
Sunday, February 2, 2020

9 (plus) Ways to Help You Survive Flu Season

1)   Avoid sugar.  Sugar poisons white blood cells and you need those white blood cell warriors to help fight stuff off.

2)   Wash your hands with warm soap and water several times a day. Use a nail brush and scrub under your fingernails.   I have a brush on each of my sinks.  

       Drink lots of water.  Take your body weight and cut it in half and drink that number in ounces of water per day.  (example: ½ of 150 lbs. = 75 oz of H2o a day)

6)   Take 1,000 mg. of Vitamin C a day several times a day, or every hour if you are already under the weather. You'll know you've had enough when your bowels get loose.  Take 10,000 mg of vitamin D3 per day, or 50,000 per day for 3-4 days if you are already ill.  Take 20 mg of zinc per day. And....if you're not well, take 100,000 mg Vitamin A (not beta-carotene) for 4 days.   

7)   Get regular chiropractic adjustments.  Studies show that people who do, have a 200-400% boost in their immune system. 

8)   Do not get a flu shot!  If you want to read studies that have proven that flu shots are ineffective and lower your immune system for whatever flu strain the shot is not intended to help, let me know.  

9)   Get lots of sleep.  8 hours a night, or more, if you aren’t feeling well.  Say no to things you don’t have to do.  

P.S. Keep your hands away from your face.  (don't touch your eyes, nose, mouth)


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