Hi Friends!
I apologize to those who have been waiting for another video. Although I love doing them, lately the majority of my time has been spent working on re-launching my nutrition practice. As of January 1st I will be a full-time nutrition coach, helping people eat right as part of their total wellness routine! Of course I still adhere to and espouse the importance of spiritual and mental fitness also so my plans are to gradually integrate all three major aspects of our humanity into this blog. I truly believe that to separate any of one of the three mentioned above from any one of the others, is a terrible mistake. I am pretty sure that most of us know people who are so off-balanced in one of the areas of body, mind or spirit (soul) that they suffer substantially in one or more of the others. My goal is to help people become more balanced in their physical, emotional, and spiritual lives so they can be shinning lights in a sometimes dark world.
Please send me any ideas you would like to see addressed and/or ask me a question about body, mind, spirit fitness. How are you doing at balancing all three areas of your life?
This is my grand baby, Haven! She is so pure in body, mind, and spirit because she has not been polluted by the things of this world. |
Now that the major holidays are fast approaching it is more important than ever to take care of yourself. Don't wait until New Year's resolution time...make a plan now, write it down, put it in a place where can look at it everyday. Commit to it. Stress, bad eating habits, lack of exercise, and not carving out time alone to meditate and pray will take it's toll on your over-all health if you don't have an action plan!
Today my son, Bobby delivered another really good message on commitment and calling. It will be posted on his church's blog by Tuesday afternoon and I highly recommend you listen to it because it was excellent! His website is: ocgathering.com
Take care of yourself, body, mind, and spirit. Be a good example and help others do the same.
"Act as if you are someone's only role model"
God is blessing you. Donna