
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

January 1st "Do Over"

Good news!  It's Spring, it was just Easter, and now it's time to get going on those goals you hoped to achieve this year.  January 1st was almost four months ago but we still have over 8 months left in 2017.  It's never too late to start feeling better, being more productive, showing more love, or just being a better version of YOU.   "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"

Go get your list of 2017 goals and start really pondering them.  Check-off the ones you've succeeded at and tweak or eliminate those that no longer suit the purpose for you life.  It's okay to change your goals.  It's not okay to not have any or to just give them up.  If you haven't written them down at all that's okay too.  Get a pad of paper right now and start recalling what you wanted to accomplish in 2017.   Be specific.  You can do anything you put your mind to.  (and, yes, get a pad of paper and write.  You can transfer them to a  word document later.  Your brain processes things differently if you use actually, physically write as opposed to type)

If you'd like to read another of my posts on Goal Setting here.

If you need any help with goal-setting contact me and I will help you. 

To contact me via email:

Need help with drug or alcohol addiction?  Go to


1 comment:

  1. YES! Writing down stuff is really a help for me. I think my brain has made several separate "file folders". One for ready access stuff, one for stuff in process and progress. One each for stuff I read, and stuff I also wrote down. What I am getting at is, I know I am most likely to feel I am doing, improving, completing and feeling thus happy with myself, the more ways my brain and body connects and reconnects to my goals. So thanks for this post and reminder. I am certainly well on with my goals and this reminder will act as a "yellow" post it note on the outside of all those files, inside my brain. With all these positive reminders to wake up and follow through with these positive goals, I feel I am on "Happy Life autopilot". I know the Call, Shepherd's Grove, my readings and writings daily on all that I am Blessed with keep me inspired, sleeping well and waking to thrive. Your posts are so good Donna. You know that I hope. When you reach one of us and we are inspired, I know for me I then am calmer but able to share your well expressed thoughts to others. So you reach many more than just we who have joined and follow you. I am Springing into action!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D