I know, it's been a while and I apologize for going dark on you for a spell! I wanted to make sure that those who needed to see my last post got a chance to do so thus I left it up for longer than usual in hopes that some found comfort or good feelings. I also hope it allowed for closure to what was an incredible chapter in the lives of millions of people all over the globe.
Diamante golf course on the Pacific side. The sand dunes we used to ATV in! |
My site is all about mind, body, soul health so I enjoy the freedom that allows me in talking about any or all of the three areas which make up us amazing humans. Today I want to focus on the need for respecting yourself and your loved ones enough to know when it's time for a retreat.
If you know anything about the human side of Jesus you will realize that he regularly took time to be alone, especially after surrounding himself with so many people and performing all of those miracles. He had great and healthy boundaries.
If you can't find any time off then maybe your boss is taking advantage of you (you need to learn boundaries) Or maybe it's you telling yourself that you don't need or deserve a vacation until....(fill in the blank) If you don't work and your husband/wife, or partner won't "allow" you to be alone...well, again, it probably means that you are not very emotionally healthy because you allow yourself to be talked into what others think is best for you.
The main reason that I haven't written in so long is that I needed to take some time away and so my husband and I went on a much-needed vacation right after the 4th of July. We purposely cut ourselves off from the phone and the emails but had there been an emergency people knew how to find us. We talked, laughed, golfed, worked-out, sat at the beach, read, dreamed new dreams, explored new sights, and enjoyed fantastic yet casual meals. The highlight of the trip was having our oldest daughter, Angie and her husband, Chris join us for a few days. *Anytime you can vacation with your loved-ones I encourage you to do so. It's a fun and a bonding experience. You get to learn various things about each other that you may not otherwise have the time to discover.
This was taken in a 'hidden' dinning room I discovered at La Panga Restaurant in San Jose' Del Cabo. |
People will say that they are too busy to get away, still others will say that they just can't afford it. I say...you can't afford not to!
My recent time away was relaxing but I must admit, a bit weird feeling because I didn't take my computer and I had no internet for my iphone and no phone service either. When I say "weird" I mean it made me feel disconnected, out-of-sorts, and very odd to be without all of my technology. On the other hand it gave me time to realize just how addicted I am when it comes to being wired. It gave me a chance to work on my boundaries as sometimes I fall into the trap of believing that people just can't get by without me! (or that I just can't get by without my e-devices)
"Personal boundaries are what define your
identity. They’re like the property lines around a home. This is my
property and that is not my property. This is me — what I value, am good
at, believe, need, or feel — and that is not me.
To know yourself and be secure that you
are loved is essential to all relationships and activities. The better
your boundaries of self-awareness and self-definition are
the greater your capacity to offer empathy and love to others. Good
boundaries help you to care for others because you have a stable
foundation to operate from and are not distracted or depleted by
personal insecurities or blind spots. (That’s why it’s not “selfish” or
unloving to have boundaries and “take care of yourself.”)
Okay, so
here's the deal: I know that many of you will doubt this or refuse to
do it: At the very least take a night a week to be alone with your
husband or your significant other. Picnics at the beach or at a park
are free. Make it a surprise. It will really help your relationship and it will get you out of your rut. If you are single, do it alone. Changing your routine will create new opportunities, and who knows, you might even meet someone!
If you think you cannot take the time off for a vacation, please step out in faith and schedule one anyway. Go online (there's my technology again) and find a three day discounted get-away on one of the many coupon sites. Leave Friday noon and come back late Sunday. (By the way, you should be doing this short escape at least every ten to twelve weeks) Better yet, Google a place where you've always wanted to visit and research the best time of the year to go including the best prices. Plan an entire week away. (you should be doing this every six months).
Commit to staying healthy while you're away. For tips on how to do this my daughter, Christina recently wrote a great blog addressing this challenge and you can read it
Remember-not taking care of yourself is a boundary issue.
P.S. It's summer so make sure you keep your healthy sunscreen on!
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