
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Just Be

Writer's block-"an inability to begin or continue writing for reasons other than a lack of basic skill or commitment.  Writer's block may have many or several causes. Some are essentially creative problems that originate within an author's work itself. A writer may run out of inspiration.   The writer may be greatly distracted and feel he or she may have something that needs to be done beforehand."

Writer's block has definitely affected me lately!  It's the first time I have felt this since I first began my blog in March of 2009.   I have not run out of inspiration because I believe that life and the lessons we learn from it are mostly inspiring.   I just haven't felt like articulating all that is going on in my life.   I have been distracted and very anxious feeling for a few weeks off and on.  In addition to working on my website,  entertaining thoughts of an impending move, scheduling a Holy Land trip, traveling for Global Peace Festival Foundation, and other adventures,  and maintaining and building a nutritional coaching business,  I've been putting off writing.   I just haven't felt like it!  To overcome my recent mind-set which results in a of lack of focus  I have been practicing a tested and true method for centering myself.  Over the the past week I have engaged in the following at least once a day beginning the first thing in the morning.  I am starting to feel like myself again.

Read Psalm 46:10 and then write down the words:  "Be still and know that I am God.  Be still and know that I am.  Be still and know that I.  Be still and know that.  Be still and know. Be still.  Be.

 Write those words slowly and purposefully then read what you have written several times; until you feel more relaxed.    While you are doing this engage in diaphragmatic breathing . This will help you unwind and feel less stressed.  Most of us breath too shallow all day long.  You can use this deliberate breathing technique off and on during the day.  It will help when you are feeling overwhelmed, overworked, or if you haven't had enough sleep.  Learn it and incorporate it into your busy life. Here is a link which briefly describes  some of it's benefits.

Pray, get plenty of sleep, eat good wholesome, healthy food, drink 8 glasses of water a day,  exercise at least three times a week, and cut yourself some slack.  Believe that you are just where you are supposed to be and know that you are good enough where you are, the way you are.
 God is blessing you.  Donna


  1. Luv that Breath prayer method and particularly using Psalm 46:10 saying and meditating while breathing as you suggest: Be still and know that I am God. Be still and know that I am. Be still and know that I. Be still and know that. Be still and know. Be still. Be.

    This resonates well with me as we gave my Mum last Christmas, a large framed photo of a calm sea and glorious sunrise with those words! I also had been using the following from Bill Gautiere's Soul Shepherding site:

    "In Jesus' name...not my strain"
    (To put my body into this prayer I pray it as a Breath Prayer. This helps me to engage my mind and heart with the name of Jesus and the word of God).

    !)I breathe in as I whisper or think, “In Jesus’ name…” My breathing in becomes a bodily prayer to take in, appreciate, and rely on the precious and powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    2)Then I whisper or think, “Not my strain” as I exhale. My breathing out becomes a bodily prayer to let go of my tendency to push to make things happen for myself (which generates hurry, anxiety, and anger or depression when things don’t go my way).

    3)After spending some time with this Bible-based Breath Prayer then I apply it to a situation of stress or temptation. Perhaps my finances, an event I’m leading, or a situation of conflict. I fix that situation in my mind and offer it to the Lord. Then I use my Breath Prayer: “In Jesus’ name… Not my strain.” In other words, “Jesus, I trust you and rely on you alone… Not what I can achieve or who I can please.”

    Thanks Donna for sharing and encouraging us as we struggle with life's demands, turning them into opportunities, or as someone I love says, "Turning scars into Stars"!

    God is Blessing all, always

  2. Dear Donna,
    I was pleased to read your blog. Thank you for taking the time to write to us, when you have a very busy schedule. The bible verse,"Be still and know that I am God", was my dad's favourite bible verse. I find the words very comforting and I will meditate on the verse. May God bless you in all good work that you do.

  3. Excellent advice. Just what we need in today's
    world. I love all your blogs. Mary


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D