Four generations of Robert Schuller! |
Shortly after Robert Cohen Schuller IV was born my husband and our son Bobby visited his great-grandpa, Robert Harold Schuller. I am so glad that I snapped this photo.
Robert Anthony and Robert Harold are no longer preaching at the Crystal Cathedral. Robert Vernon has been preaching there for the past ten months. The church will move it's congregation in just a few weeks, and the Hour of Power televised church service will continue from the new location. What my father-in-law started almost sixty years ago continues, although in a different way. What my husband helped build for over thirty-two years will live-on as well.
Our past and what we do for others is unchangeable. It is eternal. Like RHS always said, "anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only God can count the apples in one seed." I am so thankful to have been a part of some amazing, life-transforming seed-planting for over half of my life. The years I spent with my husband at both Rancho Capistrano and the Crystal Cathedral were some of the happiest times of my life.
It's never easy to say good-bye but as Albert Lord Tennyson wrote:
Always remember all of the great things that have been accomplished for God around the globe because one man had the courage to build a great ministry that will have positive lasting effects on society forever.I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
To keep up to date with our ministry projects and to help support our continued global efforts please go to Robert's and check back here regularly for information and encouragement. Please pray for us as we continue to reach the world for Jesus.

*Join us on May 15th ( and on the 15th of every month) at 6pm Pacific Time as we begin a new chapter in our ministry as well. We will start "The Call" which is part of our global ministry with no walls Please plan on joining us as my husband Robert and our son Bobby discuss the future plans for the ministry, including updates on our local and global mission projects. All you have to do is to call: 530-881-1300 When prompted key-in the code: 642848# You can join us any month. Same time=6pm Pacific. Same place=the convenience of your home or cell phone! Invite anyone who you think could use some mid-month encouragement, any month, every month. Same time, same easy accessibility. Join us! Contact me if you want an MP3 recording emailed to you.