Sunday, January 19, 2014

What Do You Plan for 2014?

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.  Plans to prosper you and give you a future and a hope."
Jeremiah 29:11

Goals are important for you and your your children set theirs too!

If you joined us for The Call on January 15 then you will know that we talked about goal-setting.
Even if you heard it I feel very strongly that it is worth going over again.

-Did you know that eight out of ten people say that their life lacks goals and direction?
-How about the fact that only one out of five people who say that they have goals actually write them down? (According to a Harvard study you are ten times more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down)
One last interesting point is this:
-One in four people have the same goals year after year.  Examples of a few of these repeating goals would include;  losing weight, getting a better career, or finding a loving mate.  Even with these goals in mind most people still fail to properly examine themselves and their life and they continue to be whipped around like the waves on a turbulent and stormy sea.  I wonder do they really want to change?

Isn't it time you got it together and at least thought about the goals for your future? It's the only future that you have and you play an important role in directing it.  Like the saying goes, "if you are failing to plan, you are planning to fail."
Need help with goal-setting?  Check-out "The One Page Miracle"(you can read more here) This "OPM" is found in several of Dr. Daniel Amen's books.  Since I mention him so often I better tell you that "no" I am not in business with him nor do I get a reward in any form by recommending his work.  He's just made a big difference in my family's life and I want to share his research and wisdom with you.
If I can do anything to help you with setting your goals I am passionate about this so please feel free to contact me for additional help.  I am even available by phone if you don't live in my area.  And make sure you join me next month, February 15th  (and the 15th of every month) for The Call at 6pm Pacific time.  All you have to do is dial 530-881-1300 and key-in 642848# February's Call will be a follow-up to goal-setting.  We will talk about the pitfalls and how to overcome them!

Remember:  God wants you to achieve some awesome goals!
He is blessing you always.

1 comment:

  1. Write it, then Recite it! Wow, I like it, yeah! I recall you mentioning those important aspects of ingraining the goals, Donna. Then they stay most alive in us and, for me, I think these ways will help me. I do not really like to "memorize" stuff, as I find mostly "knowing" and believing and conceptualizing best for me. Then, I do not have to follow by rote but by the concept and thus the goal becomes part of my days.

    Look fwd to Goals cont'd next time on The Call.



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