
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fig Tree


  1. Great subject Donna! - I have been a rebellion for over half my life. Against my parents, for not accepting my opinion or it wasn't asked. Carried it out of the house. No good of course! Now I lean more into God, in good and bad times I tell him my story. He is my restorer. I go to bed and thank God for everything he is doing for me. - God is blessing you! Rose

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  3. In the midst of the Haiti disaster, I am heartened by the world-wide relief efforts.

    The hands of God, at this time, can be aided by OUR hands!

    It is not a time to think "Well, Gov'ts alone should take care and help as I pay taxes" or to be cynical that the relief will not arrive as it will be stolen by gangs! It needs all of us to do what we can and if that is saying a prayer or just keeping the people of Haiti in our thoughts, that too is a "gift". I know those on this blogsite will be helping in prayer or however best for them, but I have read in some news of some who think it is just up to Gov'ts but that is wrong I think.

    And we see China and Iceland not just Canada and USA and England and Europe helping. The whole world is united in this relief effort. I know some will say "How could HE let this happen to the poorest of people". Individual help or prayer is, I believe, going to lift the spirits of the estranged families living outside Haiti and they will see that God is using us to help their families in Haiti and HE has not and will never abandon any of us as Robert Anthony and Donna remind us.

    On a happier note, I loved seeing Royce walking in the video, wagging and sniffing away and that gorgeous Blue Bowl in the fig tree.

    The tree will renew and bear fruit again and Haiti will receive His peace as He is comforting and forever with all in the best and in the harshest times.

    He is Blessing us all

  4. Jan-Michael. - What happened at Haiti is a tragedy. But dear Donna is speaking about something different and certainly likes to have answers about what she is telling us together with our own experiences. I always tray to relate to her subjects with own experiences sometimes. Am I right or wrong? - Blessings, Rose

  5. Hi,
    When I did this the devastation in Haiti was not revealed. I certainly don't want to seem insensitive. I am so glad to hear of all the relief efforts from all over the world. I commented on my daughter, Angie's blog regarding the the tragedy in Haiti. You can see what she wrote and read my comments at
    God is in all the people who are racing to help.
    He is blessing us even through this terrible natural disaster.

  6. Donna,
    You are so sweet and caring. No one on this blog would think for a second that you are insensitive about the Haiti situation. I didn't know about it either until later. What a nice person you are to post this. But no need.... we respect you so much...

  7. Hi Everyone. I think we all have rebelled at one time or another. How we dealt with it is the important thing. And if we have leaned into God and keep our faith then we came through a very hard time in our life. It might have taken some of us along time or a short time. The main thing is like the fig tree we lived to be renewed again.
    It will take alot of prayers and help to lift the spirets of Haiti again. So God Bless everyone where ever you are.

  8. Donna,

    Yes I too, along with all others, of course knew the Haiti disaster happened after your Blog was filmed.

    Albeit that you filmed it before the disaster, it seemed to me that your words "God is blessing...even in the hardest of times", so appropriate at this time and it was the images of distrought persons that your blog brought to me. I was heartened by both your words and how God is using people around the world and how nations have joined together in this relief effort. Your blog spoke to that part of my feelings this morning and I hope any followers with friends or loved ones in Haiti who read your blog or anyone having it sent along to them are heartened too.

    He is blessing "always" as you said

  9. Dear Donna; I found out that one of the homes in the small town I live in B.C. Canada . That they to have a Fig tree. But they have it all wrape for the winter here. to procted it. She said they have had it for 3 years. And it has come back to be renewed again. Last year we had one of the coldest winter ever and it made. So this year is very wet. But from what I could see it will break out in the spring to tell us it is alive and ready to bloom and bare fruit again. Anyways thats what I believe.
    God Bless Everyone

  10. On a somewhat related theme I hope is good.

    The Holy Thorn which flowers at Glastonbury England, a place I had to just sit transfixed a few years back...

    Joseph of Aramethia, Jesus' uncle had copper mines in England and also returned after Jesus' crucifixtion. The story and renewal each year is quoted here and I can attest to Glastonbury Tor (Hill) and meadows being more moving spiritually than anywhere I have been.

    Of course in the hymn Jerusalem there is reference to whether Jesus may have walked there on a visit as a boy with his Uncle.

    Fig trees and the Hawthorns like The Holy Thorn) are so amazing as God renews them and us no matter what! Here's the story..

    "Joseph is said to have arrived in Glastonbury by boat over the flooded Somerset Levels. On disembarking he stuck his staff into the ground and it flowered miraculously into the Glastonbury Thorn (or Holy Thorn). This tree that only grows within a few miles of Glastonbury, that flowers twice annually, once in spring and again around Christmas time (depending on the weather), each year a sprig of thorn is cut, by the local Anglican vicar and the eldest child from St John's School, and sent to the Queen".

    He is blessing all

  11. Thank-you Jan-Michael for sharing that wonderfull story with us all.
    God Bless

  12. Its about time a Schuller talks about sin. Good Job Donna. I know I heard Robert A. Talk about how he read John Piper's books. I do feel in my heart that he wanted to talk about sin when he was in the pulpit but couldnt because of the church he was in. Keep up the Faith and the true word of God!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D