
Friday, June 24, 2016

Got Inflammation?

You can get 20% off of the best supplements available by ordering from me which will help me with my goal of getting drug addicts into treatment and recovery so they can live a healthier life.  It's a win-win!

Featured in the photo is one of my favorite products from Metagenics. Even if you don't think you have any gut issues the truth is that most all health (or sickness) starts in the gut.  I take this supplement, by way of a scoop, every day by adding it into my morning "green juice" which is a combination of dark green leafy vegetables (changed each week for variety), half an avocado, half a banana or whole apple, ginger root, protein powder, water and ice.  Blend on "whole juice" setting in my BlendTec mixer and I am awarded with an amazing, healthy, filling real food breakfast of champions!

"Inflammation" has now become the new buzz word yet the truth is if you keep your gut healthy you keep your whole body healthy.  Most of us know what it feels like to have an inflamed back, neck, or shoulder, but did you know that unresolved inflammation can be a cause of sleep deprivation or problems with memory?  It can also lead to heart disease, cancer, and other types of debilitating health issues.  If you only add this one product to your diet, you will be taking a HUGE step towards bettering your physical health.  A healthy body means a stronger mind, and a much more open, loving, and fulfilled soul.

Check out my new, improved online store here at   All first-time users will get 20% off of everything.  You can also take a free health assessment once you enter the store. You need supplements anyway so why not order through me?

Last, but certainly not least, I am always available to answer your questions or if you need health coaching to see how you might take your health to the next level of greatness.!       Nutrition for the body, mind, and soul

Be Healthy, Be Happy.

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