Homemade Granola with NO Unhealthy Seed Oils
I am shocked that I cannot find healthy granola, even at the best "health food stores!" Mostly they are filled with either Sunflower or Safflower oils and often with soy lecithin. Don't be tricked into thinking something is healthy because it's labeled "organic" or "natural."
My son Anthony's wife, Saige Schuller, came up with a healthy, homemade alternative to store-bought granola.
As a great and satisfying breakfast, I like to put 2/3 cup of raw plain yogurt in a bowl and add 1/2 chopped apple and a few berries along with a small handful of granola. (you can substitute any fruit you want) Top the whole thing with a generous sprinkling of raw organic honey and I am loving my meal.
Here's Saige's recipe:
Mix together in a large bowl:
4 cups of sprouted GF oats
2 Tbsp cinnamon
1 TBSP natural salt
1/2 cup raw local honey
1/2 cup melted coconut oil or Irish grass-fed butter
(if you're a breast-feeding mom add 2 Tbsp brewers yeast and flax meal to support lactation and milk supply
Set oven to 300 and spread granola over parchment paper on a baking sheet. Bake for 30 mins. Let cool for 30 mins. Then get crunching!
I have all kinds of healthy recipes for your children's lunch box. (also for yours!) Contact me directly if you need help with eating healthy menus! Donna@DonnaSchuller.com
Back-to-School with Weelicious Lunches – for You and Your Children
Here are some great ideas for healthy meals for children. I got these off of ewg.org
Then comes one of the most important questions: Can I make this lunch easily the night before or during the morning madness and get myself and the kids out the door in time to catch the bus?
Fortunately, Catherine McCord of Weelicious is coming out with a new book to help you figure it all out. “Weelicious Lunches: Think Outside the Lunch Box with More than 160 Happier Meals” gives you suggestions that fit the bill for easy-to-prepare, healthy food that your children will actually enjoy eating!
While these meals are targeted for children, the best part is that they are delicious for adults, too, and will easily double as lunch for you.
Veggie Tortilla Roll-Ups (makes four)
Tortilla roll-ups (make sure they aren't filled with seed oils!) are an easy way to pack veggies and protein into lunch – and it’s easy to substitute ingredients if your kids have different food preferences. Catherine’s recipe suggestion is a delicious combination, but feel free to include goat cheese or other veggies such as shredded beets, bell peppers or sprouts. (I like to use non-grain "tortillas" which are fruit or veggie wraps..they are a bit pricey but so worth it for those who are sensitive to wheat or other grains)
½ cup hummus
- Check for seed oils in hummus. Most have sunflower oil. Make your own by using organic garbanzos, fresh organic garlic, salt, and EVOO.
2 medium carrots, peeled and grated (about 1 cup)
1 avocado, sliced
1. Spread 2 tablespoons of hummus on each tortilla, taking care to cover the edges since the hummus will act as a glue to hold the wrap together.
2. Sprinkle ¼ cup of the grated carrots along the near edge of each tortilla, and lay a fourth of the avocado slices on top of the carrots.
3. Roll up, slice in half diagonally and serve.
Whole Grain Fruit-Filled bars (makes 16)
Almost everyone loves a good soft-grain or granola bar – particularly as an afternoon snack or last-minute breakfast. But they’re pricey and often full of not-so-healthy ingredients, which is why we love this recipe to make our own. While it takes slightly more effort than picking up a box at the grocery store, these bars are significantly less expensive, healthier and just as fun to eat!Ingredients
1½ cups flour (any kind you want as long as it's unprocessed and chemical free)
1½ cups quick cooking or old-fashioned organic rolled oats
½ cup packed brown sugar
½ teaspoon salt
¾ cup (1½ sticks) cold, unsalted butter, chopped into ½-inch cubes
2 tablespoons cold water
¾ cup organic fruit preserves
parchment paper
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F.
2. In the bowl of a food processor, combine the flour, oats, brown sugar and salt. Pulse for 30 seconds.
3. Add the butter and cold water and pulse until the dough holds together when pressed.
4. Grease a 9 x 13-inch baking dish, line it with parchment paper and grease the paper.
5. Divide the dough mixture in half and press half into the prepared baking dish, using the back of a spatula to press down evenly.
6. Spread the preserves evenly on top of the dough. Sprinkle the remaining dough evenly on top of the preserves and gently press down with the back of a spatula.
7. Bake for 45 minutes or until golden brown.
8. Cool, cut into 1½ x 4-inch bars and serve.
Tip: Bars can be stored at room temperature for up to 3 days or kept refrigerated for up to a week.
De-Toxification (without nutraceutical products)
While doing my nutrition research I found this amazing list of foods that you should be eating if you want to detox for summer. The way I suggest getting all of these in one single serving is to mix them all together in your blender (make sure you have a really good one like a VitaMix or Blendtec...they are expensive but really worth it if you make breakfast with it every morning like I do!) I start out with a protein powder base and then add water and ice. Press the "juice" button and voila! My newest favorite protein powder is "Raw Meal" by Garden of Life.
1. Dandelion: Lauded for its detoxification superpowers, dandelion root cleanses the digestive tract and detoxes the liver. Rich in minerals and phytonutrients, dandelion makes the detox magic happen by relieving constipation, soothing upset or bloated stomachs and helping the body shed water weight.
2. Broccoli: Broccoli’s positive impact on our body’s ability to detox lies in its unique combination of glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiin and glucobrassicin. This special combination of phytonutrients supports the body’s detox process – enabling activation, neutralization, and elimination of unwanted contaminants. Broccoli also contains anti-inflammatory isothiocyanates, which detox the body on a genetic level.
3. Lemon: Ever wonder why we recommend starting the day with a tall glass of Barilixir? Most of the detoxification magic lies in its main ingredient: lemon. Lemons jumpstart your day – and your digestion – by releasing enzymes that help convert toxins into a water-soluble form that can be easily eliminated from the body. Bonus points for the fact that they also stimulate the liver and purify the blood. When we drink lemon first thing in the morning, it helps us balance out the acidity in the food we consume for the rest of the day.
4. Garlic: Antiviral, antiseptic and antibiotic – how could garlic not help the body get rid of unwanted toxins? Garlic’s sulphuric compounds also stimulate the liver into producing detoxification enzymes that filter the toxins that our bodies naturally create. Eat up – then brush your teeth.
5. Turmeric: The secret ingredient in our popular Massaged Kale and Chickpea Salad, turmeric has long been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory and detoxification agent in Ayurvedic medicine. It’s also been linked to revving the body’s ability to metabolize fat and lose weight.
6. Apple: An apple a day keeps the… toxins away. Loaded with fiber, vitamins, phytochemicals, terpenoids and a particularly detox-friendly flavonoid called Phlorizidin, that daily apple encourages bile production, prompting the liver to get rid of toxins like metals, food additives and pesticide residue.
7. Avocado: Ditch the chips, but load up on the guac. Glutathione-rich avocadoes detox the body by releasing bile from the gallbladder and eliminating toxins from the body. Fat is also essential during detox so that the body is able to absorb all of the vitamins and nutrients you’re consuming.
8. Grapefruit: Proven to help with weight reduction and improve insulin resistance, grapefruit may also help reduce the risk of cancer and lower triglyceride levels. Its high glutathione content also cleanses the liver.
9. Cilantro: Cilantro detoxes the body by ridding it of heavy metals. How? It’s almost magic. The chemical compounds physically bond to the toxins, which loosens them from the blood, tissues, and organs and eliminates them from the body.
10. Ginger: Ginger cleanses the body by stimulating digestion and circulation – ridding the body of waste build up in the colon and liver.
Here's a recipe for something that will help with a cough.
2 TBSP. Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
2 TBSP. water
2 TBSP. Raw, local, organic honey
1/4 tsp. Ground Ginger
1/4 tsp. Ground Cayenne (red) pepper
Mix all of the above and take a few teaspoons. It will paper your throat with heat, while it subdues your hacking. Also, consider adding two teaspoons of this completed recipe to a "hot toddy" if you aren't opposed to alcohol. I'd suggest rum or whiskey.
A Healthy Pumpkin Latte
I was so very surprised at an article I saw on one of the early mornings shows this past Monday! After all, it's still mid-August and an average of 85-90 degrees in Southern California. The discussion was on Pumpkin lattes and what percentage of people thought it was time to start making or ordering them. I can't remember the statistics but what matters most to me is the health consequences of habitually ordering drinks like this! Did you know that on average a Pumpkin latte has about 400 (empty) calories and 13 grams of fat, 8 grams of them saturated! Not to mention all the chemicals in the syrup that is commonly used...and the white sugar!
Great news! I found a healthy alternative that also tastes great. I suggest making a few days worth ahead of time so you won't be tempted to stop (you know where) on your way to or from work or the gym!. Store it in an airtight jar in your refrigerator.
Let me know if you like it and BTW, don't worry about the pumpkin residue at the bottom, "you know where" would have that too if they used real food instead of chemicals. Here's to your great health!
- 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 3 tablespoons pumpkin puree
- 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
- 2-3 drops of liquid stevia (or sweetener of choice)
- 8 ounces brewed coffee (or 1-2 shots of espresso)
- Sprinkle of cinnamon
- In a cup or saucepan, mix together almond milk and pumpkin. Cook on medium heat on the stovetop or microwave for 30-45 seconds.
- Remove from heat, stir in vanilla, spices, and sweetener, place in a cup and use a frother to foam the milk. You can also use a blender — just process for 30 seconds or until foamy.
- Pour coffee into a large mug; add the foamy milk mixture on top. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Enjoy! source.
- Thank you Brittany Mullins!
Do you want a recipe to help you avoid getting the flu?
The influenza vaccine is NOT the answer! Please do not let anyone talk you into it until you read all the evidence and decide for yourself after getting educated! There are many scientific studies which confirm this. The Cochrane Studies are one. I will post more information at a later date.
Here's what you can do:
-Take high quality garlic in capsule form. Garlic kills bacteria which cause earaches, colds, flu, etc.
Look on my "products" tab and check out DaVinci Labs to find a good one.
-Take a high quality zinc. If you don't know where to find one...look at my "products" page.
**Avoid sugar and wheat products. These created an imbalance in your gut and 80% of your immune system comes from your stomach!!
-Take a high quality vitamin D3. 2-4000mg. per day. Again, DaVinci Labs has a great one.
-Exerise regularly. People who workout five times a week have a 50% less chance of getting sick. Exercise boosts your immune system and also triggers a rise in body temperature which may kill bacteria.
Do not take the above supplements regularly unless you are feeling ill or think you may be coming down with something. Although, of course, it is always great to cook with garlic and avoid processed foods (especially during flu season).
Recipe of the week for Halloween!
A Simple Halloween Smoothie
To make the green goblin smoothie base
- 1 cup coconut milk
- 2 ripe bananas, peeled and frozen
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- 2-3 cups spinach
- 1 packet powdered stevia (optional)
- 1 teaspoon hemp seeds (to garnish)
Blend until smooth and creamy.
To make beet "blood"
- 2 beets, juiced
- Half inch knob fresh ginger, juiced (optional)
- One quarter cup maple syrup or coconut nectar (optional to create thicker "blood" consistency)
Mix ingredients in bowl by hand until thick consistency.
To serve
Place "blood" in a wide shallow bowl and dip the rim of glass to create a "bloody" effect.
Serves 1-2.
Healthier Holiday Rum Balls
One of our long-standing Christmas traditions is making rum balls together. My daughter and I spend a day at my mom's house preparing these small yet power-packed seasonal treats. I recently changed the recipe a bit to introduce healthier options to creating a tried and true favorite!
3 cups of gluten-free (chemical-free) animal cookies or grahams (or combo of both is good)
1 1/2 cup of finely chopped pecans
3 TBSP. honey
2 1/3 TBSP. unsweetened 100% powdered cocoa (I use Ghiradelli)
1 1/2 cups of "Spectrum Decadent Blend" (available at Whole Foods, Mother's or other more natural grocers)
1/2-3/4 cups of unsweetened, reduced fat, 100% organic grated coconut
3/4 cups of Myer's Dark Rum
1/4 cup organic powdered sugar
Pulse all the cookies until they are finely blended into a mix that looks a bit more course than flour. Place in a medium bowl and add the cocoa, a cup of the nuts, all but 1/4 c. of the coconut, honey, and Spectrum mix. Blend all dry ingredients until it is free of lumps. Mix in the honey and then slowly mix in the rum, making sure the consistency is just right. Blend thoroughly then cover and place in the refrigerator for about 45 mins. (you don't have to refrigerate first but it makes the rolling easier and less sticky) **Note: the mixture should neither be too runny or too dry. You might have to experiment with how much rum you add so go slow. If it does get too "wet" you can add some cocoa or any of the other dry ingredients before you refrigerate.
In a large ziplock bag add the rest of the coconut and the pecans. Add the powdered sugar. Lock the bag and shake all ingredients together.
Take the rum mixture out of the refrigerator and begin to roll small, individual, bite-size balls, placing them one by one into the ziplock and gently shaking them up, making sure they are completely covered with the dry mix. Take the balls out one by one and place in small, wax paper lined cookie tins. (I don't like to layer them because they lose their shape)
These make nice, yummy gifts and they are so easy to make! Put a bow on your tin and deliver to your favorite people. Warning: don't let under-age people get a hold of them. Also, since the rum is not cooked-off they can be slightly intoxicating if you eat too many.
Recipe for A Scorching Hot Evening and I'm Without Air Conditioning!
Salad Creation
When preparing anything make sure that you choose natural, organic, chemical and hormone-free produce, meats, fish, everything. It's not so important how much you eat but what you eat! Check out my daughter's latest info. on this by clicking here So this being said, it has been so hot here this week that I can't even think about turning on the oven or the burners! Raw food is so much better anyway so let me share a salad recipe with you. Feel free to experiment with your salads. Since I serve a salad almost every night I have learned to get very creative. If I serve a savory tasting salad a particular night then I change it up and serve a sweet one the next. Adding raisins or cranberries may sound strange but it makes for a very interesting taste.
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I grew my own organic red leaf and mesclan lettuce blends! Here is the last of it. Next up is spinach and kale! |
Wash your lettuce and pat dry. Better yet, use a salad spinner. Chop up the following any or all of the following (about a 1/4 cup each) and make your own dressing:
-chopped cucumber
-chopped almonds
-chopped green apples
-raisins or dried cranberries
- a whole sliced avocado (blend it in last and very gently)
-one cup of organic, pure, raw olive oil (I use Braggs)
-one cup of organic, pure, good balsamic vinegar
-two tablespoons of any organic, mild brown mustard (sometimes they are flavored with herbs or wine so get creative)
-one teaspoon of fresh, organic basil (or really any fresh herbs that you love)
-sea salt and pepper to taste
- 1/8 tsp. powdered stevia (sometimes I use this and sometimes not. Taste as you blend and start with a very small amount because it's potent)
Put everything except the olive oil in a small food processor and blend while you slowly add in the olive oil. It will become emulsified and sort of a brownish yellow color and it will thicken. Taste it and make sure that it is not too vinegary! If so then you can add a very small bit of healthy mayo and keep processing. Chill and serve on top of any good, organic lettuce. Note: Never over-do the dressing. Start with a few tablespoons and toss then add more if you need it. Dressing is for flavoring only. Your lettuce should not "swim" in it!
Do you want a recipe to help you avoid getting the flu?
The influenza vaccine is NOT the answer! Please do not let anyone talk you into it until you read all the evidence and decide for yourself after getting educated! There are many scientific studies which confirm this. The Cochrane Studies are one.
Here's what you can do:
-Take high quality garlic in capsule form. Garlic kills bacteria which cause earaches, colds, flu, etc.
Look on my "products" tab and check out Da Vinci Labs to find a good one. (I like to combine garlic with 1,000 mg. of Vitamin C every few hours when I am less than 100%)
-Take a high quality zinc. If you don't know where to find one...look at my "products" page.
**Avoid sugar and wheat products. These created an imbalance in your gut and 80% of your immune system comes from your stomach!!
-Take a high quality vitamin D3. 2-4000mg. per day. Again, DaVinci Labs has a great one.
-Exerise regularly. People who workout five times a week have a 50% less chance of getting sick. Exercise boosts your immune system and also triggers a rise in body temperature which may kill bacteria.
Do not take the above supplements regularly unless you are feeling ill or think you may be coming down with something. Although, of course, it is always great to cook with garlic and avoid processed foods, meats and fish that are not certified as chemical, hormone, and anti-biotic-free, (especially during flu season). Be especially careful about consuming Pacific Ocean caught fish and never eat farmed fish!
Prepare and eat soups and salads and "yes" chicken soup really is good for a cold or flu. (keep your personal plumbing moving!)
2 Easy Summer Appetizers
Fig and Goat Cheese Crackers
-One box of gluten-free crackers (make sure they aren't loaded with chemicals)
-4 fresh figs or one jar of organic fig jam or preserves
-One package or container of goat cheese
-One package of raw, organic arugula
Okay, this is really easy but your guests will love it! Takes about 5-10 mins to make. Spread the goat cheese evenly on top of the crackers and top with a small slice of fig (skin on) or a dab of fig jam. Hint: if you keep the jam in your cupboard and a package of goat cheese in the freezer all you'll need is the crackers. Place a small leaf of arugula on top of each prepared cracker for a little color and also a bit of the sweet and savory too. Note: I've never had good luck freezing crackers but please let me know if you have.
Fresh Baby Carrots and Hummus
-one package of organic baby carrots
-one tub of fresh hummus
-sprig of parsley
This is simpler than simple yet healthy, filling, and colorful. Just put your baby carrots on a chip and dip plate and fill the dip part with the hummus. Add a small piece of parsley to the top of the hummus for added color. * By the way, did you know that baby carrots aren't originally small. I learned from a grower that they found an ingenious way to use the other parts of the bigger carrots. A great way to not waste! If you're my age, now you know why we never had baby carrots when we were kids.
Cauliflower Tortillas (Paleo, GrainFree, Gluten Free) source
I must admit that I had my doubts on these but as soon as I made them they were devoured by all!!
-3/4 a head of organic cauliflower riced or 2 cups riced and packed
-2 eggs
-salt and pepper to taste
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees and line a baking dish with parchment paper.
Chop your cauliflower then place in a food processor and pulse until you have a mixture slightly finer than rice. Make sure it equals two cups, packed.
Place the cauliflower in a bowl and microwave for two minutes and stir. Microwave another two minutes and stir again. Place in a dish towel and squeeze out the water as hard as you can. Be careful not to burn your fingers!
Place drained cauliflower back in the bowl and add the two eggs, salt and pepper.
It will be slightly runny but it shouldn't be pure liquid.
Spread onto a baking sheet into 6 small fairly flat circles.
Place in the oven for 10 minutes then carefully peel them off of the parchment paper and flip them and place them back in the oven for 5-7 more minutes.
Once they're done place on a wire rack to cool a bit.
Heat a medium to large frying pan over medium heat and spray a bit of olive oil.
Place the tortillas onto the pan by pressing down slightly and brown then to your liking. (Do not skip this step because it gives them that appealing browned look and a wonderful nutty taste too.)
You can fill these with anything you like although we just scarfed them down plain and they were delicious! I'm going to try to make them with broccoli too!
Oatmeal/Banana Cookies
Raw Gluten-Free Coconut-Cacao "Cookie" Balls
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*I modified this recipe from my daughter's at beachbabefitness.com |
These balls are loaded with fiber and antioxidants as the cacao is a "superfood." You can take two or three of these as you're running out the door in the morning because they are a filling and a healthy breakfast as well!
2 cups organic old fashioned rolled oats (I use Bob's Red Mill)
2 cups raw almonds
1 cup whole ground organic flax seed meal (Bob's Red Mill)
1-1/2 cups raw organic shredded coconut
1/4-1/2 c. of vanilla protein powder (I use Unipro by Metagenics)
3 tsp. ground cinnamon
1-1/2 cups raw organic cacao nibs
2 tsp. powdered stevia
Combine all of the above dry ingredients in a food processor or a professional blender and pulse until they mix and become like flour. *You may want to hold out a half cup of each of the coconut and the cacao nibs for later to add more texture in your treats.
Dump all of the ground mixed dry ingredients into a bowl and combine with:
6-8 large organic medjool dates, pitted and finely chopped
3 TBSP. molasses
1-3/4-2 cups unsweetened coconut milk (I buy the green box from Trader Joe's) You may need a little more or a little less.
Use a pastry blender and then your hands to thoroughly mix all of the ingredients together until you can form small 1" balls. *If you held out a half cup each of the coconut and the nibs dump them into the mix and blend them in too.
Roll into 1" balls and place on a lined baking sheets. Refirgerate for at least 30 mins to an hour before consuming. You can transfer and store (as if they last that long!) in air-tight plastic storage containers.
*Modifications include eliminating the dates and the molasses if you don't want/can't have the sugar. If you do this you can double-up on the stevia
Makes about 60 balls.
Here's a recipe for a fantastic Spring salad!
Grapefruit is one of God's greatest creations. First of all it is loaded with fiber which besides helping you feel full can also regulate you (if you know what I mean!) This is good for the prevention of certain cancers. A grapefruit has a lot more fiber than one of those sugary bran muffins!
Grapefruit is rich in vitamin-A and vitamin-C which will help boost your immune system. It is also good for minimizing wrinkles and giving the skin that nice glow. There are also reports that it may help in the fight against cancer because it is loaded with lycopene the carotenoid pigment that creates the pink color found in the fruit.
Avocado and Grapefruit Salad
- 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
- 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
- 3/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 1/2 cup good olive oil
- 4 ripe Hass avocados
- 2 large red grapefruits
1. Place the mustard, lemon juice, salt, and pepper in a small bowl. Slowly whisk in the olive oil until the vinaigrette is emulsified.
2. Before serving, cut the avocados in 1/2, remove the seeds, and carefully peel off the skin. Cut each half into 4 thick slices. Toss the avocado slices in the vinaigrette to prevent them from turning brown. Use a large, sharp knife to slice the peel off the grapefruits (be sure to remove all the white pith), then cut between the membranes to release the grapefruit segments.
3. Arrange the avocado slices around the edge of a large platter. Arrange the grapefruit segments in the center. Spoon the vinaigrette on top, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and serve.
Apple Cider Vinegar Elixir written by Christina (Schuller) Sinclair
The following recipe was taken (with permission) from my daughter's blog: downtownchicsinclair.blogspot.com
I have had a bottle of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar on hand for the past 20 years. Patricia Bragg is the owner of Braggs and she is a friend. Her father, the late Dr. Paul Bragg, was a mentor to the late, Jack LaLanne. He was the one who taught him about health and wellness when Jack was just a scrawny young boy. Paul Bragg died as the result of an ocean swimming accident when he was well into his 80s!
**Stay tuned because we plan on having Patricia Bragg as a guest professor during one of our Possibility Living Telephone Classes this coming summer!
Apple Cider Vinegar is magical. Truly. If you enjoy sweet drinks, including juice, soda or sports drinks, may I suggest this healthy elixir as a replacement?
The benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar include healthy skin and hair, aides in digestion by killing harmful bacteria in the mouth and gut, boosts energy and metabolism, and is said to regulate blood sugar levels. See, I told you... magic! One draw back -- the taste! I've known about this amazing antecdote for several years now and would always power back a shot of the stuff when I felt like I was coming down with something. Over the past few months however, (sorry, I've been holding out on you!) I've concocted a wonderful way to enjoy Apple Cider Vinegar on the regular. Major plus -- it's zero calories so even someone on the strictest diet can sip this baby all day. Give it a try...
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Apple Cider Vinegar
Make sure your find yourself organic ACV -- my favorite is Bragg's. Apple Cider Vinegar is potent so to make, add just 2 tablespoons of ACV to a full glass of water (at first you may want to try just 1 tbs). Add a teaspoon stevia (or more to taste) and a bit of cinnamon or shaved ginger. For other variations, try adding cayenne pepper, lemon, honey or fruit.
PS. I've heard of people using Apple Cider Vinegar as a facial toner to promote clear skin. Has anyone tried it? Perhaps I'll give it a whirl the next time I have a breakout. Stay healthy, babes xo
Do you want a recipe to help you avoid getting the flu?
The influenza vaccine is NOT the answer! Please do not let anyone talk you into it until you read all the evidence and decide for yourself after getting educated! There are many scientific studies which confirm this. The Cochrane Studies are one. I will post more information at a later date.
Here's what you can do:
-Take high quality garlic in capsule form. Garlic kills bacteria which cause earaches, colds, flu, etc.
Look on my "products" tab and check out DaVinci Labs to find a good one.
-Take a high quality zinc. If you don't know where to find one...look at my "products" page.
**Avoid sugar and wheat products. These created an imbalance in your gut and 80% of your immune system comes from your stomach!!
-Take a high quality vitamin D3. 2-4000mg. per day. Again, DaVinci Labs has a great one.
-Exerise regularly. People who workout five times a week have a 50% less chance of getting sick. Exercise boosts your immune system and also triggers a rise in body temperature which may kill bacteria.
Do not take the above supplements regularly unless you are feeling ill or think you may be coming down with something. Although, of course, it is always great to cook with garlic and avoid processed foods (especially during flu season).
This recipe is copied from my daughter's blog "Downtown Chic Sinclair" It sounds really yummy so I wanted to share it! Compliments of Christina (Schuller) Sinclair.
Guilt-Free Milkshake
If you've got a never ending sweet tooth (like me), dieting can be a tricky battle. Heres my fix that I like to eat in between meals or as a meal replacement. Tastes like the real thing but it's actually good for you! To make, blend a hand full of ice cubes, half of a banana, a scoop full of peanut butter (or almond butter), your favorite protein powder (my favorites are Jay Robb or the vegan friendly Sun Warrior) and chocolate almond milk.
Viola! You've got a chocolate milkshake that will make even the pickiest eaters say Yummmm! The benefits of almond milk is that it's super low in calories (even compared to non-fat milk). The protein powder makes the shake a complete meal -- providing nourishment for your muscles and giving you the energy you need to go about your day.
A few additional tips:
If you're on a regular workout routine, try a shake as an after workout snack. But, if you're trying to lose weight, a large shake can replace a meal. If you're calorie conscious consider original almond milk and skipping the peanut butter.
Make sure you have a good protein powder like the ones I mentioned above -- a bad tasting protein powder will ruin the taste and a bad quality will ruin the health benefits.
Try adding a boost like aloe, greens or spirulina -- they won't affect the taste but they'll pack in some additional nutrients!
A Relaxing Christmas detoxifying bath recipe....you know you need it! This is compliments of January Olds who is the founder of January Labs, my favorite skincare line! www.januarylabs.com
The Best Ever Detox Bath Soak
October 31st, 2012• 1 cup hydrogen peroxide
• 1 cup Epsom salt
• 1 cup sea salt
• 1 cup baking soda
Add mixture to bath while water is running. Swish around in bath and let it dissolve in hot temperature. Make sure the water is hot, but not so hot that it is unbearable. Soak in bath for 20 to 30 minutes to ensure a thorough detox. It is important to drink plenty of water post-bath to replenish the body. Since your body will have released many toxins and sweat, lightheadedness may occur. It is important to get out of the bath slowly and relax afterwards.
Hummus is a Middle-Eastern spread made from cooked, mashed chickpeas (garbanzo beans) In its earliest form, "Hummus Kasa", the recipe is of medieval Egyptian origin: 'Hummus Kasa', the earliest documented recipe for something similar to modern hummus (although without garlic, and with additional spices and nuts), dates to 13th Century (CE) Egypt. Today, it is popular throughout the Middle Eat, Turkey, North Africa, Morocco, and in Middle Eastern cuisine around the globe, including California where it has taken us by storm! Hummus is rich in protein and low in sugar and it contains the right kind of fat. It is one of my favorite snack foods! Try it!
2 Cans Garbanzo Beans (aka chickpeas) Rinsed and drained
2 Cloves Garlic
3 T. Lemon Juice
1/4 C. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 C. Sesame Seeds
Place all of the ingredients in a food processor and mix thoroughly until pureed/creamy. I love to eat hummus with raw carrots or add it to the side of a salad for a great taste and texture.
Kale Pineapple Salad
Kale (also known as borecole) has always been considered a super food and fortunately people are now becoming aware of its many health benefits. This dark green to purple cruciferous veggie is power packed with many beneficial phytonutrients including vitamins A, B6, K and the minerals of copper, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus..to name a few! One of the issues with kale can be the difference in texture and taste if you are not used to it. The following recipe will help with any bitterness and finely cutting the leaves will make them easier to get used to at first. Enjoy!
One package of organic kale from Trader Joe's (or any organic) washed and chopped to 1/4 to 1/8" pieces. (I think TJ's is about 3 1/2 cups)
1 c. finely diced, very sweet. organic pineapple (save as much juice as you can) Or one can of organic, chopped pineapple (you can use the juice for the dressing)
1/4 c. sliced almonds (you can roast them in the oven for a few minutes to make them even yummier!)
1/8 c. basil finely chopped
1/2 to 2/3 c. organic pineapple juice
juice of 1/2 organic lemon
1/4 c. organic virgin olive oil
sea salt and pepper to taste
Prepare the salad as instructed above. Place in the refrigerator so it stays cold until ready to serve. Prepare the dressing and toss thoroughly. I like to make my dressings in a small food processor by adding the ingredients and pulsing until they are well-mixed and emulsified.
Serves 4-6 so use half bag of kale for fewer people. Note: It is very filling!
Legume Salad-from Trader Joe's
1-15 oz. can garbanzo beans drained
1 package TJ's lentils
1 cup organic cherry tomatoes, halved
4-5 organic green onions, chopped
1/2 c. organic parsley, chopped
juice of two good sized lemons
organic, virgin olive oil to taste
sea salt and pepper to taste
Throw all of this together in a bowl and serve. It even tastes better the second day (if it lasts that long!) If you do not have a Trader Joe's in your area then you can use 1 1/2 cups of any cooked lentils. The same goes for the garbanzos. I like to buy them organic in bulk from any natural health food market such as Whole Foods. Enjoy!
Just made the "Legume Salad-from Trader Joe's", though no TJ's here in Canada, but wow, had a spoonful to taste and we can hardly wait for lunch to have a full bowl! Think Garbomzo Beans are what we get labeled chick peas and that is what we used and seems to work well. The fresh lemon scent in our kitchen is the added bonus and I think this salad is likely to be the one we will make for our Thanksgiving side salad.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the recipe!
God is Blessing you
Jan-Michael and Elizabeth
Kale Pineapple Salad made as a family 'preserves and healthy food weekend' time. Encouraged us to get out of storage our really old applesauce kit, 12 inch wooden cone to 'smush' boiled and quartered apples so no waste and the metal sieve contraption that catches all seeds and peel as the delicious sauce oozes out the bottom! Fun to watch it ooze out and even better to enjoy, especially after the salad and main dishes for our early supper. My wife wanted more acidity to the salad or to taste more lemon, so did one extra half lemon and it brought out the extra taste that was needed for her. (I may have not put the right amount, of course, in first place as I was doing the Legume salad too for a friend's family to try or maybe my wife just needs more lemon which she loves anyway. All was great and a family effort was better than watching TV!
ReplyDeleteLove it J.M.! Kale is so good for us! Yes, the ingredients can always get tweaked a bit because we all like a little more of this and that. In fact, I never stick to a recipe 100%. This is why I always have to write them down. It usually never tastes exactly the same as it did the time before! :D
ReplyDeleteA Relaxing Christmas detoxifying bath recipe.
The Best Ever Detox Bath Soak
October 31st, 2012
My wife Elizabeth (Betty) has asked me how often it is recommended to use the detox bath? She has printed the "recipe" and shown it to our daughters and Betty's sister; all are anxious to try it.
Thanks Donna
Hi Donna
ReplyDeleteRE Do you want a recipe to help you avoid getting the flu?
DS The influenza vaccine is NOT the answer!
J-M Yes especially with my having MS, flu vaccine is definitely a NO-NO as can trigger MS worsening
High quality garlic in capsule form:
J-M Got it!
High quality zinc:
J-M Will get it though CCSVI in MS can be exacerbated by heavy metals which I remove from tap water by adding "H20 Purity" a gr8 product
Avoid sugar and wheat products:
J-M Never use sugar and stick to true whole grain breads and make bread with whole wheat flour
-Take a high quality vitamin D3. 2-4000mg. per day. Again, DaVinci Labs has a great one
J-M got it but was taking 1-4000 and will increase to 2x4000
-Exercise regularly:
J-M 2 miles a day walk program being done since Jan 12th
DS Do not take the above supplements regularly unless you are feeling ill or think you may be coming down with something. Although, of course, it is always great to cook with garlic and avoid processed foods (especially during flu season):
J-M Good advice and noted ( having thin crust home made garlic/mushroom pizza as I write Ha-ha
Luv your recipes and my wife and her friends luving occasional detox bathing, she tells me.