
Friday, March 30, 2012

The Remnant

My Grandmother Dorothy was an amazing seamstress.  When I was young she made several of my doll's clothes and for all of her life she crafted about 85% of her own wardrobe until her eyesight began to fail when she was well into in her 80's.   When our now 25 year-old daughter, Christina was born Grandma made her a very colorful, small quilt made up of remnants collected from years of designing and sewing clothing.  I can still remember her wearing a dress, a jacket, or even a handbag that she fashioned using one or more of the fabrics represented here in what is definitely one my most meaningful possessions.  Lately it has given me some real food for thought. 
This quilt is a beautiful reminder of the love and creativity which lived in my grandmother's strong hands.  It is priceless to me and it measures 39" X 52".  

 "The seed will grow well, the vine will yield it's fruit, the ground will produce it's crops, and the heavens will drop their dew.  I will give all these things as an inheritance to the remnant of this people. will I save you, and you will be a blessing.  Do not be afraid, but let your hands be strong.
vs.16-...These are the things you are to do:  Speak the truth to each other, and render true and sound judgment in your courts; do not plot evil against your neighbors and do not love to swear falsely.  I hate all of this, declares the Lord."    Zechariah 8:12, 13b, 16

     Be encouraged, be brave.  A remnant can be described as a leftover, a remainder, a scrap, or a survivor of what once was.  I have also learned that it can be defined as what is left behind of a community after it survives a catastrophe.   God is gracious and he always leaves a remnant behind so we can rebuild.  
 Through death their is re-birth, which is such a great thing to ponder since we are shortly coming up to Holy Week and then Easter.   A seed is a remainder or a remnant from a plant or a flower.  Our children and grandchildren are remnants of us after we are gone from this earth.   All churches are remnants of the first church in Corinth.   My quilt is a survivor of my grandmother's work and I am a remnant of her.    

The remnant motif occurs throughout the Bible.  Natural disasters,  disease, various types of warfare and other calamities threaten God's people.  Throughout our history this has been the case.  Those who survive constitute a remnant.

"So too. at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace, then it is no longer by works;  if it were, grace would no longer be grace."     Romans 11:5,6

Remember that the grounds for the existence of grace is not good works!   Pray, trust, and be patient because the promise of Easter is real!  New life is just around the corner.

God is blessing you.  Donna

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Crystal Cathedral airs shorter Hour of Power Sunday | ministry, schuller, charles - News - The Orange County Register

Hi All,
I'm sorry that I haven't blogged about "The Remnant" yet but I will!  There's been a lot going on around here.  Check out this article that was sent to me.  Funny but I usually get these sent from others before I see them for myself!   God is blessing you.  Donna
Crystal Cathedral airs shorter Hour of Power Sunday | ministry, schuller, charles - News - The Orange County Register

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A quick note...

Hi All,
If you are local I want to encourage you to attend the Crystal Cathedral tomorrow.  Even if you are committed to another church (as am I!)  I think it is critical that we all do whatever we can to support  CEO John Charles and the current leadership.   They are going through a huge yet positive transition and they need our support.   After last Sunday I am convinced that the congregation has a very bright future.  I go to the 9:30 service so I can get to my son, Bobby's 10:30 service.   He is preaching on "Happiness" and it's been a great series!
   God is blessing you.  Donna

Monday, March 19, 2012

I reached 100 blog posts!!

Hi All,
I was just looking at my blog settings and I noticed that I have reached the 100 mark!  When I began blogging a few months after we left the Crystal Cathedral in early 2009 I never imagined I would get so much out of connecting with people in this way.  I certainly never thought I would make it even close to 100 blogs!
Thank you so much for your continued comments and support.  It has meant more to me than you will ever know.   This blog has been such an important ingredient in my healing.  
Haven kissing her little brother, Robert IV (Cohen)  Our children and grandchildren are remnants of us (hopefully) surviving after we are gone. 
I will be blogging about "The Remnant" in a day or two.  I have been holding on to this subject/idea since last fall and I now think it is time to share!
God is blessing you!  Donna

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What a Day

I just found out from a friend in Indiana that my husband, Robert A. Schuller II will be on Hour of Power Classics (re-runs) next Sunday, March 18th.   Here is the promo I was sent:     

Fall Holy Land Cruise/Adventure!!

This is from our latest trip of 2010.  Taken the last evening in front of the Western or "Wailing" Wall

 I'm posting here a link to "Travel With Spirit" which is the U.S. tour company that is organizing the Holy Land trip for my husband Robert and I.  Click on "Family Net Holy Land Cruise Tour" (it is the first link under "travel top picks")  Here you will also see a t.v. commercial by my husband.

  We would love to have you join us for the trip of a lifetime.   If any of you have traveled to the Holy Land before I welcome your comments and encouraging words for others who haven't yet experienced this amazing journey of faith, history and culture. 

 Send me a message if you have any questions.

Specific questions regarding the itinerary should be directed to the tour company which is mentioned above. 

We hope to meet you there!

God is blessing you.  Donna

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It is Spiritual To Be Happy!

I love what the late, great Norman Vincent Peale used to say, "you can't keep the birds from flying over your head but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair"!!  So very true on many levels.
We don't always have control over our circumstances and there's a lot of "poop" flying around out there.   We can keep ourselves from obsessing over negative, destructive, unhealthy situations by focusing on being productive and working on making the world a little better place to live. 

My son, Bobby has been speaking about happiness for the past few weeks in his church, "Tree Of Life".   If you go to you can listen to his messages in their entirety.   For now I will just share with you a few things that I have taken away from his last couple of sermons.
  The first week I heard Bobby say that happiness is a spiritual responsibility because how we act around others can either bring them down or lift them up.  (my last blog about a rising tide lifting all boats, etc)   I happen to agree with him.   Miserable people are hard to be around.   Up-beat people attract many and are fun to be around because their happiness is contagious!  Bobby challenged us to "fake it 'til you make it" which might seem a bit phony or contrived at first but after further thought it makes a lot of sense.  As a natural health practitioner I see too often how people can become down or even depressed  over seemingly small reasons and with that they lose interest in a lot of things that they once enjoyed.  Faulty beliefs about self and others can spawn a free-fall of self-defeating thoughts and behaviors and set one up for a cycle of despair.   On the other  hand, changing our thinking about or re framing something to where it is acceptable to us will keep us stabilized most of the time.   Exercising intentional positive thinking when  faced with ill circumstances is truly a force to be reckoned with .  You will feel better if you act better and you will feel worse if you believe that you are that too! (again, a similar thought to my blog from two weeks ago)  I am not saying to ignore your pain because pain is there to tell us that something is wrong.  You should however learn how to deal with pain properly.
 Here are a couple of things Bobby pointed out this past Sunday:
"Gratitude is closely linked to happiness"  (funny that I challenged people to write a long gratitude list two weeks works!)
"Happiness is the flourishing of the human soul...the result of virtue."
"Happiness is not,
not polar (a person is not happy or unhappy but instead less happy or more happy, with no limit in either direction)
Happiness is:
a moral obligation and
 it is available while suffering."  ( I have personally experienced this throughout my life but if you want a really great example read Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search For Meaning") 
**Most people have a set-point of happiness in their lives and even though they go through rough times now and then they will return to their 'normal' set-point once they have conquered or come through the rough patch.

In Mongolia promoting the peaceful reunification of North and South Korea
Personally I am happiest when I am traveling with my husband, when I can spend time with my grown children or my grandchildren...when I see and smell the ocean or when I am outside with nature surrounding me.   I am happy when I am conducting a workshop or seminar, working out in the gym, or when I am writing a letter, a poem, a chapter for a book, or a blog. 
  I thank God for making me a generally happy person.  When I do get down I always analyze why and try to accept my circumstances knowing that things will always turn around if I keep the faith!  I will always return to my set-point of happiness... and so will you!

God is blessing you.  Donna

The Holy Land!

I am attaching an article from Robert's recent speaking engagement at NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) in Nashville, TN.   He was the keynote for the Israeli Department of Tourism and he was also acknowledged for his many years of promoting peaceful relations and travel into the Holy Land.   He and I are planing a trip back to the Holy Land this coming October.  As soon as I have the details I will let you know.  In previous years we have flown directly to Tel Aviv and remained on solid ground visiting the many fascinating Holy sights and experiencing and learning about the country's rich and diverse cultures and history.  Due to popular demand, this time we are hosting a tour on board a cruise ship!  I am not sure what this looks like yet but as soon as I get the itinerary and details I will post them.    My husband has been leading groups to the Holy Land since 1972 so he is an excellent person to go with.  (plus we are fun too!!)  We would love to have you go with us on this trip of a lifetime!  Stay tuned for details when I get them.
God is blessing you.  Donna

1000 Christian Leaders Fete Israel Tourism At Mega Religious Broadcasters Convention

Nashville – February 20, 2012: Israel’s Minister of Tourism spoke to 1,000 Christian leaders on Sunday morning at the National Religious Broadcasters’ Convention annual Celebrate Israel breakfast. The Israel event has been a hallmark of every NRB convention for two decades, and this year the audience heard testimonies from Dr. Robert Schuller, Dr. Robert Stearns and Joseph Amaral. Each of these leaders received the Israel Ministry of Tourism’s Faithful Ambassador Award, in appreciation of their support of Christian tourism to Israel.

Grammy Award-winning country music star, Ricky Skaggs gave a performance of songs expressing his love of Israel. The American singing group, Seven, each an individual devoted to Israel’s well-being, performed a variety of Israeli music with Amick Byram singing his emblematic anthem, “You’ll Never Be The Same,” to a standing ovation. And the Celebrate Israel dancers performed a repertoire of traditional Israeli dances.
“We consider Christian visitors not mere tourists, they are our friends,” said Misezhnikov,” and we see our job of promoting tourism to Israel not as a job, but as a mission. Which is why we have newly created a Religious Tourism Department in the Ministry dedicated solely to underscoring the message that “Israel is the Holy Land with Jerusalem at its heart.”"
“Israel’s presence at the NRB convention is central to our message to American Christians that after visiting Israel ‘you will never be the same,’” said Haim Gutin, Israel Commissioner for Tourism, North and South America, and organizer of the morning event.
Chairman of Bank Hapoalim, Yair Seroussi, updated the audience on Israel’s burgeoning economy, and Danny Saadon, Vice President and General Manager, North & Central America of El Al Israel Airlines, awarded tickets to Israel to the winner of a drawing.
North America is the largest source of foreign tourism to Israel – and it is estimated that some 50% of American tourists to the country are Christian.
For more information on travel to Israel, visit