
Saturday, January 18, 2020

3 Great Things To Do for Yourself in 2020

3 Great Things to Do for Yourself in 2020

Resolutions, goals, good intentions, and promises; the first part of January is the time most people proclaim the changes they will make to improve themselves and their life in the new year.  

January is half over and I know many have already given up their intentions. Why? Because they set objectives that were unrealistic or too hard to accomplish.  They felt discouraged so they quit.   Maybe this happened to you.

Great news…. you don’t have to be so set in your ways that you can’t adopt these 3 things and create an exciting and fulfilling adventure in 2020.  The year is very young.

Here’s what you can do going forward.

1)     Pick one word that will be your motto or your focus for 2020.  That one word will overlap with all areas of your life including your: 

2)     Out of the list of areas above choose 1-3 areas you can improve on that will have the greatest impact for good, for yourself and for your life.

3)    Make a list of the areas of your life above, and the steps you’re going to take to make the changes happen.  

This should take a few hours or maybe a few days. Contemplate and pray about it.
Once you’ve done this, write it all out and place it in one or more prominent places where you will see what you’ve written at least a couple of times a day.   
If you need help with any of this process, this is what I do!  Email me and I can help you. 

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