Hello from Manila, Philippines where Robert and I have been speaking at the Global Peace Convention. globalpeacefestival.org/convention/ We are enjoying a very inspirational few days while sharing ourselves and also listening to the other presenters. This morning is Sunday here and we have just been greatly inspired by the peaceful message of Archbishop Eliud Wabukala from Narobi, Kenya as he spoke at an interfaith prayer and meditation service. Yours truly was asked to go up on the platform and help lead in the singing of "Amazing Grace". Somehow the organizers got the message last year that I am the one in the family who sings(not!) I just know all the words to all the songs!! I did sing and it was special.
Right before we left to fly here I posted a photo of our son, Anthony's homecoming. Maybe you were wondering why I had nothing to say?! I actually did but my time was abruptly cut short. Last Tuesday evening Robert and I were home packing and preparing to leave for the airport when I happened to pull-up our flight itinerary. At that moment I realized that our flight left that night at 9:15 pm, NOT 12:15am, three hours later, as we had planned! It was at 7:15pm when I made the discovery, shortly after I had posted Anthony and Robert's photo!! Since we live 65 miles South of LAX airport and since Robert was showering at the time, at that point we did not expect to make our flight. We "flew" out the door just after 7:30. With the help of our daughter, Christina, who drove us, and with the assistance of some very efficient and flexible concierge service personnel at LAX, we managed to get there and check-in 45 minutes before departure, and we even checked our luggage!! And guess what? Our luggage made it too! Well, almost all of our luggage! Once we got to LAX Robert realized that he had left his suit bag with all of his business attire hanging on the back of our bedroom door. In our haste he had remembered his duffel which was filled with exercise clothes, tennis shoes, toiletries, and a case of his newly released books. Not exactly the proper attire for an opening speaker at the Global Peace Conference. (By the way we both travel really casual, especially for a 15 hour flight so those clothes on his back didn't help any!)
This entire episode brings to mind a great scripture found in Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in a man's (or woman's) heart but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." As much as we try and make things turn out according to our plan (like arriving to the airport at least two hours before an international flight departure!) sometimes things happen and we have to do our best to make it work out anyway. We also have to try to stay calm and remember that God knows what is best and if we "work like it all depends on us and pray like it all depends on God" then we will have a better chance of fulfilling our purpose for the minute, the day, the week, the year, and a for our lifetime.
As it turned out we arrived in the Philippines at 5:30 am which gave us plenty of time to shop for Robert. And in a country where Robert is considered gigantic at 6'3" and 200 pounds, it only took us a short while to find the perfect slacks, shirts and even a navy blue blazer! Once again God proved himself faithful and he provided exactly what we needed when we needed it.
A word on "Welcome Home" from last time. If Robert and myself are this excited about our son's homecoming how much more isn't our heavenly father elated when his children return to him? If there is anything keeping you from a beautiful and fulfilling relationship with our Lord I pray that the obstacles would be lifted and that you would also be able to experience His love and His "peace which passes all understanding." God is waiting to welcome you home.
God is blessing you during this holy season of Christmas. Donna
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Life Is Uncertain
"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world" John 16:33
(words of Jesus)
For the next several weeks I plan on writing and videoing about Robert's newly released book, "Leaning Into God When Life Is Pushing You Away." As of this past week it is available where they sell books across America or on amazon.com After some thought I decided that the forward alone contained a very significant life message and so I am starting there.
My husband writes that at the time he began writing this book life was fairly predictable and routine. He was the senior pastor of the worldwide church, The Crystal Cathedral and he was filling shoes that had been picked out for him long ago. He assumed that he would lead that church well into the future, at least until he reached retirement age. Then came that fateful day of July 9, 2008 when decisions were made and everything he thought of as certain and predictable came crashing down. My intention here is not to revisit what happened but rather to discuss the realities of life. "Stuff Happens" (as the bumper sticker so eloquently states!) It's how we react to the 'stuff' that can either cause us to become better, wiser people or angry, bitter people.
I am guessing that many of you (if not all of you) can think back at a time when you were going about your business living your life and "pow" in a flash things changed for you. Maybe it was a diagnosis of a serious health situation? Or perhaps it was the sudden ending of a relationship that you thought was a forever thing? Possibly it was a terrible accident that left you lost and wondering why?
I can still remember the color of the sky, feel the temperature, and smell the scents in the air, and the people present in my house when I experienced my first run-in with how uncertain life can be. At just 13 years old my mom awoke me and my 10 year old brother very early on a Saturday morning. She sat us down and through her tears she shared with us that my father had been killed in a car accident the night before. One minute he was healthy and happy, the next he was gone. He was only 40 years old. Needless to say this tragedy altered the direction of our lives forever and through my pain I had to choose between leaning into God or running away. I chose the later. I reacted to my suffering in a way Robert mentions in his book. I felt hurt and angry and I internalized that I must have done something wrong or God wouldn't have taken my dad away from me. I remember the non-stop messages that ran through my head for what seemed like years. "If only I had not been so selfish hanging out with my friends and instead spent time with him that Friday night, he wouldn't have been in the accident." Or..."Maybe he isn't really dead but he is so brain-injured that no one wants to tell me the truth." These are just a couple of the things I told myself over and over but both of these were lies because of my lack of trust in a God who loved me. I just didn't have a mature enough relationship with God to allow Him to help me through so I created more suffering for myself instead of leaning into Him as my comforter.
How many of you have had a similar response to something tragic in your life? Did you lean into God or did you(like me)run away? Consider sharing how you handled your pain and if you didn't what did you do and how have you learned to trust God and lean into Him today? My prayer and my desire is to have your stories offer hope to those in need of some encouragement. Whether or not we respond to one another isn't important. There are many people who read this that we will never know but God knows who needs a note of hope today.
We all have "stuff" happen, there's no avoiding it. When adversity strikes, and it will, we can learn from our experiences and move forward. We can become great examples of how God's unfailing love can and will get us through anything.
In your laughter and in your tears, God is blessing you, Donna
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Lean Into God
"Whether a tree falls to the South or to the North, in the place where it falls, there will it lie." Ecclesiastes 11:3b
Why would a tree fall in any particular direction when it falls? I believe this depends on the way that tree was growing or leaning when it met it's ill fate. I read this scripture and it reminds me of my own life's trials. In recent years I have learned to trust God more and to lean into Him and I have found great comfort and strength in doing so. I can also remember times in my past when I tried to run away from God which only increased my loneliness, my suffering, and my pain. The second part of the verse above says that the tree will lie in the way it falls. Sometimes we will lie for a while when we fall too and I would much rather fall into God than fall into the world and all of it's uncertainties. Which way are you leaning today? Are you growing closer to God by leaning into Him or are you leaning away from Him when life's struggles and challenges come your way? My husband has a new book which is being released on November 12, 2009. The title is: "Leaning Into God When Life Is Pushing You Away" I am currently reading this book and I enjoying it very much. I believe that this book can change your relationship with God and with others as it will help you learn how lean on Him. You will discover how to integrate past disappointments and failures into a productive, healthy, guilt and shame-free present and future. If you want to pre-order Robert's book you can go to amazon.com and in the search box under "books" just type in, "Leaning Into God..."
I am convinced that God wants us to lean into Him, especially when we are blown around and sometimes crushed by the storms of life! He will keep us stabilized when our world is full of chaos.
I have also included the Publisher's Weekly review below. Until next week, always remember that no matter what you are going through, God is blessing you. Donna
Publisher's Weekly Review
Leaning into God When Life Is Pushing You Away Robert A. Schuller with William Kruidenier. FaithWords, $22.99 (256p) ISBN 978-0-446-58098-4
Inspirational author Schuller offers readers who want to respond to adversity with, and through, faith a fine primer on pressing toward God despite pain and problems. Schuller, whose newest ministry is the television and Internet outlet ComStar Media, shares with readers the circumstances of his painful departure from leadership at the Crystal Cathedral founded by his father, Robert H. Schuller, and explains how this life-altering detour caused him to re-examine the foundations of his faith. Stronger from the experience, the author encourages fellow Christians to seek out God especially when life is darkest and confusion greatest. Readers will find solid resources: practical suggestions as well as numerous inspirational stories of real men and women who successfully faced down the giants in their lives. Schuller specifically addresses such issues as guilt, shame, regret, anxiety, disappointment and fear. In each chapter he offers fresh perspective, renewed hope and fresh faith tools for those going through hardship, as well as strong reminders that God is always present and never fails. (Nov.)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
How Big Is (your) God?

Yesterday I spent several hours at a women's event put on by "Imagine" of Newport Church Women. The day was power-packed with honest, straight-forward preaching from two amazing women. The first was the co-pastor of the Newport Church, Diana Wilson. She is awesome! The guest speaker was a world-reknown speaker, Christine Caine. She is from Newport Church's parent church, Hillsong, of Sydney, Australia. I love these Aussies for many reasons but I think the main reason their preaching resonates so strongly in my heart and soul is that it is no-nonsense preaching. No shallow platitudes, no worrying about political correctness or whether or not someone might be offended by the strength of their messages! I love it, they are so refreshing and honest! In one of Christine's messages yesterday she challenged everyone by asking the question, "how big is your God?" She went on to strongly deliver the truth that God is who He is; all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present, all-loving, never-ending....
The problem lies in who we believe that He is. So I ask you...what is the size of your God? We either honor, respect and revere him for who He is and what He is or we minimize and doubt Him. It reminds me of the quote from Tozer: "Whatever comes to your mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you." Yesterday's message gave a whole new layer to my understanding of this quote. God is everything to me so why do I sometimes doubt or lack in complete trust? One of my favorite Bible verses is found in Hebrews 11:1, "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." I read again "assurance" and "conviction". It doesn't say "maybe" or "could be" does it?!
One of the best books on prayer that I have ever read is a very small book called, "How To Get Your Prayers Answered" by a Jewish Rabbi, Irwin Katsof. This small book completely changed my prayer life during a time when I had to be reminded just how big my God really is! One of the most important things I learned from Rabbi Katsof's writings was to first see the answered prayer and then approach God with thanksgiving as if He had already answered it. I will give you an example here: Instead of, "Dear God, please be with Anthony in Papua New Guinea, surround Him with your arms of protection so that he may reach many people with your good news....."
My prayers have changed to: "Dear God, I thank you so much that you are always with Anthony wherever he goes. I have the assurance that you are protecting him and shielding him right now as he shares your good news with many people". Can you see the difference here? I went from asking (which is sometimes begging!) to believing that God is already doing what I am asking...and He is!! He is a gigantic God and He can handle everything all the time. I am going to close now as I am running off to hear another great sermon this Sunday morning. Robert, Christina and I are going to hear Bobby at "The Gathering". I hope this gave you some food for thought and remember that God is blessing you!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Back By Popular Demand! Rev. Robert A. Schuller Returns to TV
Back By Popular Demand! Rev. Robert A. Schuller Returns to TV
Click on this link and it will take you to an article just released yesterday!
Imagine my surprise when I opened my gmail account last evening and this Google alert appeared,"Robert A.Schuller...returns to t.v." Although Robert has been taping his new program in Dallas all week I had no idea that this information was to be released so I was completely surprised! Yes, things are continuing to look brighter as we get through what we had to go through (sounds like one of Robert's book titles!) This week is just another reminder that we serve a faithful God who knows what is best for us even when we can't make any sense of our situation. Please continue to pray for Robert as he uses his gift of inspiration and he shares the faith in new and exciting ways.
As I was reading and enjoying my backyard early this morning a tiny hummingbird appeared and hovered about two feet from my face right at eye level. While I studied his colorful feathers and long, sharp beak he lingered for what seemed like minutes, as if to remind me that beauty is all around me every day: I only need to look and listen for the sights and sounds of God. It brought to my mind the words of Jesus found in Matthew 6, verses 25-27 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
My prayer and wish for you is that you will slow down, take a deep breath of hope, exhale the breath of worry and despair; take note of and appreciate the natural beauty that is all around you. God is blessing you, Donna
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Waiting For New Camera!
Hi Everyone,
I did not forget about my blog and about all of you! That's not the case but what is true is that Bobby bought his first house so he and Hannah have been moving, putting things away, and working on the yard. With their full-time ministry that leaves little time for video taping ME!! Meanwhile I went online and ordered a "Minnow" which is a very basic, and very small, high definition video camera. I am hoping to receive it today and when I do I will set it up and do my own video. I won't know how to do the back round music or any edits so you will have to grow through this next stage of blogging with me.
I do have two great things to report. First of all, Robert begins taping his new program, "Everyday Life" next Monday. We are all looking forward to an air date in the next couple of months. American Life Television (americanlifetv.com) continues to expand it's coverage nationwide so hopefully most of you will be able to watch the program. If not, go online or write your provider and request it in your area. Very soon a very sophisticated partner internet site will launch so no worries, you will be able to pick it up there as well. The second exciting thing is this: Robert's 15th book, "Leaning Into God When Life Is Pushing You Away" will be out in bookstores in November. You can go online now and pre-order it at a discounted rate. Go to amazon.com and write "Leaning Into God" in the search window.
During my morning devotions I was reading E.Stanley Jones, "Growing Spirtitually." The lesson today was on Self-Control in speech. Refering to the book of James, Chapter 3, Dr. Jones shared the importance of controlling the tongue and the words that come out of our mouths. At the center of the lesson he highlighted these three things: impulse, consideration, and speech. Too many of us jump from impulse to speech and forget the consideration part. I know I have been guilty of this many times! Before you send that letter or email, sleep on it and think about the words you have written. Does it serve your motivation to create a constructive outcome? Does it encourage with honesty and directness but also patience and love? I want to leave you with this word from James verse 5: "...the tongue is a small part of the body but it makes great boasts." 6b: "it (can) corrupt the whole person, set the whole course of his (or her) life on fire." 9:
My prayer for you today is that you would use your words to encourage, motivate and praise. God is blessing you.
I did not forget about my blog and about all of you! That's not the case but what is true is that Bobby bought his first house so he and Hannah have been moving, putting things away, and working on the yard. With their full-time ministry that leaves little time for video taping ME!! Meanwhile I went online and ordered a "Minnow" which is a very basic, and very small, high definition video camera. I am hoping to receive it today and when I do I will set it up and do my own video. I won't know how to do the back round music or any edits so you will have to grow through this next stage of blogging with me.
I do have two great things to report. First of all, Robert begins taping his new program, "Everyday Life" next Monday. We are all looking forward to an air date in the next couple of months. American Life Television (americanlifetv.com) continues to expand it's coverage nationwide so hopefully most of you will be able to watch the program. If not, go online or write your provider and request it in your area. Very soon a very sophisticated partner internet site will launch so no worries, you will be able to pick it up there as well. The second exciting thing is this: Robert's 15th book, "Leaning Into God When Life Is Pushing You Away" will be out in bookstores in November. You can go online now and pre-order it at a discounted rate. Go to amazon.com and write "Leaning Into God" in the search window.
During my morning devotions I was reading E.Stanley Jones, "Growing Spirtitually." The lesson today was on Self-Control in speech. Refering to the book of James, Chapter 3, Dr. Jones shared the importance of controlling the tongue and the words that come out of our mouths. At the center of the lesson he highlighted these three things: impulse, consideration, and speech. Too many of us jump from impulse to speech and forget the consideration part. I know I have been guilty of this many times! Before you send that letter or email, sleep on it and think about the words you have written. Does it serve your motivation to create a constructive outcome? Does it encourage with honesty and directness but also patience and love? I want to leave you with this word from James verse 5: "...the tongue is a small part of the body but it makes great boasts." 6b: "it (can) corrupt the whole person, set the whole course of his (or her) life on fire." 9:
My prayer for you today is that you would use your words to encourage, motivate and praise. God is blessing you.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Free People, Free People

This is a statement that was made several times by many speakers over two days and sixteen hours of learning, praying, worshiping, confessing, and releasing. Robert and I have been back since Saturday but it took a while to recover from a rather heavy healing seminar that we attended at Gateway Church in Dallas. We were invited by our daughter, Angie. She is a pastor there and more specifically she is a staff member and a leader of "Freedom Ministies". They do an incredible job facilitating God's ability to "free" both lay persons and those in professional ministry. It was a lot to take-in but I believe one more necessary element in helping us heal from our past so that we may continue to grow into more mature and whole (free) persons.
You can read in Isaiah 43:16-21 that Judah is called upon to forget when she struggled to become a nation among nations. Through the process of their former captivity and return, a new thing was happening.
It is necessary to heal from our past by acknowledging it (not denying it was) but don't dwell on it or live in it!
Regret is the past crippling the future.
If a person constantly reviews the "what ifs" in their lives, they will never move forward into the future and receive what God has for them. Regret means to be disappointed, unhappy; look back upon; be disturbed over; kick oneself; or to experience dissatisfaction. We must press into the future and that means moving beyond regrets that are in our lives. The apostle Paul tell us in Phillipians 3:13-15 "Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Therefore let us, as many as are mature have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you."
God wants you to be FREE!
He is blessing you! Donna
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Robert's message from Sunday

Hi Everyone!
Robert's message will be posted on The Gathering blog very soon. Bobby was two weeks behind in his posting since he has been in the middle of two moves! One was his office and the other was his home! He now has both of his last two messages posted and his dad's (Robert's) will be up soon. The address is: ocgathering.blogspot.com God is blessing you, Donna
Monday, August 10, 2009
Why Pain?

It's Monday morning and I am just getting around to writing! It's been a very busy last week! Yesterday our youngest daughter Christina and I threw a bridal shower for her best friend. Like most important celebrations, it took days to prepare everything and in what feels like an instant, it is behind us! What an honor to assist Christina in such a fun day for her best friend!
Another great thing took place yesterday. My husband Robert was the guest speaker in Bobby's church and it was the first time he had preached in the United States since last fall. The topic of his sermon was pain; an experience very familiar to him over the past year. As people on planet earth we cannot avoid pain: physical, mental, spiritual. The Bible and our faith doesn't' promise the absence of pain, in fact it teaches us just the opposite. Reading through the Sermon on The Mount Robert reminded us of Jesus' very important message regarding "the poor in spirit, those who morn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and the persecuted." Many of the experiences that Jesus mentions in his most significant words ever shared refer to things that are painful to go through. His assurances of what happens to us as a result of getting through these rough times are what we need to focus on. During the reading of the scripture yesterday I pulled out the small pocket Bible that I carry in my purse. I admit that it was hard to follow along as the translation I carry with me is "The Message". Later in the day I read aloud to Robert the explanation that The Message translation gives the words in the Sermon On The Mount. I found them quite helpful in understanding in the vernacular what Jesus was saying in his day and to his culture. Here they are:
"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule. You're blessed when you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One who is most dear to you. You're blessed when you're content with just who you are-no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves owners of everything that can't be bought. You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat. You're blessed when you care. At the moment of being 'care-full" you find yourself being cared for. You're blessed when you get your inside world-your mind and heart-put right. Then you can see God in the outside world. You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family. You're blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God's kingdom. Not only that-count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens-give a cheer-even! for though they don't like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble." Matthew 5:3-11 (The Message)
Yes, two thousand years ago Jesus shared with us that pain and suffering is unavoidable. I guess the real issue is "what are we going to do with our pain?" Feel free to share and start some conversation here on this blog. Also, check with The Gathering blog in the next few days and you will be able to see Robert's sermon. Hopefully it will help you as you deal with the real and sometimes very painful experiences we all face in this life on earth. Here is his blog website: Ocgathering.blogspot.com
Until next time. God is blessing you! Donna
Sermon on The Mount,
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Transformed and Renewed
Last week you saw me in the American Legion Hall; a building which is transformed into a beautiful, spiritual setting each Sunday by a group of volunteers. Each helper knows the goal and can clearly see the changes as the sights, smells, and symbols of The Gathering come alive by the time the service starts at eleven o'clock. How beautiful to witness this physical transformation and the fruits of the labor involved! Although this physical change in form and appearance takes a lot of work it brings to my mind an even greater and more difficult kind of change. It is a change which can not be physically seen.
The Bible teaches us to "be transformed by the renewing of your mind". I believe this self-transformation requires time spent in self-reflection and the willingness to grow and develop into all we can be with God's help. The heart of this kind of change has little to do with what's on the outside but everything to do with what's on the inside. Even mentioning this is a frightening thought for some because most of us don't want to change anything we're doing but we do want to change others!
If you've read my profile or if you know me at all you will recognize that I am an energetic person who prefers outside activities over sitting down with a book, reading a devotional, or spending much time in self-reflection. To me I would rather work it all out in the gym, on the volleyball court, the hiking trail, or the tennis court. I share this with you because sitting down quietly and searching for answers in solitude does not come naturally for me. I know this about myself and it has taken a daily morning routine to help me connect with God in a peaceful and meaningful way. I find it necessary for my mental and spiritual well-being to begin each day with a thirty minute quiet time outside in my backyard. I read and I enjoy the sights and sounds of nature before I face whatever the day has in store for me. This ritual has helped me stay centered and focused on the message God has for me regarding myself and others and I am committed to it.
I read and answer a lot of emails and letters and I have prayed for the many physical, emotional and spiritual challenges that people face. Some are very stress-filled, hopeless, and filled with discouragement. For those of you facing these daily trials my hope and prayer for you is that as you begin your day you would remember to ask God for new life and strength as you face each situation. Take time to wait and listen to God's answers as you pray for personal transformation and renewal. Find a trusted friend to help you if you find this too difficult a task. You might even need to seek professional counseling.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen in eternal." 2 Cor 4:16-18 NIV
Remember to keep your eyes focused on what is unseen including all of your hopes and dreams for a great future.
Until next week, remember that God IS blessing you!
The Bible teaches us to "be transformed by the renewing of your mind". I believe this self-transformation requires time spent in self-reflection and the willingness to grow and develop into all we can be with God's help. The heart of this kind of change has little to do with what's on the outside but everything to do with what's on the inside. Even mentioning this is a frightening thought for some because most of us don't want to change anything we're doing but we do want to change others!
If you've read my profile or if you know me at all you will recognize that I am an energetic person who prefers outside activities over sitting down with a book, reading a devotional, or spending much time in self-reflection. To me I would rather work it all out in the gym, on the volleyball court, the hiking trail, or the tennis court. I share this with you because sitting down quietly and searching for answers in solitude does not come naturally for me. I know this about myself and it has taken a daily morning routine to help me connect with God in a peaceful and meaningful way. I find it necessary for my mental and spiritual well-being to begin each day with a thirty minute quiet time outside in my backyard. I read and I enjoy the sights and sounds of nature before I face whatever the day has in store for me. This ritual has helped me stay centered and focused on the message God has for me regarding myself and others and I am committed to it.
I read and answer a lot of emails and letters and I have prayed for the many physical, emotional and spiritual challenges that people face. Some are very stress-filled, hopeless, and filled with discouragement. For those of you facing these daily trials my hope and prayer for you is that as you begin your day you would remember to ask God for new life and strength as you face each situation. Take time to wait and listen to God's answers as you pray for personal transformation and renewal. Find a trusted friend to help you if you find this too difficult a task. You might even need to seek professional counseling.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen in eternal." 2 Cor 4:16-18 NIV
Remember to keep your eyes focused on what is unseen including all of your hopes and dreams for a great future.
Until next week, remember that God IS blessing you!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hi All,
I am sorry that I didn't post anything last Friday. Several things came up all at once and I was feeling overwhelmed so I decided to take a week off from writing or doing a video. I hope you don't mind.
Last Friday Robert and I attended a going away party for The Poit family. It was hosted by some very good friends Jim and Ramona Case at their lovely home in Fullerton. It was an emotional event because Jim and Linda Poit came all the way from Michigan to work with Robert and I at the Crystal Cathedral right after my husband was installed as the senior pastor in 2006. Jim was the Executive Pastor and Linda worked in the education department under Robert's sister. Shortly after we left they were both let go. Wrapped up in saying good-bye to them is yet another reminder that our dreams of building the church through a great future have vanished. A very difficult thing to accept, even now, nearly a year later.
Saturday was the 4th of July and most of our kids were here. Christina came down from Hermosa Beach. Anthony still lives here until tomorrow and Bobby and Hannah are staying with us until their escrow closes on their new home in Orange. Only Angie and Chris were missing. We had a nice day at the beach and then watched the fireworks as they exploded alongside the reflection of a full moon over the Pacific Ocean. A day of taking stock of our freedom and independence enjoyed in this great nation.
Sunday Robert and I went to church and then that evening we officiated a memorial service that took place on a boat out of Newport Harbor here in South Orange County. The service was for Joseph Purcilly, USMC retired major; a great patriot and also a friend. I grew up with his daughter, D'Anne and she and I are still friends today. It was a very touching service and appropriately held on July 5. I lost my dad when I was just thirteen so in many ways it is surreal for me to experience so many of my friends now losing their dads to illness and old age. Time and again I ask myself if it is more difficult to lose someone suddenly when they are young or if it is worse to lose them to an illness as they get older. I have spent many hours pondering this question and I have not come up with an answer yet. Part of me says you love people more with every passing day, therefore it is more difficult to lose them as time goes on. Another way I think has to do with the tragedy of losing a young person. How unfair it seems. The whys and the what ifs that our mind tricks us into thinking about. It's a reminder that we need to appreciate each and every day and we need to tell our loved ones that we love them every day. Each day is truly a gift from God.
Monday, at the crack of dawn I left on an airplane bound for NYC. I used some of my airline miles and accompanied our daughter Christina to New York. She had an audition for a television show and I felt honored that my twenty-three year old wanted her mom along instead of another friend. She told me they would distract her from her work (which they would have!) We had a great two days together.
Today I am planning a going away party for our youngest, Anthony. He leaves for Australia tomorrow where he will be completing a program with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for three months and then another two and a half month mission trip somewhere else on the globe (to be determined when he completes the program) This is a very difficult time for me although I am thrilled for his opportunity and for his gracious and wonderful heart in desiring to serve God this way. He is our youngest and I will miss him terribly!
I decided to share some of myself with all of you in hopes that you can pray for our family as we are still adjusting to our new roles. We did the same thing for so many years. We served many of you and another holiday without our church is another reminder that so much is lost but there is so much to be grateful for and to look forward to. I am coming to grips with "good-bye" and I don't think it's ever easy.
"As they were walking along the road a man said to him, "I will follow you wherever you go." Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the son of Man has no place to lay his head." He said to another man, "Follow me." But the man replied, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father." Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." Still another said, "I will follow you Lord; but first let me go back and say good-bye to my family." Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of heaven." Luke 9:57-62
Wishing you the peace and understanding of God when you go through your trials and temptations. Keep looking forward, keep looking up. Your friend in Christ, Donna
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Video coming shortly!

Anthony and I in Israel 2008
Hello friends,
It's Friday night and my video has been shot but Bobby has to complete it for posting tomorrow. He is putting together a montage from the first Sunday service last week in our new location.
We have also been working on putting together three new projects for the St. Patrick Project and I will announce these efforts in the next week or two. One thing we are doing is sending a couple of missionaries to Australia next month where they will train with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) for three months. Once they have completed their service in Australia they will continue in another assigned country for an additional 2-3 months. Their names are Alexis Leavitt and Anthony Schuller (our youngest son shown above!) Please pray for these young people as they dedicate the next 5-6 months to helping others and sharing the good news of the love of Jesus. These two young people have been raising the money required for this incredible assignment over the past few months. If you would like to support them you can send your tax deductible donation to St. Patrick Project at P.O. Box 1584 Orange, CA. 92856-6584. Please put a sticky note on your check stating that this is for either Anthony, Alexis, or both.
I can't wait to share another message with you tomorrow.
Moving forward with God or as another friend always says, "onward and upward"
Remember that He is blessing YOU!! Donna
Saturday, June 13, 2009
New Beginnings!
Just a day now and The Gathering and it's pastor, our son Bobby, will be in their new home on South Lemon Street in Old Town Orange, California. If anyone had told me just one year ago that Robert would no longer be at the Crystal Cathedral and that Bobby would be right behind his dad in his exit, I would have said "no way!" After all, we were all committed for many, many years to come! Interesting how change can come into our lives so suddenly and so unexpectedly. As you read this I bet you can think of a time when you were taken off guard and you ended up having to make significant and uncomfortable changes in your own life. In fact, you can probably think of this happening more than a couple of times. I know I can. We can and will be blown around by the winds of change. Sometimes we might even feel like we are about to be blown to bits in hurricane or tornado force winds. When we feel this way we need to take cover quickly! Hopefully we know where our shelter waits and we always take refuge there. If we can remember to run to the loving arms of Jesus and hide in his presence until the storm passes, our comfort will come from knowing that through faith in God we can survive anything.
Yes, change is difficult and we may have to experience the shock and disappointment of having our dreams shattered, or our relationships broken. Here's the great news... once we allow God to begin the healing process we become open to using the lessons learned through our pain. We can see that God provides justification through it all and just as He has promised, "All things work together for good to those who love God and who have been called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28
Thank you for continuing to pray for Bobby, his wife Hannah, and their unborn child as they lead their church through the doors of a new beginning! I also pray for you that you would see the opportunities in your new beginnings, whatever they might be!
Until then, remember, God is blessing you, Donna
Friday, June 5, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
American Life Television Network!
I have had several inquiries as to how to get ALN. We are currently on cable and continuing to build our subscription base. To inquire please log-on to americanlifetv.com On the right side of the screen you will see "click here to request ALN in your area" Once you enter your zipcode and then click on "search" a drop-down menu with your possible providers will appear. From there it takes another 30 secs to complete the form to be sent directly to the cable company! Please also encourage your family and friends to do the same. The more letters the better! Donna
I have had several inquiries as to how to get ALN. We are currently on cable and continuing to build our subscription base. To inquire please log-on to americanlifetv.com On the right side of the screen you will see "click here to request ALN in your area" Once you enter your zipcode and then click on "search" a drop-down menu with your possible providers will appear. From there it takes another 30 secs to complete the form to be sent directly to the cable company! Please also encourage your family and friends to do the same. The more letters the better! Donna
Friday, May 22, 2009
Remembering Memorial Day

Hello Friends, Bobby(pastor and video dude) and Hannah went for a short vacation with her family to Florida. I was glad to see them take some time off, especially since they will be adding a little one to their family next December. After that their time will no longer be their own! In case you haven't heard, Hannah is pregnant! Yes, Robert and I are going to be grandparents! I am looking forward to keeping you informed as things progress over the next several months. I'm hoping they don't find out if it's a boy or girl. Surprises are the best!
As we approach the Memorial Day weekend here in the U.S. I am reminded of the reason for this national holiday. It doesn't matter what your political affiliation is or how you stand on the policies of war. This weekend is a time for recognizing and honoring those who gave their lives protecting us and ensuring our freedoms through their commitment to the armed services. To these men and women throughout history, I am grateful.
There is also a lot of fun to be had on this weekend of picnics and barbecues. I can remember my favorite Memorial Day celebrations, can you? For many consecutive years while Robert was pastoring Rancho Capistrano Community Church, we would have a huge all-church picnic. Our celebration was like no other as we had the beautiful 97 acre property where we staged softball games, pie and watermelon eating contests, gunny sack races, water balloon tosses, etc. I think you get the idea. A couple hundred people would gather on blankets and in beach chairs as we spent the day eating and enjoying each others company! Our children were young and it was an event for all ages. I can still taste the barbecued corn on the cob or smell the hamburgers as I remember chasing away yellow jackets and other insects who loved the sticky deserts set out for all to share. Reminiscing is fun.
I don't know what we are doing this weekend but I imagine staying home since Robert hasn't been home too much lately. Maybe we'll have a picnic or barbecue of our own. Here's the good news: creating memories doesn't have to cost a lot. The investment of time with people is the best investment you will ever make. I hope you decide to spend time with your family or friends this weekend. If I don't see my kids this weekend I'm going to call them and ask about their favorite Memorial Day. I'm betting it's one of the years we spent at Rancho Capistrano.
Wishing you a beautiful weekend and may you create many great memories to be treasured for years to come. Until next week.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Waiting Again!
Hello to all my faithful bloggers! I just wanted to let you know that the press release for Robert's new project will come out after the Memorial Day weekend here in the U.S. The date for this exciting news is set for Wednesday, May 27th. God is blessing you! Donna
**Addendum written just now on June 9, 2014. For some reason many of you are finding and looking at this brief post from the Spring of 2009. That's five years ago so I am curious as to what is bringing you here. Can you please post a question for me below so I can find out! This is one of my shortest writings ever and there is no real content as I waited for a press release which did come out as planned. Thank you. God is blessing you. Donna
**Addendum written just now on June 9, 2014. For some reason many of you are finding and looking at this brief post from the Spring of 2009. That's five years ago so I am curious as to what is bringing you here. Can you please post a question for me below so I can find out! This is one of my shortest writings ever and there is no real content as I waited for a press release which did come out as planned. Thank you. God is blessing you. Donna
Friday, May 15, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Waiting, waiting, waiting! How much time do we all spend waiting?
Maybe you have heard that we should "not be anxious for anything but through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" Some of you will know that this is a Bible verse found in the new testament book of Philippians, Chapter 4, verse 6. If you're anything like me maybe you also find that sometimes this is a tough thing to do!
It seems like life is sometimes full of delays. I'm sure you have probably experienced some kind of waiting lately, one of those "adventures" supposed to build patience!
I had two of those incidences just today. First of all I went to the airport to pick up my husband, Robert, and his plane was forty minutes late. As is common at most airports these days I wasn't allowed to pull up to the curb and wait and I was too cheap to pay for parking. So, what to do? I ended up exiting the airport maneuvering to about a block away where I managed to find a free parking spot in a small office complex. From there, windows rolled down, light breeze on my face, I had the enjoyment of watching the planes take-off and land. Let me explain that airports hold a special place in my heart. My dad was a commercial airline pilot so I have very fond memories of not only watching jets take-off and land but also actually siting with him in the cockpit during flight. I also spent eight years as a flight attendant in my twenties. But today I sat grounded, windows down, my little Maltese dog on my lap (yes I've turned into one of those who takes their dog in the car with them!) Of course I was disappointed that Robert's flight was late as I was very anxious to see him. Never the less his delay provided me a memorable experience. I was able to stop all the busyness and actually think! For twenty minutes I reflected on the past, enjoyed the present moment, and dreamt of the future. By the time I drove up to greet Robert I was completely relaxed and thankful for his delay.
Next waiting game I played today has to do with my video blog. My videographer, Bobby, dedicated a few hours to me yesterday and we had a lot of fun taping my next two videos. The only challenge was he only had a few hours last night to edit and post one. He left for an all-day educational meeting today with a new web designer that is helping him design our new St. Patrick Project website. He called to let me know that he didn't get my video posted yet and probably won't until at least tomorrow. I hope you all don't mind but I am once again writing.
What's the point here? I think it's just that things don't always go the way we planned. However, when your best-laid plans come undone find something productive or worthwhile to do during your delays. Take a walk this weekend. Read a book. Smell the flowers of Spring! There is a lot to thank God for!
Happy the person, and happy they alone,
Who can call today their own,
They who, secure within, can say,
"Tommorrow, do thy worst, for I have lived today" John Dryden
Until next time, God IS blessing you! Donna
Friday, April 10, 2009
It's Not Over!

It's Good Friday. No video today....I've "gone dark" since my videographer (Bobby) isn't available. Although it wasn't planned, I think the darkness is appropriate since this morning represents a dark time in history. It's the morning that Jesus Christ was dragged from his overnight prison cell, mocked, beaten, tortured, paraded throughout Jerusalem, and finally crucified between two thieves. On this day Jesus not only felt terrible physical pain but he also experienced the deep emotional pain of abandonment. As he was nearing death he cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" He ultimately surrendered to God the father and then he died.
Try to imagine how Jesus felt; alone, afraid, uncertain, defeated, deceived. Many who he had grown to know and love had turned their backs on him. From beginning to the bitter end of that tragic day, he suffered a terrible and very painful way to die. All hope had been destroyed that Friday for the people who had followed him and who expected and believed that he would save them from the ills of society. Those followers certainly would not have given this day the name "Good Friday". There was nothing good about it. It was over....or was it?
Now, nearly two thousand years later we know why we call it "Good" Friday. We know the outcome of the story. Jesus Christ conquered death by rising from the dead three days after suffering death by crucifixion. The stone was rolled away from the burial spot and the tomb was empty! He did this so he God could provide a means to allow people to be forgiven of their shortcomings (sins). So that all who believe in him as their lord and savior will have eternal life. This is the celebration of Easter morning!
Today you might be feeling alone or afraid. Maybe you are grieving or maybe you are enduring great physical pain or hardship. Perhaps you also feel abandoned. The outcome of your personal story is not yet known. If you are feeling down or even hopeless remember that all hope was gone on the day that Jesus died. More importantly remember that on Easter morning he rose from the dead and on that day hope was reborn. Christ continues to live in your heart if you accept and believe in him. He will assist you in overcoming anything if you allow and ask him to help. Pray, have faith and hope. Believe. "He has risen, He has risen indeed." Happy Easter! May you experience His love in a renewed way this year. Until next week... Donna
Friday, April 3, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009

Hi Everyone- I've really missed communicating with all of you so here goes... my very first blog! My hope is to write to you weekly via short vignettes or devotionals where I can also keep you informed of what my husband and I have been up to. Thanks to a 27 year old son, Bobby, I will also be doing a video blog. (Yikes! ) Many of you have written and emailed that you have been worried about us. We have greatly appreciated your correspondence and especially your prayers. We are finally beginning to heal after some really rough months of wondering "why?" Once we stopped asking the wrong question and we started asking instead "what should we do now Lord?" we started seeing that God had bigger and better plans than we had ever imagined.
These days Robert has been very hard at work developing a new Christian ministry which will allow him the honor of continuing to speak inspiration and hope to the world. He will do this by once again spreading the good news of Christ on the television and on the world wide web. More to come on this very creative and new way of doing ministry when it is time.
We have also launched "The St Patrick Project". St. Patrick was known as the father of the monastic movement although he never pastored a church. He helped to rescue Western Europe from the dark ages by preserving literature and the arts of old, caring for the needy, and teaching about the love of Christ. He did all of this in a time of uncertainty and he did it all through spiritual communities. In these uncertain times there is a huge need for the spirit of this great human being to minister to lost and broken people around the world. The St Patrick Project will honor this by rallying local Christians to transform their cities through social action, the arts, and community. Every day people from different cultures and traditions will volunteer and work together to mentor kinds, paint and clean bad neighborhoods, showcase concerts for inner city teens, visit people in prisons, and care for the homeless. All of these actions will be anchored by Bobby and Hannah's ongoing faith community, "The Gathering" located in Old Town Orange, California. From there we will all continue to be the hands and the feet of Christ, serving as a model of what can be done through the love of Christ. Our hope and our goal is to reach the world with this message of "caring for the least of these".
After a long and lonely winter we are seeing the Spring! God is good and He has taken us through some dark and desolate months. We are entering a new season of our lives and it promises to be great. Our prayer is that if you are feeling lonely, down, or deserted, that you too will soon enter the Spring of your life . Until next week...
With God's continued blessings, even when we can't see or feel them, Donna
St. Patrick Project
P.O. Box 1584
Orange, CA. 92856-6584
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