
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I Need Your Help Please!

                                  Mark Victor Hansen and wife Crystal to be our next guests!

Hello and almost Merry Christmas!
If you've been following my blog you must know that my husband Robert and I started Possibility Living telephone classes on November 15th.  Possibility Living is part of our church without walls and it is a health ministry that was born many years ago on Rancho Capistrano.
 Originally included in this life-changing and inspiring ministry were week-long seminars where people from all-over the world would come to learn more about body, mind, and spirit health.   The week included spiritual leaders, people who specialized in emotional health, and experts in natural health of the body.  Anyone who attended these seminars can tell you that they were truly life-transforming.  In fact, after attending these seminars many wanted to move onto Rancho Capistrano and serve in that ministry!
 At the same time Robert began a daily radio show where he would conduct an intensive, detailed interview with experts in the areas of body, mind, or spiritual health.  The radio show was a live daily show which included a time of questions and answers during the second half of the hour.   He did this for five years and as he can tell you it was like receiving a graduate degree in body, mind, spirit health.
 Last but not least, in the year 2000 Robert and his friend, Dr. Douglas DiSiena, published their book, "Possibility Living...Add Years To Your Life and Life To Your Years With God's Health Plan."   This is a fabulous book which was written well before it's time.  Today you will discover all kinds of Christian health plans and that's a good thing!   Although the book contains timeless information in the areas of physical and mental health Dr. DiSiena is presently writing an update for the recommendations in the areas of supplementation (vitamin and mineral intake) and overall health of the body.  There has been a lot of advances in this area since the book came out.  Stay tuned for the results of these updates.
Today we bring you Possibility Living Teleclasses which are just as fabulous as the week-long seminars were and the best thing is that they are accessible from anywhere as long as you have a telephone!  These classes are held on the 15th of each month at 6pm Pacific Time.  Here's where I need your help.    Either people are not understanding the concept of attending a class via the telephone or they are not wanting to make a tax deductible donation of $29.95 in order to attend.   What I need from you is your feedback on what might be hindering a huge attendance during these telephone classes.  Can you do this for me please?  Send me your comments and let me know what you think.  I am aware that I need to do some advertising and marketing so this is my first attempt at polling those of you who read my blog.  Very few of you are signed-up for our classes and this puzzles me.   I would really appreciate your suggestions and comments as both Robert and I know that this is one important way to do our church without walls.  All donations go into our ministry. 
Last but not least, our last interview guest on December 15th was Max Lucado.  He was fantastic!  Unless you attend his church where else could you ask Max any of your theological questions?  We had a very in-depth discussion about the tragic shooting events that had taken place in Connecticut just the day before.  Based on some comments I received after our class I know that people were given hope and some peace of mind after such a terrible tragedy.   This is what our church without walls is all about;   distributing inspiration, peace, hope, and love.
***Our guest for January 15th will be Mark Victor Hansen and his wife Crystal!  Mark is the best-selling author of the "Chicken Soup For The Soul" books and Crystal is the founder of "Pure Thoughts For Pure Results."  They will motivate all of us to set high goals for the new year!  You do not want to miss them as they are fantastic!  - On February 15th we will interview Dr. Douglas DiSiena.  Our topic will be stress and how to minimize it.  Doug is one of only a few doctors in the nation with such expertise when it comes to whole body wellness! - We have many other great guests in mind for future classes.  Where else can you attend an inspirational class in the comfort of your own home while wearing your pajamas?! 
Last but not least,  if you would like to sign-up for the classes today you can go to   I am offering a Christmas gift of just $100 for the next six months of classes!  That's less than $17 a class!   Just go to the website and click on "donate".    Enter the amount for either one or more classes and you will get an email confirming your donation.  You will then be sent the telephone number and participant code you will need to attend the class.  Again, the classes are held via telephone in the comfort of your own home.  (or on your way somewhere as you can access from your mobile)  They begin at 6pm Pacific Time.   
Thank you for your time in letting us know how we may better serve you.
God is blessing you.   Donna


  1. Hi Donna, I was thinking after the call the other nite that having an outline presentation was very successful @ PLS.

    So, prior to the classes/calls have the participants submit to you a question or questions they would like answered by the guest. A lot of people aren't comfortable speaking & also by submitting things they want to know about, they will definitely want to hear the answer!
    If people have an investment in the program they will feel included. Plus they know what they are going to get out of the class & it makes it personal;-)
    Also, gives the guest an idea of what the audience wants to hear.
    And the weekly reminders of the call is great. The incentives you are offering are great.

    1. Great idea Sharon. I will implement this asap. Thank you. Donna

  2. Hi Donna~ Given your entree into this new venture, I had a couple of thoughts to promote your phone-casts. 1. Pay it forward! Given the times (both financial & seasonal) --which are difficult for so many, ~ and, with the New Year upon us, you could offer January's message for FREE! (A nice stocking-stuffer, if you will!) This, too, could be a 'right-off' DONATION for your Guests' time as well (and, expands their P.R. [for free] as well!). Then, as your audience becomes more familiar with the phone process--and, your message --this would subsequently draw a higher audience. 2. Is the 15th of the month the BEST day/time for your audience; i.e., middle of the month bill paying, etc. You might want to poll your audience to learn more about the timing of your phone-casts. 3. Lower your fees. No one wants to hear this, but often times it takes a little to get a little. Instead of $30.00 -- drop to $15.00. With a perhaps more affordable price, attendance will go up. Once you become established in this format, you could increase fees marginally as your attendance increases. 4. Analyze the actual format of your phone-casts (focus groups?). Is this Q&A, a sermon; audience participation? Try to analyze what the most comfortable format is for your audience. If *everyone* gives a little (time/effort, etc.) ~ the WINNER is your congregation who will return month after month. ...just a couple of thots from a former Ad-Ex ;oD Happy Holidays! Sharon

    1. Thank you Sharon. I really appreciate you comments and suggestions. I totally believe in "paying it forward" That's why both Robert and I have always donated our speaking to lots of organizations and causes locally and globally. We also give one hour of free private coaching for each five hours we get paid for. People can specify what organization they want that to go to but presently it is for Wounded Warriors or Grandma's House of Hope. This is so rewarding!
      As far as our new telephone classes go I have continued to offer incentives for signing-up including 6 months for only $100 (you can do the's really cheap for three to four experts at once, answering personal questions. If we were getting paid it would amount to less than minimum wage!
      In November I had sign-up for a month and get a month free. I also give away autographed books which are usually valued anywhere from $10-$30 on the retail market, not including the autographs from various people. I plan on continuing along those lines. They do have a cost to our ministry but like you said, "give a little to get a little." (I love that!) I will further investigate what is typically charged for phone seminars/classes (or any classes for that matter!). I initially chose one of the least amounts suggested for professional classes even though I will have high-profile guests most of the time.
      I also have a few "scholarships for attenders/students so they are on for little or nothing depending on their financial situation.
      I respect your ideas and I also wanted you to know what I am already doing. I think it's important for everyone to hear that this is a ministry/a church without walls. Our mission is to inspire people to be all that they can be through God's grace and mostly His love. We want them to find health and to keep it. Health in their whole person; body, mind, and soul. Thank you for your help!! Donna

  3. Great idea to ask for feedback. I hope you'll get lots of helpful ideas!

    You said: "Either people are not understanding the concept of attending a class via the telephone or they are not wanting to make a tax deductible donation of $29.95 in order to attend."

    First of all, you have great guests! Max Lucado is awesome! Plus, he's worth $30. So that's certainly not the problem. The only thing I'd recommend is how you describe the seminar. Don't bury your lead. Right now, it's hidden under everything you guys used to do... which was really cool, but is old news. I'd lead with:

    Phone seminar -- talk directly to motivational celebrities for only $30!

    After that, I think a little time for word of mouth to gain momentum...

    1. Thank you Angie. I like your suggestion for a lead! I will try that.

  4. You clearly are working hard to help others and bringing good speakers; plus offering as much as you can re pricing/donations! Good that you are emphasizing that this is, essentially, a part of the ministry's church without walls.

    I do agree with comments relative to "timing" and "advance" questions or info to listeners/students. I think today's post, including a short video was great so followers get a sense of who they may hear or talk with. I see the process evolving as all do until the right chord is struck for more participants. A lot of other sites too have been slow to take off as well as might have been hoped, either by name of site or concern over what is expected of the audience. I pass along, so you might see another site that individuals recently have been offered across Canada to enhance Mind ad Body. It apparently had some negative implications, being from Canadian Mental Health Association though it really intended to teach good eating, physical activities and positive stress management that all of us face or will face at times:

    You will see people who sign-up on this link now are given 20 AirMiles so I wonder if a "sponsor" like that or perhaps the likes of a site such as might help get the seminars off the ground well:

    The responses today I see are numerous, so there are clearly a lot of us who are anxious to answer when you title it "I Need Your Help Please!"

    For all you do tirelessly and graciously I certainly am always lifted by your words.


    1. Hi Again,
      All of the suggestions and comments are being considered and just discussing them has helped with class sign-ups so I am feeling really great about everything as it comes to the PL classes. I will check-out your link. As far as committing on the 15th of each month. It's like attending any class anywhere. The professor commits and so do the students. Once in a while you miss but you make up the "work" by talking to others, etc. We do have the classes recorded and they are available when people have to miss class!
      God is blessing you. Donna

  5. Hi J.M. Great to hear from you! Thank you for your thoughts and ideas. We are enjoying a nice size class but I know that there are so many who could use the uplifting discussions with our guests. The one with Max Lucado was so timely as it came on the heals of a terrible, horrible shooting of innocent people just this past Friday. God was definitely in that discussion and it helped at least one on their healing journey. I should just be patient and know that God has this figured out. I love what we are doing this. Seriously one of the most rewarding things we have done so far in ministry. I guess I am just really anxious to share!!
    God is blessing you. Donna

  6. One more thought as some might prefer....A Podcast of each or at least the next interview and questions from listeners that subscribers or anyone could listen to? If away over the time of the event or to keep for reference, some might prefer a podcast. I do think the process of participating or being available exactly at 6PM PST every 15th of the month for 6 months, is a cause of hesitancy to sign on, at least might be for some.

  7. Hi Donna, Great idea and your guests are wonderful "encouragers" who can add helpful grace to our busy lives. Just a few thoughts/suggestions. Why not a Webinar where visual images could be available in addition to simply listening? Also, I think that many of us struggle with time commitments and changing schedules. Perhaps an "on demand" option would fit with some of our schedules better. I hope this works because the possibilities are exciting!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D