Hi Everyone- I've really missed communicating with all of you so here goes... my very first blog! My hope is to write to you weekly via short vignettes or devotionals where I can also keep you informed of what my husband and I have been up to. Thanks to a 27 year old son, Bobby, I will also be doing a video blog. (Yikes! ) Many of you have written and emailed that you have been worried about us. We have greatly appreciated your correspondence and especially your prayers. We are finally beginning to heal after some really rough months of wondering "why?" Once we stopped asking the wrong question and we started asking instead "what should we do now Lord?" we started seeing that God had bigger and better plans than we had ever imagined.
These days Robert has been very hard at work developing a new Christian ministry which will allow him the honor of continuing to speak inspiration and hope to the world. He will do this by once again spreading the good news of Christ on the television and on the world wide web. More to come on this very creative and new way of doing ministry when it is time.
We have also launched "The St Patrick Project". St. Patrick was known as the father of the monastic movement although he never pastored a church. He helped to rescue Western Europe from the dark ages by preserving literature and the arts of old, caring for the needy, and teaching about the love of Christ. He did all of this in a time of uncertainty and he did it all through spiritual communities. In these uncertain times there is a huge need for the spirit of this great human being to minister to lost and broken people around the world. The St Patrick Project will honor this by rallying local Christians to transform their cities through social action, the arts, and community. Every day people from different cultures and traditions will volunteer and work together to mentor kinds, paint and clean bad neighborhoods, showcase concerts for inner city teens, visit people in prisons, and care for the homeless. All of these actions will be anchored by Bobby and Hannah's ongoing faith community, "The Gathering" located in Old Town Orange, California. From there we will all continue to be the hands and the feet of Christ, serving as a model of what can be done through the love of Christ. Our hope and our goal is to reach the world with this message of "caring for the least of these".
After a long and lonely winter we are seeing the Spring! God is good and He has taken us through some dark and desolate months. We are entering a new season of our lives and it promises to be great. Our prayer is that if you are feeling lonely, down, or deserted, that you too will soon enter the Spring of your life . Until next week...
With God's continued blessings, even when we can't see or feel them, Donna
St. Patrick Project
P.O. Box 1584
Orange, CA. 92856-6584