
Saturday, August 17, 2013

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

The 23rd Psalm says that you go "through" the valley.  It doesn't say that you get stuck there.  Right on.
I love this poster that my friend Michele Isaly posted.  Such a simple yet true reminder;  I just had to share it.

Thanks to everyone who participated in "The Call" this past Thursday. We had a discussion about fear.  Fear is a normal emotion and part of life but it is the opposite of what God says.  He tells us to "fear not".

As you overcome each fear you come up against you will find strength that you never knew you had.  In turn, your strength will continue to multiply exponentially as you develop more strength, and more courage.  I am referring to strength in body (physical strength), mind (emotional strength), and soul (spiritual strength).   Having the faith and conviction to hold on to hope, to dig deep inside-even when things don't look like they are going to work out, is the most important strength of all.

  This month's Call was quite challenging for us since we had no desk or cell service so we ended up sitting on the back porch of our (used to be) home.  We had turned the keys over to the new owner just that afternoon but fortunately we still had our wireless internet connection in the house (even though we couldn't get in!) As promised here are a few photos of the kerfuffle.

Even Jetson knew we were challenged so he behaved!
Looks like I either have cankles or no calves (must be the move!)

Bet you didn't know that we plug "old school hand-sets into my iphone5?!!

 The Bible tells us that "there is nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes) and I believe that's true.  It's what we do with what happens to us that counts.  We all have a choice each day.  Do your best to make the right ones.   As you navigate through your valleys in life you will become a better and a stronger you!

*Post script-if you missed this months "Call" plan on joining us on September 15th, same time, same format.  For information on how to get on The Call see my "classes" tab at the top of my website.  It's easy.  All you need is a phone.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robert and Donna,
    It's wonderful to see you with your adorable dog.
    Pet's bring us such joy!
    God bless you in your ministry.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D