Hello Friends, Bobby(pastor and video dude) and Hannah went for a short vacation with her family to Florida. I was glad to see them take some time off, especially since they will be adding a little one to their family next December. After that their time will no longer be their own! In case you haven't heard, Hannah is pregnant! Yes, Robert and I are going to be grandparents! I am looking forward to keeping you informed as things progress over the next several months. I'm hoping they don't find out if it's a boy or girl. Surprises are the best!
As we approach the Memorial Day weekend here in the U.S. I am reminded of the reason for this national holiday. It doesn't matter what your political affiliation is or how you stand on the policies of war. This weekend is a time for recognizing and honoring those who gave their lives protecting us and ensuring our freedoms through their commitment to the armed services. To these men and women throughout history, I am grateful.
There is also a lot of fun to be had on this weekend of picnics and barbecues. I can remember my favorite Memorial Day celebrations, can you? For many consecutive years while Robert was pastoring Rancho Capistrano Community Church, we would have a huge all-church picnic. Our celebration was like no other as we had the beautiful 97 acre property where we staged softball games, pie and watermelon eating contests, gunny sack races, water balloon tosses, etc. I think you get the idea. A couple hundred people would gather on blankets and in beach chairs as we spent the day eating and enjoying each others company! Our children were young and it was an event for all ages. I can still taste the barbecued corn on the cob or smell the hamburgers as I remember chasing away yellow jackets and other insects who loved the sticky deserts set out for all to share. Reminiscing is fun.
I don't know what we are doing this weekend but I imagine staying home since Robert hasn't been home too much lately. Maybe we'll have a picnic or barbecue of our own. Here's the good news: creating memories doesn't have to cost a lot. The investment of time with people is the best investment you will ever make. I hope you decide to spend time with your family or friends this weekend. If I don't see my kids this weekend I'm going to call them and ask about their favorite Memorial Day. I'm betting it's one of the years we spent at Rancho Capistrano.
Wishing you a beautiful weekend and may you create many great memories to be treasured for years to come. Until next week.
First of all congratulations to
ReplyDeleteBobby and Hannah and, naturally
to the grandparents to be. This is certainly going to be a busy and happy year for you both with all that is happening.
God bless you all
Barbie M Brisbane
Many congratulations to Bobby and Hannah and to the new grandparents. This is going to be such an exciting and happy time!!!!
ReplyDeleteMany wishes for making wonderful memories on this most special weekend.
Yes!! Congratulations on the wonderful news of the soon to arrive little one!
ReplyDeleteWhile it is not Memorial Day in Canada, our eldest daughter will be married to a great guy tomorrow, so we will certainly have new memories made to cherish in the future!
Have a great long weekend remembering special times such as you wrote about.
God is surly blessing you and yours!
Hi, future Grandma; Congratulation for Bobby and Hannah and may God protect her pregnancy. - Sounds wonderful your memorial memories. Since we don't have this day in Switzerland. I have something similair for my birthday in July at our riverside with friends. Campfire! We put meat and saucages on a grill; together with patatosalade, patato chip, cookies something nice and sweet to drink. Yummy, yummy!!! We laugh together, tell us stories, like vacation experiences. This year I tell my wonderful March/April California experiences for the 1000 of time. I'm so greatful to God he leaded me again to this place and I could meet wonderful people and a special lady like, you know...!!! - Now I wish you Donna and Robert a wonderful and peaceful weekend. Enjoy your being together, you are a wonderful couple. I love you, Robert and Bobby more than I can say! May God protect your entire family. Rosemarie
ReplyDeletehi Donna.
ReplyDeleteThe best news parents can get. Enjoy the time to come. In health for Hannah and her little one.
My Sons and i are going to climb this weekend. The middle one is becoming 15 years young. So much fun and future plans this weekend for us. I am going to enjoy it as much as i can.
Greetz Jeroen
Hi Donna,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to to Bobby & Hannah and to the new grandparents!! What a joyous time for all of you! May the Good Lord shower the baby, parents & grandparents with many blessings!
Take care,
Dear Donna and Anthony,I'm so thankfull that I found your blog today.I'd like to thank Anthony for all the preaching he did (and will do) that got me through rough times.He's my pastor and I missed him a lot.Think of what you always say to us:God will get you through te valley of darkness,there's no staying in that valley.I'm glad that I can follow my shepperd again in this blog.You changed my life a lot by the way you explained and told me about the gospel.Gave me the courage and the hope when my husband and me started our own farm for disabled people.Without you we wouldn't have started it.The inspiration came from the preachings.Through this farm we can give hands an feet to our believe in God and help people that come to us..I know God loves you and will bless you and how wonderfull it is ,Donna , that you are so strong and sharing together with your husband new things to bring the gospel and hope to people again.
ReplyDeletewith lots of love
Hi Jan-Michael,
ReplyDeleteHow was the wedding??
And how does it feel to you personaly to
`give your daughter away`.
I hope indeed it was for you a day, delevering sweet memories.
greetz Jeroen
Dear Jan-Michael,
ReplyDeleteI do hope and pray that your daughter's day exceeded all of your greatest hopes! Donna
Our daughter's and new son-in-law's wedding was a wonderful day! We have a large display of tulips out front of our house each spring (about 400 blooms) but unusually warm weather of 80F/26C got too hot for tulips and required we get creative! So, in anticipation of those conditions my wife had purchased some very real looking tulips a week earlier and let the hot sun mellow the too vivid colours. They looked spectacular!
ReplyDeleteThe wedding ceremony was conducted in a peaceful, uplifting atmosphere and the happy couple are now anticipating their honeymoon later this year in California (since my wife and I had such a terrific holiday time there last Sep/Oct).
Next up, my youngest daughter gets married in August so...a few deep breaths and we start anticipating another wonderful family event!
God is blessing us all and thanks all for your kind wishes. I hope all goes well for the press release Wednesday. We are all so excited and thankful that we are going to read and hear the plans that God has surely inspired!
Dear Donna,
ReplyDeleteAs usual a great and uplifting blog. You never cease to amaze me.
Dear Donna and Robert,
ReplyDeleteWe wish you all the succes tommorow.
God is with you. As you inspired us to walk in our own shoes, we all hope to give you al the insperation you need. We love you.
Jeroen,Eli,Ilja, Ezra
ReplyDeleteYou and Robert must be beyond yourself with joy about Robby and Hanna's pregnancy. Congratulations! Now you'll have a bundle of joy to hold and love. That helps with the empty nest symdrome. My younger sister is pregnant with twins and I can't wait until they are born (6 mos.) Mary alvarez
No more waiting and Wow this news from Associated Press and Reuters is exceeding my expectations! Robert as Chairman of Comstar can now elevate positive Christian value television! More than a new Ministry alone I think this step takes the whole possitive Ministry to a new level! Anyone having a need to read the news, go to Googlr and search Robert Schuller then choose News on Google.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise ask me and I will try to post one or more news items but you should not have trouble finding it.
Thank you Jan-Michael and you are exactly right! We can never under-estimate what God is up to! This exceeds our wildest expectations too. As the details unfold you will be able to see how God has absolutely made this happen. We could never have done it alone! check out the website americanlifetv.com If you can tell others too this would be great. We need to get as many people as possible requesting that their cable company provide the network (if they don't already) I know that our international plans will be finalized soon so I am not sure what you will write to your cable or satellite provider.
ReplyDeleteLet me know. Thank you for your prayers. Donna
ReplyDeleteI just read the press release about Roberts new Ministry. What a wonderful way to reach millions of people and spread Christianity. I have been fed up with offensive TV and movies and the attitude that anything goes and anything is OK. This is just the kind of tv station I have been searching for. I can't think of a better person than Robert to lead the way through this new venue. Early on I had a feeling Robert would team up with his son in law. I will call my cable company today and will send everyone in my e-mail address book news about Robert and ask them to do the same. Perhaps others on your blog will do so also. Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!! Mary Alvarez
Donna, Robert, I'm so glad to hear all this GREAT NEWS! I hope I can watch it online too?! Because we do not have this TV-station in Switzerland. I need so much for my soul and spiritual live to hear your sermons Robert. I love you both and wish you a very successful start. My prayers and thoughts are with you always, Rosemarie
ReplyDeleteAll the websites i am providing in the netherlands will soon have a banner and link to aln. So as much people i can reach are pointed to the message that this fall Robert is again "on air".
ReplyDeleteThis week a shall contact my cabel provider too. and inform wich possibilities there are to get aln provided in the Netherlands.
I will keep you all informed.
Congratulations! What an exciting time for everyone. Hannah is so sweet and I just read the press release. I'm so happy for the both of you :)Keep the blogs coming...I miss you.
Thanks Irene. Miss you too! Donna
ReplyDeleteI too, have spread the word in Canada and also contacted my cable company. I signed up for the newsletter from ALN as well.
ReplyDeleteI looked for a place on ALN site to get their suggested wording to request ALN for my cable company but couldn't find a link so just wrote my cable company and also to ALN. I know there may be a place on ALN main page but I have an adapted screen for my MS and vision problems or maybe the site was overwhelmed with people searching their site. Anyway, I have written all people and contacts I can find!
The latest news releases and comments by readers are very positive. Of course there are skeptics but overall, great to see so many, many people happy at the great new Ministry through ALN and a program beginning in the fall!
God is blessing us all!
Thank you Michael. I will email our IT guy right now and ask him about Canada. Donna
ReplyDeleteThanks Donna and now there is a BIG section to request ALN. It is set for USA locations but allows one to write a memo as to where you are and the Cable company you use. So, hopefully the letter I wrote to my Cable Company, Rogers Communication in Toronto and the new section on ALN site that I filled out and sent will get results. I am now getting the ALN newsletter on-line so I can follow the developments as they unfold.
ReplyDeleteAgain thanks!
God is so blessing us all!