
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Growth In Peace

As I think about peace today I turn to the day's headlines which read as follows: 

Egypt Erupts in Jubilation as Mubarak Steps Down

The departure of President Hosni Mubarak was a pivotal turn in a revolt that has upended one of the Arab's world's most enduring dictatorships.
 The above headline does not emote feelings of peace and yet it was something that needed to happen in order to hopefully restore a peaceful future for Egypt.   Please continue to pray for this land and their future leaders.

Here's what Jesus says in the book of Luke 12, verses 22-28.  "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat;  or about your body;  what you will wear.  Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.  Consider the ravens:  They do not sow or reap,  they have no storeroom or barn;  yet God feeds them.  And how much more valuable you are than birds!  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?  Since you can not do this little thing, why do you worry about the rest?  Consider how the lilies grow.  They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.    If that is how God clothes the grass of the field,  which is here today and then thrown into the fire,  how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith.?"
Worry is the thief of peace yet we all spend countless hours worrying about things that never happen!
One of my favorite devotional books was written by E. Stanley Jones and is titled, "Growing Spiritually".    In one of his writings on peace he shares this:  "Growth in peace is growth in adjustment, growth in adjustment is growth in maturity of character.  Growth in peace is the acid test of growth.  Peace is not a luxury to be added to life;  it is a sign of a growing life.  Not growing in peace equals not growing in life.  The most splendid flower is the least striving.   Call it effortless assimilation.  The plant receives what is around it (sun, water, soil)  and it grows effortlessly into a beautiful flower.    
Learn to take in, it is the measure of your growth.  The tense do not take in.  They grow by expenditure of energy and struggle.  This is self-defeating!"
I have observed that many people can not thrive effortlessly because they are not in an situation where they can grow.  Like a potentially beautiful plant which is starved of water and sunlight, so is the person who is living in a toxic environment.  

Find a hobby or activity that takes you outside daily.  Pay attention to the little birds, the beautiful flowers,  or the way the leaves on a tree move in the wind.   Spend a quiet morning by yourself, if even for ten or twenty minutes.  Take time to do nothing but think (and maybe) journal. (Sometimes even journaling can become a task to be completed)   Learn to appreciate quiet solitude.  Listen to your heart.  Listen to God.   You will be amazed at what you will discover about effortless times spent alone.
Choose to surround yourself with healthy, peaceful, and positive people.   There is enough turmoil in this world without the added stress of living in an unhealthy situation.   God wants you to find peace and happiness and maybe it's time for you to be courageous and make a change so you can be all He wants you to become!
God is blessing you. 


  1. So proud of the youths who started a change, all the people who stood for what is right, the military for calmness, the Christians who linked arms to encircle and protect Muslims in prayer (picture on Angie's blog).

    Trust in God with patience; Love all others. All circumstances then will be rightly adjusted and Good.

    He is Blessing all

  2. I belielve we are here to do God's work. So if we surround ourselves with only healthy,peaceful, and positive people. And just enjoy our peace and happiness. Who will help the suffering and the negative people. Jesus suffered so for all of us . We must share our love and trust in God even if it cause us some worry Yes! solitude in prayer and seaching your soul is good. It makes you feel so good you want to share it with someone who does not know that feeling. How can we grow if we are not around people challening us to be better people.
    God Bless Everyone. Cysradill

  3. Hi Cysradill,
    Interesting point. That's the thing about writing a blog, what I write is always up for interpretation. Thank you for your comments. I meant the "living in an unhealthy situation" as just that, "living" (not serving in ministry). Two different things entirely. I have been in ministry and surrounded myself with people who are going through really tough situations for many years. I am one of them!
    Life doesn't always give us what we expect or what we think we deserve but God has a plan for everything. This being said, sometimes people can use ministry and helping others as a way to not have to look at their own painful situations. I have also done this.
    I meant no harm to anyone who is suffering. Life is full of suffering. How we handle our suffering is also important. Thank you for sharing what this blog brought up for you.
    God is blessing you. Donna

  4. Thank you J.M. Yes, love others at all times.
    God is blessing you. Donna

  5. Beautiful Donna, just beautiful!! I want to comment further in the next few days as we are out of town at a meeting and very busy. But I wanted you to know that I love this portion of your blog! I need to process everything , it touched me deeply.

  6. Dear Donna,
    That's one of my favourite passages of scripture.
    I receive a lot of comfort from it.
    I really enjoy reading your blogs.
    Thank you and God bless you.

  7. Please remember to pray for all those who have lost their lives and the families that are devestated by this most recent earthquake. Trust in God as we pray that everyone that needs are help will receive it.
    God Bless everyone Cysradill

  8. I miss all of you and the connection this blog once had. I pray you all are ok and God is blessing all of you.

    Thank-you and Bless You All

  9. cysradill, Donna seems to busy to continue regularly her blog. And maybe, Donna is writing subjects that the people are not really interested in that they do not come in here anymore to write their comments. I do not know! Blessings, Swiss Rose

  10. Thank-you Rose it was nice to hear from you and that you are ok.
    Blessing to you also

  11. Hi All!
    I miss every one of you and the great dialogue and friendship that we have developed over the past two years. We have been through and prayed through family tragedies together and also natural disasters; the latest being the terrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan. I was in formal ministry as a pastor's wife, and also a pastor myself, for 25 years. I will always be involved in ministry of some type.
    The past (almost) three years has been a very difficult time of transition for myself, Robert, and our entire family. Such is life....lots of change and not always our choice. This being said, I continue to communicate with many of you privately through my address and I love posting here when I can. I am sorry that I don't have the luxury of only being a pastor (which allowed me to write more) at this time in my life. Like many of you I have had to reinvent myself. I am presently working three businesses and many other projects to try and make ends meet. This gives me very little time to do what I love to do; ministry. The great news is that I will soon be hosting my very own television show which will start out as a show similar in format to "The View". It will be a women's health show which is being sponsored by "Great Health Works and Omega XL" out of Hollywood, Florida. Omega XL is a premium omega-3 essential fatty acid which is a natural yet powerful anti-inflamatory. It is carefully extracted from the green-lipped muscles found in some of the cleanest waters in the world located in the pristine Marlborough Sound of New Zealand.
    I have practiced nutritional coaching for over 15 years and this health show will be a perfect opportunity for me to share my beliefs and what I have learned and experienced as it applies to body, mind, spirit health. All health begins with a healthy spirit.
    God is so good and He puts people, opportunities and blessings in our lives at just the right time and for just the right reason! This new position "fell into my lap "after much prayer and searching for answers. I will be sharing more regarding when and where my show will air when I know. I begin filming on April 1 and it will be aired in various global markets.
    I am honored for the chance to represent such a great company such as Omega XL and the chance to help so many people with their painful symptoms caused by inflammation in the body which can manifest itself in any number of ways. It's more difficult to be all God meant you to be if you spend your days in constant physical pain. Look for a link and a message from me when I know and I expect all of you to write in with suggestions, comments, and support!!
    Love and God's continued blessings to you all!
    God is blessing you. Donna

  12. It's a real pity that the people remain anonumous and just get in touch with you via email, Donna. Or it gives people here, the last few months they just come online here when they have a hint to a homepage to promote themselfs or to tell how nice your subject is, but to tell there opinions, I wait for nothing. Sorry when I say, I ignore all this hints, because this blog isn't about them, it's about Donna and the subjects. - I see why it's silent on your page, Donna. - I ask me seriously why having such a nice blog and butting (you Donna) efforts to keep it alive...!!! -- Wow, that's something, Donna on TV...!!! God's blessings for it and I hope I can watch at least one episode online and it remains for a while. - God is blessing you, Swiss Rose


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D