
Monday, July 9, 2012

Guess What We Did All Day?!

An outside wall of the old city of Jerusalem

Just today we launched Robert Schuller Ministries
Robert and I spent time together as he wrote our mission statement and I helped come up with the practical listing of what we do!  A dear friend in Florida,  Lindy Roth, through her foundation, has generously made the kick-off contribution to our 501c3 and has encouraged us to ramp-up the work we have been doing since leaving the church (with walls) that we loved.
An amazing has been four years exactly since that fatal decision was made by a (mostly) family run board of directors...The choice to take Robert's position away.  That day was July 9, 2008. The downward spiral has been painful for many of you but I am convinced that God is always in the details and we know that "we are called to know God, but not his plans."
 We look forward in seeing where our projects and ministry continue to take us.
God is blessing you,  Donna


  1. Posted on the new site but to this blog site I am thinking this: While as you say "The downward spiral has been painful for many of you" I think that before one can truly jump for the sky, one has to bend our knees and while one would prefer easier ways to reach our highest achievement, most never get there from a standing start! So I just feel I have learned a lot, cried a lot but in the end, GOD has the final call and HE has led us to wait not just for a jump start but to wait, wait more, asked ready? and now I guess HE is signalling GO!

    It's going to be so wonderful, only HE knows but I believe He has prepared it all so well!

    God is Blessing all, always

  2. Thanks J.M. Once again, you are called to encourage and build hope. Thank you so much! God is blessing you, Donna

  3. JEAN-MICHAEL, which kind of church service would you admire and your heart would go for it?? – Mine a 1 1/2h service, having time for worship, lively with hands up in the air and singing loud, even my singing is not the best. Praying a lot and having a bible inspired sermon with a lot of explanation. I do not mind the explanation is taken out of the pastors life, experienced it at CC around Easter, in this kind. Or having a church with special church service events, called prayer week etc. USA, has many churches like this and Canada?? I experienced one in Los Angeles, one for every reformed christion, not dominational. My US lady friend had to sing on Ester Sunday there. Wow, my memories of this service are deep in my heart, really!!! Georgeous it was!!! – GOD we can feel everywhere, every movement we make. For this no church needed. God is blessing you!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Please try to stay on the topic and remember also that there are many who are struggling through all kinds of challenges. Let's all be kind and thoughtful with our comments please! :D