
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Benefits of Exercise

In Chapter 2 of my new book, "Healthy Family, Happy Life: What Healthy Families Learn From Healthy Moms" I touch on a few of the many benefits of regular exercise.  At the end of the chapter (and every chapter) I include a list of practical suggestions to get you moving.   If you are not involved in some kind of physical exercise at least a few days a week, the first thing that you need to do is to find something that you love to do and go for it!

 If you are a member of a gym and engaging in a workout that you find boring, extremely difficult to commit to, or if you are continuing to get injured, please find something else to do!  And...if you are paying club or gym dues and not going at all-quit!  In order to get results you must put in the time.  Simply joining a health club won't get you healthy!  And if working out indoors is not your thing then take it outside!  You can bike, swim, play tennis, kayak, paddle board, surf, hike, run, climb stairs, play volleyball, or play pickle ball (a new rage these days!).  These are just a few things you can do to keep your body moving.

Besides adding years to your life, did you know that exercise adds life to those years?  Your "feel good hormones" are released when you exercise, so not only will you benefit physically but you will be a happier person than you would be without exercise. (And people will enjoy being around you more if your are a happy person.)

When possible, always opt for the stairs instead of an elevator.  This one habit can keep your mind more alert as it also helps you maintain your balance as you age.  Not to mention what it does for your legs and your heart health! 

Since I spend half of my time living on my boat down in Mexico it is essential that I stay engaged in my "happiness routine" of working-out.  Besides a nice three mile run around the marina I also set-up workout stations on the dock for my husband and I.  I include my yoga ball and a blanket for core; a jump rope; a handled rubber tubing for working my back and my arms; my Towel Toning towel to include in my squats, lunges, ab work, stretching, and lots of other "stuff."  I bring my iPad and a small speaker outside for music and I also use the timer since I usually do five different exercises for a minute each, five times around.    And guess what?  Besides the iPad none of this equipment was expensive, in fact the yoga ball, the jump rope, and the tubing cost only about $12.00 total!

Here's one practical tip that I include in Chapter 2 of my book:   "Put your exercise schedule into your calendar. Write it down and commit to it.  If someone asks you to do something else at that time, tell them no and tell them why."
In other words,  make exercise a priority...not just an afterthought.

"No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening-it can be painful.!  But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way." Hebrews 12:11

**Know someone who has trouble sleeping?  Check-in next week for a review of Chapter 3, "The Necessity of Adequate Sleep."

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  1. Looking fwd to reading the book particularly in regard to exercising as I have always been wanting to "move". Now with some physical limitations, I still try with whatever; ankle weights while doing sitting marches, while I listen to music or an audio book, for instance. It is amazing how creative we can become when we know we need to workout! My favorite is riding my stairglide while holding a cloth in one hand and dusting or damp cleaning the wooden rails as I ride up and down. Sounds like nothing but for me it actually means I am both helping and also using my hand muscles and wrist etc. It all gets the blood moving and any movement is good. Plus, I feel I am helping a bit in our house chores!

    God is Blessing all, always

  2. Donna just want to say how much I love the book. Such terrific advice and as I told you it has already helped guide me after a particularly rough day at work. Working on new goals and trusting that God will provide me with the answers.

    May Blessings and smiles be yours!

  3. I have found an exercise that I like to do. I take a Zumba class with a great instructor. I also walk a few times a week at a good pace. I have also made some changes to my diet and I have lost some weight.
    Thank you for your blog, Donna.


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