I always try to find something to be happy about and I continue to look for simple ways to have fun!  (and I also still hang-out with Mary!)

Do you take yourself too seriously?  Do you have a tendency to dwell on negative situations which will not only bring you down but also affect the happiness of those around you?  If you fail to have any fun in life I challenge you to reframe your thinking so that you might begin to lighten your load. Once you do this you can see more clearly God's hand at work in your life.

God is blessing you.  Donna


  1. Well this is a fantastic blog and an inspiring challenge("I challenge you to reframe your thinking so that you might begin to lighten your load").

    I have sweated so much stuff as you say used to be part of your life, Donna...maybe it's time for me to dive into the pool I have sweated. It's an Olympic size pool just in time for your challenge. Did I actually post a bit of humor?...Well it seems funny to me. Imagine that, from an all too serious guy! So maybe there is hope for me yet. You & Mary and your story made me laugh too!


    God is Blessing you

  2. Well J.M. by the looks of the great photos you emailed me you are really having fun with those grandkids! Isn't that what life is really about?! We must never take ourselves too seriously.
    God is blessing you. Donna

  3. Yes! And you are sending some really good vibes to us all in more ways than the blog it seems!

    My wife and I got to the local beach here on the shores of Lake Ontario. Finally, after living here 35 years and only ever walking our dog there as the Lake was too polluted, Ontario, Canada and New York State actually got it cleaned up. Tons of sand were piled where we live and they opened a stretch of beach 1/2 mile long and 1/4 mile deep! Life guards, rescue boats, a Dutch innovative pollution control system and it all was opened not long before your Post titled ...Have Some Fun Every Day!

    Thought about the beach right away so checked it out as we also are in a heatwave...35C/95F and no rain for last 2 weeks. Feels like we are in California; the sun, the beach....hey this is good and "fun fun fun" as the Beach Boys song went.

    God is Blessing all, always

  4. It is important to have a sense of humour. It helps us get through the difficult times in our lives. I also believe laughter keeps us healthier. A member of my family seems so serious all the time and it's sad that she doesn't laugh very often.

    My husband and I just came back from our cottage in northern Ontario,
    Canada to the heat wave here. I feel for the people in the U.S. who
    are really suffering from the heat.

    God bless you all.

  5. I so agree with you Donna! It is important to laugh and not sweat the small stuff. You and I are blessed to know Mary and have her as a friend. We are on this earth for a short time and how we reflect God's love to others makes a difference. You both are a great example to me !

    In His Hands,



Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D