
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Waiting Again!

Hello to all my faithful bloggers! I just wanted to let you know that the press release for Robert's new project will come out after the Memorial Day weekend here in the U.S. The date for this exciting news is set for Wednesday, May 27th. God is blessing you! Donna

**Addendum written just now on June 9, 2014. For some reason many of you are finding and looking at this brief post from the Spring of 2009.  That's five years ago so I am curious as to what is bringing you here.  Can you please post a question for me below so I can find out!  This is one of my shortest writings ever and there is no real content as I waited for a press release which did come out as planned.  Thank you.  God is blessing you.  Donna


  1. Thanks, dearest Donna! I wait patiently with tension and excitement! God may guid Robert and you at this special day. Rosemarie

  2. That is very good news. Wish Robert all the succes. I presume, Donna, that you will continue you blog? I hope you do. It is such a welcome mark in time. God bless all the the people in a exiting and beautiful world.

    Greetz Jeroen

  3. Marvellous news. I have been looking forward to this for a long time. God bless you both and
    help, guide and guard you, and meet all your needs
    Barbie M Australia

  4. Thank you so much for letting us know that a RAINBOW is about to appear! I am thrilled, excited and very, very happy for Robert, you and your family.

    Jan-Michael (Canada)

  5. I wouldn't give up my blog for anything! You are all my beloved home church group! You have prayed me through lonely and uncertain times. I have received much, much more from this blog than I ever thought I would. I love all of you very much and I can never thank you for getting me through this uncertain time in my life. You have filled the loneliness and God has been faithful in showing me that this is exactly what I was supposed to be doing with my time. I am forever grateful and changed. Donna

  6. Thank you Donna and thanks to all the writers on this blog.
    God bless you all.


  7. Thank you so very much for letting us know. I am looking forward to this. Blessings on Robert, you and the family!
    Dana :)

  8. I pray that this wonderful news will be picked-up by all the national channels to spread the word that Robert is still out there doing the Lord's work. I also pray that you will have tremendous response from all who hear the news. God Bless you and Robert. :-)

  9. I'm beyond excited Donna!!! I love you both so much! I agree that this blog is a calling for you and you have been very creative and inspirational to us all. See how true God is to his word. He sees us through uncertain dark days with the promise of a bright tomorrow. Nowadays, I just look up to the heavens and say," I trust you Lord, with my life, my future and whatever you have in store for me". Many Blessings to you both. Mary Alvarez

  10. Very good news. We wil follow your blog from the Netherlands..
    W'are looking forward to May 27th..

    Jan en Lucy Rinzema

  11. Just a heads-up that I now have a google news alert for news on "Robert and Donna Schuller" and one site said last evening "Donna's Blog has announced that there will be a press release next Wednesday about Robert's new project". So I guess news travels quickly. It was a site that Donna wrote to earlier this month following a speculative article by a reporter of Christian topics. Donna, you wrote a very good reply to that reporter!

  12. Pls. Jean Michael share this page with us, do not let us in the dark. From where do you have this news? Or Donna can you elucidate it?! Thanks and blessings, Rosemarie

  13. Donna,

    This is awesome news about Robert's ministry plans and your plan to continue this wonderful blog. Beloved, we all need each other so much in this hour. Since finding Hour of Power three years ago and now connecting with this blog and facebook, my faith and love for Jesus have grown so much. Donna and Robert, I feel you are my pastors! YOU are a gift from God to the body of Christ. I love you!!! :)

  14. Rosemarie said...
    Pls. Jean Michael share this page with us, do not let us in the dark. From where do you have this news? Or Donna can you elucidate it?! Thanks and blessings, Rosemarie

    I thought it would be easy for any to find if they were wanting to read the whole site article etc and I really just wanted to alert that the news was already out there but here is the link and I hope all can find their way after reading the article to the comments by myself and of course Donna's great answer to the reporter, I thought. Let me know if you need more links and I suggest Rosemarie, a google news alert on your computer and you will get all news as it happens. Glad you were interested to follow the site.

    You are being blessed
    Jan-Michael (Canada)

  15. Thank you Jan-Michael. I could not let the mis-information stand as such! Donna

  16. This will be worth while waiting for We are so bless that we have Donna and now soon Robert again.

  17. So, glad to hear this wonderful news. May God Bless this new ministry now and always. Thanks Donna, I love your blog and I can't wait to hear Robert preaching again!!

  18. No more waiting and Wow this news from Associated Press and Reuters is exceeding my expectations! Robert as Chairman of Comstar can now elevate positive Christian value television! More than a new Ministry alone I think this step takes the whole possitive Ministry to a new level! Anyone having a need to read the news, go to Googlr and search Robert Schuller then choose News on Google.
    Otherwise ask me and I will try to post one or more news items but you should not have trouble finding it.

  19. Dear Donna,
    I was thrilled to find your blog. I have been waiting patiently for news about you and Robert.
    We had such a wonderful time in Israel with you. You said we were friends forever...and we are..
    Blessings to your family.
    Janel Busch

  20. I'm thrilled to read the newspaper account of Robert press release and wish you all well in this phase of your life. Please be sure to let us know when the network reaches the cox line up. God Bless. Candy Crain

  21. Hi Candy,
    Please log on to and on the right side you will see a box that says "request ALN" If you click on that you can enter your zipcode and then when you first click on "search" in the oval directly below, a drop-down menu with Cox or Time/Warner will appear. Chose Cox and then enter your name, etc. Takes about a minute to complete. Tell any friends, relatives, etc. The more requests they get the better. God is blessing you, Donna


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D