
Monday, February 25, 2013

"God and Boobs"

You will not want to miss our next Possibility Living (telephone) Class on March 15th at 6pm PT.   Robert and I will have with us the author of a brand new book titled "God and Boobs: Balancing Faith and Sexuality".  The author happens to be our oldest child, Angie Schuller-Wyatt so I am positive that the class discussion will be anything but boring!  Check out more regarding Angie at:

If you would like to sign-up for this class simply go to and click on the "donate" button located on the right hand side of the home page.  ** The suggested donation is $29.95 for one class or $120 for six months of intriguing and educational teleclasses brought to you each month at the same time, same place:  the 15th of every month at 6pm Pacific Time from the comfort of your own home and your own telephone!  Once you donate you will be sent a confirmation which will include the telephone number and participant codes you will need in order to enroll in the class.  

 Our guests always focus on hot topics which help you grow in body, mind and spirit.  So far we've hosted Max Lucado, Mark Victor Hansen, and Dr. Douglas DiSiena.  Angie Schuller-Wyatt will be our first of many women experts to follow and with her eye-raising book title we are sure to get into some amazing discussions!  Get your questions ready as you will be able to participate in all of these classes by asking, and getting answered, anything which comes to mind.  And...for those of you who are shy and don't feel like asking questions during class time, feel free to email Donna at: 

Where else can you sit in the comfort of your own home in your pjs and be inspired by the most sought-after experts in their field!?  We are very excited about these classes so we hope to talk with you on March 15th!

God is blessing you.   Robert A. and Donna Schuller


  1. Why is this subject so important?! To show to much sex, I guess attracts the wrong people/men!
    Blessing, Rose

  2. Great! Just what the author wants to happen.
    We need to start a real healthy discussion regarding healthy sexuality and the church. If people cannot go to their pastors or their church to discuss their issues regarding their sexuality where should they go?...the strip club or the gym??? Maybe a bar? The library? The internet? No, they need to have someone in authority that they trust (and I emphasize trust) so that the tabu subject of sexuality and faith can be discussed in a mature and appropriate way.
    The world is full of too many disgusting sexual exploitative acts including the huge sex-trade globally.
    Let's not run from these issues but lets talk about them in the right way.
    Thank you for your brave comment Rose. Let's hope that others will sign-up for our next class and listen to what Angie (a pastor) has to say. It will be very helpful, I'm sure because the book is great!
    God is blessing you. Donna

  3. Do you think Donna the Church a Pastor can avoid what nasty people say, do or reduce women to their boobs. My answer no! Attacked because of not wearing the right tops is mainly the woman's fault! The same it is with wearing to short skirts! - Blessing Rose

  4. In addition - God made our boobs to nurish our babys. He is for them! HE created them as well for sexuality with our hubbys. So way talking and talking without an end about this subject?! What a person woman/man heart,I mean the love coming out of our hearts counts more as our beauty we can creat with makeup and a certain kind of clothes or slimness. I tell you this here people, because I made this experience ab. 14 years ago with an US lady/celebrity and over the years we grow to friends! I as a little girl from small Switzerland!

  5. Hi Again Rose,
    Thank you for all of your interesting comments. I wish that you were not in Switzerland so that you could join our telephone class on this subject. It will be on March 15th at 6pm Pacific Time but I do believe that this is the middle of the night for you. The class promises to deal with one of our most controversial subjects, as I am sure you'll agree! How to be a Christian woman and deal with all the media stuff, expectations, judgements, etc, that we are bombarded with. How to dress stylishly and contemporary for the right reasons.

    It particularly struck me that you said above, "attacked because of not wearing the right tops is mainly the woman's fault! The same it is with wearing too short skirts!" This is one thing that we will discuss with the author during our class time. I would love to have you follow up by getting the MP3 recording after the class. I believe it might be helpful for you. If you would like to do this just go to and make a donation of any amount by clicking on the "donate" button on the right side of the home page. I will email you the MP3 when it is available. The same goes for any of our classes or subjects. We record all of them. ( Well, that is except the January class because I forgot to push "record"!)
    God is blessing you Rose. Please continue to question and to write to me. It's all good stuff.
    Your friend, Donna

  6. I'm not modern enough, no MP3 player! Thanks for offering me this possibility! I have noting against this subject, not at all as you can read I have my personal opinion. But on the phone discussing about, isn't realy my styl. In a group where I can see the people I would prefer. I know a phone anonumous, some people like this atmosphere. By the way, Max Lucado I heard already preaching, guess, was last Nov. Georgeous!!! - Blessing to California!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D