
Monday, March 27, 2017


 Healthy Family, Happy Life!

Spring's for remembering all the promises you made to yourself back in January  It's a time for re-focusing on your goals or perhaps tweaking them a bit to reflect what you really want in the nine remaining months of 2017 and beyond.   It's never too late....
If you still haven't cleaned out your pantry and want help sorting through and figuring out what you should and shouldn't put in your body I'm here to help! My newest endeavor, "Health-in-a-Day" will get you going on the right health track in just three short hours.   We start wherever you are by taking a brief health appraisal questionnaire and then together coming up with and writing a recipe of practical health advice moving forward.  It's easy!  

For those of you who aren't in my area I still offer my nutritional coaching advice over the phone.  Once a week or once every other week.  Check-out my endorsement page to read some comments about my coaching.  I've had much success helping people in this way. 
 No matter where you live, I can help you succeed in feeding your body, your mind, and your soul what it needs to be creative, strong, healthy, peaceful, and open to God's amazing possibilities for your life.   

To contact me via email go to:

Do you or someone you know need help with drug or alcohol addiction?  Go to

1 comment:

  1. I see on your Post and photo of the pamphlet or info, C.N.C. after your name. I never saw that before and assume it is Certifies Nutrition Counsellor? Whatever, I am sure it relates to your high knowledge of nutrition. If it has been a long standing accreditation that I never saw or a new accreditation, Congratulations either way! I know from advice you gave me in the past how well you are able to help people. Your book of course is so good and it inspires well after consuming the information. On our bookshelf in our house at the front, it is a reminder and the cover alone and title lifts me up. Of course it is re-read and helps me ensure I am staying on track... Happy Easter ...J-M


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D