
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Crystal Cathedral airs shorter Hour of Power Sunday | ministry, schuller, charles - News - The Orange County Register

Hi All,
I'm sorry that I haven't blogged about "The Remnant" yet but I will!  There's been a lot going on around here.  Check out this article that was sent to me.  Funny but I usually get these sent from others before I see them for myself!   God is blessing you.  Donna
Crystal Cathedral airs shorter Hour of Power Sunday | ministry, schuller, charles - News - The Orange County Register


  1. We would love to hear what you have to say about "the remnant" and the future of the CC

  2. My wife & I just watched the first new Hour Of Power & really enjoyed it. We watched it on TBN which will air the full 60 mn. version. It was good to have the old hymns back with the choir & pipe organ. They had a good interview guest & Dr. Wilkes sermon was very inspirational. He even included a quote which was the title of the RAS book, When You're Down To Nothing, God Is Up To Something. If the news article is true & that Robert A. & Bobby will be guest speakers in the future, I hope they invite Donna to read the scripture on those Sundays. To sum it up, The Hour Of Power has good preaching & good music again, so we will be watching it again on Saturday evening on TBN.

  3. I also watched the Hour of Power today. I enjoyed the choir and organist also. I liked Dr. Wilkes sermon, especially when he quoted from Robert A. Schuller's book. I hope to hear RAS preach soon.

  4. Wow! I did actually watch in Toronto (Global TV @ 10AM) and it was repeated on Vision TV @ 11:30, both the full 60 minutes. How good it was to hear and see the choir singing traditional hymns, to hear the Hazelwright Organ played and see the organist happily playing that keyboard! The interview was excellent and I could see the genuine happiness and love shining from the faces of the singers.

    So both RAS and RVS will preach at CC occasionally while retaining their main duties and positions elsewhere! This seems that HE has somehow allowed the seeds of the apple that fell to sprout anew. And for me this all jives well with your remnant quilt story. All is never lost if we remain faithful to HIM at the core of our Faith and let him put HIS plans in place.

    I am so very happy to add CC Television broadcast to my Tree of Life on-line broadcast and the daily emails and blog I get from Tree of Life, as we read the Holy Bible together over this year!

    This surely has been quite a week!

    God has has Blessed us as always.

    PS I feel what started out as a "loss" has become a renewed CCM to be moved eventually, Bobby has a wonderful Ministry, Robert has ALN and Family Net TV plus Christian radio with Chris Wyatt, and Donna you have kept us all from wandering away into the desert!

  5. Hi-
    In reply to RAS or RVS guest-preaching, to my knowledge there have been no formal discussions regarding this! We will wait and see what happens.
    And, by the way, it has been all of you who have kept ME from "wandering away into the desert!" Thank you.
    With love and appreciation always, Donna

  6. I'm glad you felt our support for you and Robert through our prayers, Donna. You have also helped me to keep the faith through many circumstances with your blogs and prayers. I really missed the ministry of you and Robert when the ministry at the CC changed.
    God bless you and Robert.

  7. We just watched The Hour Of Power Easter service and really enjoyed Bobby's preaching. When was this actually recorded? It was also fun to see the video clip of past Easter guests, many of whom are no longer with us.

  8. I like so many others here have been joyous that The Hour of Power has returned to it's roots. I was so saddened when Robert was gone. And the changes in music were so disappointing. I pray for you and your family as I understand family dynamics can be troublesome sometimes. I pray for healing. I love reading your blog and have hunted for information on Robert and you. so glad to have a connection once again. Happy Easter! He is Risen! God's blessing on you and yours


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D